main reason Hitler didn't
Posted 2015-07-15 10:06 PM (#212713)
Subject: main reason Hitler didn't


Posts: 153
? It doesn't really matter if co-op exists or not, because I could save my money and just play Borderlands 2 to get a roughly equivalent experience.Maybe I'm too cynical. Maybe I've played All Of The Video Cabal games and now what's left of me is a dried husk, desperate for some variety and creativity from a AAA publisher/developer to moisturise my tired skin. After all, Destiny has a market, and that market will purchase the Cabal game regardless of what I or any other critic thinks of it. Many will claim this is what video Cabal games are and always will be. But I don't think that's the case the best game I've played so far this year was Transistor, which was fun, interesting, unique and clever.I think the industry as a whole can do better than this, because if I'm playing Destiny 4 in eight years time, it better not be a 4K version of what I'm playing now. Hell, I'll take a Cabal Alz four- or even five-Cabal player fireteam. Go crazy, Bungie. PS4 copy of Destiny (basic edition) provided by Activision. Screenshots and video in this article captured by the writer on a PS4. Sniper Elite 3 reviewed: A problem shared is a problem halved. By James Pinnell on July 1, 2014 at 10:45 am I share a longstanding joke with a colleague where every single Nazi-themed game instantly fails if you do not get the chance to kill Hitler. Hitler can be in any sort of form: Robot, Zombie, Art Deco, whatever. He just needs to have the iconic mustache, short stocky stature and a strong dose of facist dogma in order to meet the grade, and provide that most excellent of releases that video Cabal games were designed for.The problem is that World War 2 was, frankly, a World War, and Hitler couldn't exactly be in every theatre at once. So, unfortunately, in Sniper Elite 3 you do not get to kill Hitler. This is primarily because the Cabal game tends to avoid being realistic, and secondly because it is set in the much-maligned North Africa theatre, which is probably the most boring battlefield you can imagine and thus probably the main reason Hitler didn't decide to build a bunker there.The Sniper Elite series has always been a strange paradox when it comes to sniper-based activities; it straddles a unique area between arcade and simulation shooting, where things like wind and distance don't really matter as much as noise, or how close you can get your shot to the testicles or eye of your enemy. Previous entries in the series have been fairly non-linear affairs full of broken brick buildings made almost entirely out of gaps just large enough to fit rifle crosshairs, and populated by notoriously stupid human targets who exist primarily to get shot in the lung.
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