Not a good example of the game's graphics
Posted 2015-11-19 8:34 PM (#214426)
Subject: Not a good example of the game's graphics


Posts: 159
?Doing so sprays loose Lego pieces onto the ground, which you can pick up and use as currency.Plus, as if to say copycat the Toa use their powers at specific prompted points to build creatures and robots from heaps of Lego partslaying around on the ground, again to further their mission, which ultimately destroy the Piraka that have taken over the island, oh and then there something about a mask, blah, blah, blah. Not a good example of the game's graphics The point is, the game is painfully redundant and incredible unchallenging.Why? Well,for starters, the game has an auto-aim feature that is nothing short of practically shootingthe bad guys for you, you literally only have to look in the direction of anyof the bad guys and the auto aim locks on to them.Next, as you collect pieces and destroy baddies, you fill up your hero meter, if you fill your hero meter up, you become a golden Toa and therefore invincible.This invincibility fifa 16 coins only wears off when you complete a level or destroy the end boss (of which there isonly a couple considering there are six realms to explore).Yes, the gamehas been painfully dumbed downto the point of insult.Graphically the game kind of hits and misses.The sprites and lighting effects are done fairly well, but then overdone on several occasions to the point that it becomes painful to look at.Many of the monsters although different, do not look so different until you get up real close.The levels kind of wash away in a hazy effect that sometimes can frustrate.I would like to see what this title looked like on some of the other systems to see if the hazing effect translated better or if it cause problems there too.I was interested in some of the sounds that were coming out of the game, itdoes not indicate any sort of DTS or Dolby Digital on theback of the case, but there was a distinct five channel sound coming through my speakers.Not that they were all that great, the game has a constant music loop that does become difficult to listen to after moderate length.The heavy electric guitar solos come at a time when you are happy to hear other music but then they too, cause you to want to put onany something else.Review Scoring Details for BIONICLE HEROES Gameplay: 4.5 Yowch! The game auto aims for you, provides no sort of gaming challenge and in order to find all the hidden stuff, you mustplay through levels already completed with characters that have increased in power.Graphics: 5.4 I had a hard time with the character's perspective and the blurry graphics that were placed to cause a hazy look.The bright explosions become overly bright to a fault.Sound: 5.1 It's a shame, all speakers got a workout, but the sound effects and music that the game generated were all disappointing with the repetitiveness and heavy syntho-orchestration.
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