1 Its not the Virtual Boy
Posted 2016-01-19 1:19 AM (#215463)
Subject: 1 Its not the Virtual Boy


Posts: 284
familiar with both franchises. Theyve both continued to sell plenty of copies and dont show any signs of slowing down anytime soon. Start throwing in other franchises such as the Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong and Metroid and the system is almost virtually guaranteed to sell millions of units the world over regardless of whatever Nintendo sets its price point at. Smash Bros. in 3D? Yes, please. 2 the Avatar FactorRegardless of whether or not you care for 3D, it appears that James Camerons multimillion dollar masterpiece has influenced the gaming industry. Sony already has 3D built into the PlayStation 3, Sharp has already starting selling 3D televisions and movie studios have already begun to release 3D versions of Bluray movies like Coraline and Ice Age. This only means that 3D will continue to pick up steam, and Nintendo banking on this fact. Something that will more than likely payoff in the long run....and most importantly. 1 Its not the Virtual Boy. Just say no to drugs kids. Who here remembers Nintendos horribly misguided attempt to bring “true 3D graphics” to the masses back in 1995? The big Cheap FF14 Gil ugly seizureinducing system, that used parallax graphics in order to deceive people into thinking that what they were seeing is 3D. Well fear not, as we all know the 3DS doesnt require goggles to view 3D which means that it is already light years ahead of its predecessor. If any company can learn from its mistakes in the past and build upon current trends and the momentum of 3D its Nintendo. So, I think its safe to say that it wont be the Virtual Boy the sequel.imgMichael David‘s Profile GameZone. Hudson Bringing Their Top And NotSoTop Franchises To 3DS Launch. The Nintendo 3DS is looking like having one of the strongest launch lineups of any gaming system ever. The latest company to throw their hat into the ring is Hudson Soft, who promise three new games for the systems launch.First up is a new entry in the ballrolling Kororinpa franchise. Originally a Wii launch title, the game is a variant on the marble game Labyrinth.
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