User Accounts Leaked By Hacking Group
Posted 2016-03-11 1:33 AM (#216284)
Subject: User Accounts Leaked By Hacking Group


Posts: 159
,and EA can avoid that kind of sour press when Need for Speed: No Limits rolls around in 2015 for Android and iOS devices.PSN, Windows Live, 2K Devilian Online games User Accounts Leaked By Hacking Group. Cheap Devilian Gold It feels like there's a battleground taking place online at the moment, with some groups fighting to maintain anonymity, some groups fighting for better security and some groups just trying to watch it all burn. Well, one group actually fits into the category of fighting for better security by watching part of the world burn.CNET is reporting that a group called DerpTrolling has gained access to thousands of user accounts across the PlayStation Network, Windows Live and 2K Devilian Online games. The group has released a pastebin to the public, as noted (with an accompanying image) by TechRaptor.The a pastebin states... "Dear Internet,"... "The following is a very small portion of Lord Gaben and the rest of his crew's glorious raids across the high seas of the Internet." This isn't just for kicks and giggles, the group is doing this in hopes of getting these companies to elevate their security measures against other groups gaining access to user data (which happened last year when 40,000 accounts under an Electronic Arts subsidiary were compromised, but gaming media refused to report on it because they didn't want to ruin a relationship with the PR at EA). DerpTrolling also wants companies to increase their server infrastructure security to better withstand DDoS attacks. Some of these attacks were explained by Xsolla, where they rolled out details on how DDoS attacks occur and what they do to a company's servers. According to DerpTrolling, the idea isn't to cause harm but to help companies improve their consumer protection measures. They also want companies to take them serious stating... "We have 800,000 from 2K and 500,000 credit card data. In all of our raids we have a total of around 7 million usernames and passwords,".... "We have around 2 million Comcast accounts, 620,000 Twitter accounts
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