Flooring industry
Posted 2016-04-06 4:35 AM (#216728)
Subject: Flooring industry

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8285

Flooring industry in China, especially for dealers, usually with "eating a bowl of watching the pot," the problems, because a lot of benefits to poor flooring dealer in the business after a brand, but a replacement of another brand, We look forward to the "vista" of the situation, but the results are "mountain heavy water complex" went blind alley. If the dealer always composite tongue groove porch flooring price toss on a brand change issue, it can be imagined, it brings harm is too great.
Floor large market pattern has been formed, a breakthrough is unlikely.

Selling floor that people still call people, but today the brand to do this floor, the floor tomorrow to sell the brand, market or that market, it will not change the brand and have a few major changes. Floor dealers frequent replacement of the brand seems to have become a phenomenon, leaving aside this frequently "remarried" brand flooring in the end result of what happens, the single market itself from the floor, this really toss a lot of risk.

The new brand positioning fuzzy
Under normal circumstances, the original dealer floor well, on the one hand from the enterprise, as well as the product you want to market understanding of brand awareness, on the other hand it is the Engineering Wood Flooring Near Swimming Pool Area For Sale
accumulation of a certain amount of network resources, manufacturers both in policy , or in the supply of products and operational processes, to some extent, will give great support; after replacement of a new brand, although the new brand promise a lot, but really going to come into contact with the co-ordination of operational processes non slip bathroom flooring for sale and resource allocation It will certainly be worse than before. Consumer brand-dependent auto original floor well, there will be a local brand awareness has a certain accumulation, more consumers and distributors of the brand is to this person are combined, forming a good recognition known; and replacement brand new floor, the floor of the new consumer brand awareness is almost start again, it can make it difficult to think and see.

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