flooring business
Posted 2016-04-07 5:06 AM (#216777)
Subject: flooring business

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8285

In recent years China flooring business days are generally not very good too, at various costs skyrocketed, while the market demand but difficult to pick up. The reasons for this situation, there are about two aspects, one macro-flooring market volume and price situation; the second is urban demand is saturated, the rural market has been stir-fried.
With the ability to enhance the rural consumption, rural consumers Metropolitan Flower Pot Bench Made Out Of Vinyl Decking
have the ability to enjoy a better right to good quality and cheap products to improve their quality of life. Since the "Building the countryside" is written in the central "Document." Since then, the "Building the countryside" will no doubt continue to perform as a national long-term "Waste" project. However, the quality of the products we need all enterprises strictly.

After 20 years of development, the domestic flooring industry gradually standardized; the major manufacturers increasingly chasing the first-tier cities has gradually saturated, second and third tier cities is undoubtedly most economical patios decking material a lot of small brands is "vista." In fact, many second and third tier cities have begun the layout is "encircling the cities", the county has already begun in some flattered to start a business. For the three, four-city consumption if they simply ignore the pursuit of sales and service, it is short-lived, and consumer brand impression will cause great losses. At present, the ability of rural consumption has been significantly improved, but due to the regional economic development unbalanced line, even with the third and fourth tier cities still have the ability to consume a significant difference.

Compared to more developed economies have the ability to consume personalized high-end small coastal towns, the mainland three or four-tier cities, may need to be more cost-effective products. The living environment in rural areas, and urban lifestyle wood tiles flooring may have this big difference, like stopping by the neighborhood, frequency of use and wear of the floor compared to the city will be more serious. Because of the higher quality requirements of the standard floor, countryside floor color, brightness, etc. not only to meet the aesthetic concept of rural consumers, have to ensure that the cycle of use.

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