too aggressive...
Posted 2003-05-14 1:38 PM (#1856)
Subject: too aggressive...

I've been practicing yoga for a little over two weeks now. On the first few days, i was doing fine, but then i noticed myself becoming more aggressive during practice. Sometimes i'd become so tense, i'd end up with a headache afterwards. I've also been doing sitting meditation before and after, but it hasn't seemed to help. I understand that practicing yoga incorporates balance and meditation, and can be a workout, but i always feel like a body builder doing bench presses when i've completed my poses, generally very "pumped" with an increased heart rate. Could it have something to do with my breathing? Could i be pushing myself too far too soon? Or could it just be my personal outlook on what i am doing? Am i answering my own questions?
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Posted 2003-05-14 10:16 PM (#1861 - in reply to #1856)
Subject: too aggressive...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Slow down

Breathe deeply

Don't push, don't pull; work on relaxing into the poses.

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Posted 2003-05-26 7:14 PM (#1911 - in reply to #1856)
Subject: too aggressive...

I suggest changing the asanas in your practice for a little while. In ayurvedic philosophy, certain people are actually agitated by certain asanas. For example, Sun Salutations and backbends are energizing and can be agitating to certain people. Also, consider the time of day of your practice. again, ayurvedic philosophy suggests that a pre-dawn or dawn yoga practice can be most calming.

Inversions (plow, shoulderstand, etc.) can have a calming effect. Even more calming, however, are asanas where you are folded down (head to knee poses in particular). Also, the breath plays a major role in your energy. Breathing through the abdomen inhaling for a count of 5, holding for 5, and exhaling on a count of 10 (or double the inhale) for a good five minutes while lying in savasana can be very calming.

Good luck!
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Posted 2011-04-25 12:05 PM (#208214 - in reply to #1856)
Subject: RE: too aggressive...

for aggressiveness you need to control with guidance of yoga and meditation retreats it would benefit you a lot in controlling you anger.
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Posted 2011-04-25 12:47 PM (#208217 - in reply to #1856)
Subject: RE: too aggressive...

Mirabhasa - 2003-05-14 1:38 PM

I've been practicing yoga for a little over two weeks now. On the first few days, i was doing fine, but then i noticed myself becoming more aggressive during practice. Sometimes i'd become so tense, i'd end up with a headache afterwards. I've also been doing sitting meditation before and after, but it hasn't seemed to help. I understand that practicing yoga incorporates balance and meditation, and can be a workout, but i always feel like a body builder doing bench presses when i've completed my poses, generally very "pumped" with an increased heart rate. Could it have something to do with my breathing? Could i be pushing myself too far too soon? Or could it just be my personal outlook on what i am doing? Am i answering my own questions?

If you are aggressive, that is what you are. Stop trying to be something other than what you are and start paying more attention to what is actually going on, without condemnation or comment. Practice choiceless awareness.
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Posted 2011-04-27 9:17 AM (#208234 - in reply to #208217)
Subject: Re: too aggressive...


Posts: 62
This is reality -when we try to control ourselves, we actually limit ourselves.
Observing what is and being aware can guide to better reactions.
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