Posted 2003-07-28 11:17 AM (#2196)
Subject: title

I am overweight.I'm 280 Lbs. I just started an intensive diet. I also get up and walk in the morning. I want to get into some type of workout. I need something that can strengthen me and give me more energy while at the same time help me lose weight. I want to try Yoga, however: I don't think that I can physically do the strecthes. Should I try Yoga and just do what I phsyically can? I need HELP.

-- Edited by the Administrator at 10/19/03 11:38
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Posted 2003-07-28 3:09 PM (#2198 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

i just started yoga and it is really difficult. You should try Pilates or maybe just start a normal workout regimen if you dont think you can handle yoga just yet. yoga is a LOT of stretching and Pilates requires less stretching but a more concentrated muscle workout.
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Posted 2003-07-28 4:08 PM (#2199 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

Andrew, I am over wight just like you buddy and I also am doing yoga. I know its hard for us biger guys but just do the best you can. I can't do the moves perfictly but I do them the best I can. I whent to a book store and got some yoga flash cards and I do those every night. well the ones I can do there are some I took out and I'll put them in when I'm ready. Don't give up. Just keep trying.
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Posted 2003-08-02 2:39 AM (#2222 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

Stick to your diet and as you start to lose weight when your about 130lbs than u can start as a beginner in yoga than you will start losing weight as u learn more moves in yoga.
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Posted 2003-08-07 1:48 AM (#2263 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

There are a few diets that are really good. The Zone, Atkins, and Sugar Busters are some books you can read. There is a test that you can get for about $50.00 at a local health club that offers it to test your resting metabolic rate so you can know exactly how many calories you can eat each day where you will loose weight. Make sure you have positive support group and people around you who won't sabotage your good food choices. Keep a journal and write down exactly what your eating and how many calories your consuming, and exactly how often you are working out. Keep this journal so you can show your doctor who can help you stay on the right track. Don't worry about whether or not you can do yoga perfectly just keep doing anything that keeps you moving and on track. Don't give up. My mom, who is 65 recently lost 80lbs doing exactly what I've told you. She just eats right and walks 30 minutes or more a day. She writes everything down. Keeps track of everything, her blood pressure, blood sugars, weight, diet, and exercise. Just make your mind up to stick with it and keep on track. God bless you and hang in there! I'd really like to hear a great story about how happy you are at more desirable weight.

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Posted 2003-08-08 12:12 AM (#2271 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

Andrew, I was overweight like you, and when I started my once a week classes every Saturday, I did not know what to expect. My weight was a problem for me, but only for me and only in the beggining. Soon I was moving in ways I never thought I could, soon after that I noticed that I was loosing weight. I cant explain it, but yoga makes you aware of your body, your posture, your physical attributes and somehow this leads to feeling very good about yourself, which in turn encourages you to stay on your diet and continue to stretch further and feel better about yourself. Its a complete snowball effect and it staarts so quietly that you dont even notice it. I promise you after a year, probably less you will be thinking this is the best thing you ever did for yourself. Good luck, you are so close.
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Posted 2003-08-08 5:01 PM (#2279 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

my advice is that u should stop eating and just don;t eat and snacks and shit... because no diet will help u unless u really want to quit eating... i used to be pritty fat myself and i just kept on repeating these words, "i am not the fattest person on the world and i can overcome the real fat delemma i have with myself because i am strong and i am a fighter and i love to be a skinny man... and i would love to see my own stick".
i hope this helps u wit ur yoga and stuff, it helped me.. thats for sure...i was 347 pounds and now im only 262.
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Posted 2003-08-09 1:55 PM (#2286 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

Hi. You'll love Yoga. In Yoga you do what you can. You will know your own limits and in Yoga
that is all that really matters. It is non-judgmental and there is no competition.

Yoga will make you feel better about yourself. Just stay away from judging yourself or others.
Yoga is individual, and what some can do others can't. It really doesn't matter, because when
you do yoga it is only for you, what makes you feel good.

It doesn't matter what others can and can't do, just go to your edge (where you feel comfortable
but a gentle stretch) and relax there. Breath, your breath is your best friend.

Good luck, I know you will enjoy.
Speak to a Yoga instructor about your problem and she or he will help you.
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Posted 2003-08-09 10:32 PM (#2293 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

Try not to be discouraged about your weight. If you want to do yoga, maybe you should try to do easier streches and work your way up to harder streches. Good Luck!!!
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Posted 2003-08-13 4:38 PM (#2312 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

Andrew, do as much as you comfortably can with yoga. I'd be more concerned that "intensive" dieting should mean "healthy" dieting. The yoga, whatever you can do at a beginners level, will help you feel good about yourself. There are very few "skinnies" in my yoga class - but for the most part no one really cares what you look like. They are more concerned with there own moves. The idea is to make yourself feel better about yourself. Good luck, I'm sure you'll succeed.
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Posted 2003-08-14 10:22 AM (#2314 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

Yoga is wonderfully adaptable. When I strated, I was very surprised at how un-yoga like I was but in just a few classes I was looking like a any other yogi. I have found in the last 6 months that my weight loss has been helped greatly when I attended the classes. I have lost 26 pouns in 6 months now and I feel wonderful. The yoga has become easier too as the weight has come off. If the place you go for yoga does not have blocks and straps for you, get them, they are way worth it. They help you practice the moves without straining. Good luck!! Let me know how you are doing at my email. You can do it!!! Connie
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Posted 2003-08-24 8:26 PM (#2357 - in reply to #2196)
Subject: title

I don't know you, but I'm proud of you for realizing that you have a weight problem! Congratulations on taking steps to make yourself a healthier, happier person. The good thing about yoga, is that it's a private affair. It has no competition and you do not have to 'conform' to any preconceived notion.

Start off by doing easy positions. Instead of holding the pose for 6-10 breaths, hold it for 3. Eventually you will be at the point where you can hold it for 10. Even me, a true beginner at yoga, can only hold it for 3 or 4. But as the days go by, I can hold it for just a split second longer. Don't listen to these people that are telling you not to eat or do this or do that. You CAN do yoga. Yes, it is hard, but there are so many benefits.

The one thing I would suggest though, is talking to your Doctor just to make sure it won't cause any harm to you. It shouldn't but just to be on the safe side.

I wish you the best of luck and give us updates on you!
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