Posted 2003-11-06 2:24 PM (#2602)
Subject: Heat

How do people handle the heat in a Bikram class? It makes my muscles soft and flexible. I feel a bit weak though. It is hotter than power yoga classes. Tell me it gets easier, please! Do you get used to it? I like the series by Bikram, and love his book.
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Posted 2003-11-09 5:50 PM (#2613 - in reply to #2602)
Subject: RE: Heat

I have been doing Bikram Method for a year now, and you will get used to the heat. Your body is different every day, so some days are more dificult than others. You will actually begin to crave the heat! Keep doing it! It has changed my life in such a positive way.
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Posted 2003-11-10 8:22 PM (#2620 - in reply to #2602)
Subject: RE: Heat

I have also been doing the series nearly 2 years very very often. some days its touch (actually often) but your body comes to crave the ehat and the days when the heat isnt up there--it's a bit disappointing. Hey, but that's the true yoga. Acceptance of what is!! Enjoy it.
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Posted 2003-12-15 7:37 PM (#2860 - in reply to #2602)
Subject: RE: Heat

Yes- you do get used to it. Sometimes the heat can be too hot- but I always look at that as a challenge in my practice- ( or try to at least! )

Continue your practice, and try standing in different parts of the room. There are usually "hot" spots and "cooler" spots.

Eventually- you may begin to crave the heat, and think some classes too cold.......

Good luck!
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Posted 2009-08-01 2:06 AM (#117340 - in reply to #2602)
Subject: Re: Heat

Sounds like I need to find out where the hot spots are and avoid them! The past two days have left me dripping like a faucet from every pore and I couldn't figure out why.
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Posted 2009-08-04 6:37 PM (#117448 - in reply to #2602)
Subject: Re: Heat

I think that it's not that you get used to it, but that you build strength, patience and focus to get through it.
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