Posted 2003-12-17 11:27 PM (#2881)
Subject: Restoratives

I have been introduced to a weekly restorative class and I absolutely love it. It is such a wonderful way to wind down from all the daily stressers of the week and a perfect compliment to my regular practice. Does anyone else participate in restorative asana practices? Namaste

Irma in California
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Posted 2004-02-02 9:21 AM (#3449 - in reply to #2881)
Subject: RE: Restoratives

I love the forward bends during menstruation or times when I need calm. I sometimes like to use bolsters and time poses for 2 minutes to 6 minutes to really feel the benefit. They feel so wonderful and peaceful!
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Posted 2004-02-05 8:14 PM (#3553 - in reply to #2881)
Subject: RE: Restoratives

I did a gentle class today, which uses restoratives. Frankly, they're too hard for me.
Now get this. I can move through a 3 hour flow class without a wince. I do the Ashtanga Primary Series every day and take 1 or two other classes a day.

The lying around on bolsters and blankets does such a deep opening and release in the connective tissues, that for hours later as they retract into their previous, although subtley different positions, I spasm and cramp.

If anyone thinks they get nothing but relaxation from gentle or restorative yoga? They ain't listenin' to their bods!

It is a wonderful say to spend an hour or so, isn't it?

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