60 day practice
Posted 2004-02-17 5:20 PM (#3810)
Subject: 60 day practice

i have been practicing bikram for about one week and am seriously considering the 60 day challenge. is anyone out there familiar with this? is it healthy? is it truly beneficial for your body? or is it another way for bikram chourdory to collect?
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Posted 2004-02-17 5:32 PM (#3811 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

I'd opt for the latter--cha-ching. However, I did it and it was not harmful BUT, I think it stymied my proficiency in that I'd had no exposure to yoga, much less Bikram and stayed sore and stressed trying to work practice in everyday during work.
nanyamka - 2004-02-17 4:20 PM

i have been practicing bikram for about one week and am seriously considering the 60 day challenge. is anyone out there familiar with this? is it healthy? is it truly beneficial for your body? or is it another way for bikram chourdory to collect?
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Posted 2004-02-17 5:46 PM (#3816 - in reply to #3811)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

but how did you feel after the 60 days? was there a noticible difference in your practice or were you just glad that the 60 days were over? my studio has a special...60 days for $60 AND if you complete it you get one month free...if you don't they will take the $125 that you have to deposit and only charge you for one month unlimited. i'm still up in the air.
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Posted 2004-02-17 6:58 PM (#3820 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

I am not familiar with the "60 days" but I have a question about bikram yoga. I started to practice at home about 3 wks ago. I expected in the beginning to be soar. But i'm still in pain after every session. Also no energy at all. Am I doing something wrong?
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Posted 2004-02-17 7:52 PM (#3821 - in reply to #3816)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Crap like "Do this and you get..." doesn't belong in the retail world much less yoga. I will not and do not stand for that in long distance carriers, cell phones or my yoga of choice. That's just me. I felt like crap after the 60 days--sore and tired and pissed off at myself for being sucked in--switched studios.

Guest - 2004-02-17 4:46 PM

but how did you feel after the 60 days? was there a noticible difference in your practice or were you just glad that the 60 days were over? my studio has a special...60 days for $60 AND if you complete it you get one month free...if you don't they will take the $125 that you have to deposit and only charge you for one month unlimited. i'm still up in the air.
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Posted 2004-02-17 7:55 PM (#3822 - in reply to #3820)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Yes you are doing something wrong kiddo--doing it at home. YogaDancer will add more from her expert vantage point I hope but from my view, Bikram requires heat and teachers putting you through your paces to see results--it's not an easy, laid back drill. Pain is no good--a little muscle soreness can be expected--but not pain. Have you any other experience with yoga?
vero - 2004-02-17 5:58 PM

I am not familiar with the "60 days" but I have a question about bikram yoga. I started to practice at home about 3 wks ago. I expected in the beginning to be soar. But i'm still in pain after every session. Also no energy at all. Am I doing something wrong?
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Posted 2004-02-19 10:28 AM (#3870 - in reply to #3821)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

thanks bruce, for your opinions! i am not going to do the 60 days, i am just going to sign up for the monthly and practice when i feel like it, without the pressure. if i happen to go 60 days in a row, that's super...if i only make 6 days a week...well..i will feel good about that too.
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Posted 2004-02-19 11:59 AM (#3872 - in reply to #3870)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Seems like a smart move. When I first got started, I delighted in the break from my normal obsession with work. I then found myself trying to get to yoga too much and adversely affecting work and home--everything, including yoga, in moderation I think.

nanyamka - 2004-02-19 9:28 AM

thanks bruce, for your opinions! i am not going to do the 60 days, i am just going to sign up for the monthly and practice when i feel like it, without the pressure. if i happen to go 60 days in a row, that's super...if i only make 6 days a week...well..i will feel good about that too.
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Posted 2004-02-19 1:09 PM (#3874 - in reply to #3822)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Thanks for your reply. Bruce

Yes I did some yoga, at home, about 3 years ago. What I really like about it is that is the only way I can shed those extra pounds. I had back surgery about a year ago so maybe that is the difference here. But like I said is the only thing that makes me loose fat. Even just with 3 weeks into it, Im already seeing results. I would like to go to a studio but I could not find any Brikram's in the area. Is there anything else you can recommend that would work as good shedding pounds?
Thanks again.

Edited by vero 2004-02-19 1:21 PM
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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-02-19 9:57 PM (#3890 - in reply to #3874)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Hi Vero -

What are you using to practice Bikram at home? When I first started to practice, I used the audio tape and book. I put a small, electric heater in my room with a mirror. It wasn't 110 degrees, but it was a good way to get started. I know that director the studios I teach at did the same thing.

Eventually you'll need to hit a studio for some guidance, even if it is not Bikram. It is a good idea, I think, to go to an Iyengar or Anusara class, to get a better understanding of the body mechanics in yoga. There may be some slight differences between the postures, but a good understanding of proper alignment will help keep you free from injury so you can continue your Bikram practice at home.

About the pain, what kind of pain are you experiencing?
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Posted 2004-02-19 10:52 PM (#3892 - in reply to #3890)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Hello, My Cats Mom.

I am using a book(bikram yoga for beginners), a small heater, and a big mirror. The pain I am experiencing is on my lower back radiating to the top of the hip joint and the hip socket (where the leg meets the hip) on the left side. The interesting thing is that my back surgery corrected a disk that was bulging to the right. It went away after a good night rest, thank goodness. I think that came about because I pulled my right hamstring a few days before and I was trying to protect it while doing the yoga poses. Its been two days since my last yoga session and I will try it again tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.
About going to a yoga class, I've been thinking about it and I think you are right. I talk to a teacher in my area and arrage to go to a class this friday. I'll decide if I want to stay with her or find someone else then. Although she sounded very nice and helpful over the phone. I explained my situation and she said the class was very small so she can keep her eye on me, make sure I was doing it safely.

Thanks for your reply, I was reading the notes between you and Yoga Dancer they are very helpful.
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Posted 2004-02-19 11:16 PM (#3894 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

This is insane.

Vero, if you're waking up unmitigatingly sore, you're over training or pushing yourself tooo hard. Back off. This is not what yoga is about nor what yoga does to a body if used properly. Both yoga and the body.

60 days' practice for someone who has been practicing 1 week? Stupid. Use common sense. Have you ever done anything for 90 minutes a day for 60 days that absolutely drains your electrolytes? I hope you've got insurance that covers self-inflicted injury.

Yoga is not a weight loss method. You're most likely losing hydration right now, not fat, which is the reason it's "the only way" you lose weight. I don't give a darned what the media says, you have to look at what you're shoveling into your mouth, the balance thereof, and what heart-rate-raising exercise you're getting. That combination done correctly will help you lose weight, not sweating yourself dry.

I would suggest you (all) take a look at what you're doing and please apply some common sense. If you learn anything in yoga, it's that one must find a balance in all things. This means once again you're being confronted with that "m" word: moderation. Try it. The results are phenominal.

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Posted 2004-02-20 12:27 AM (#3897 - in reply to #3894)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

thanks, Yoga Dancer, for your input. You're probably right about me overdoing it. I am very intense in everything I do. And the dehydration well it is not weight that I am loosing (I'm still at the same weight that I started with) Its the fact that I can see muscles growing (like my gluts and shoulder). I will watch my water intake and will slow down on the yoga. I'm not waking up soar, I'm soar just after the workout. The next day I feel terrific, thats why I stuck to it for 3 weeks. I thank you very much for your comments and I totally appreciate the fact that you are willing to share your knowledge with people that you don't even know (like me). I will look into other types of yoga.

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Posted 2004-02-20 6:21 AM (#3900 - in reply to #3894)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Too bad Christine can't be a little more clear so we really know how she feels...

YogaDancer - 2004-02-19 10:16 PM

This is insane.

Vero, if you're waking up unmitigatingly sore, you're over training or pushing yourself tooo hard. Back off. This is not what yoga is about nor what yoga does to a body if used properly. Both yoga and the body.

60 days' practice for someone who has been practicing 1 week? Stupid. Use common sense. Have you ever done anything for 90 minutes a day for 60 days that absolutely drains your electrolytes? I hope you've got insurance that covers self-inflicted injury.

Yoga is not a weight loss method. You're most likely losing hydration right now, not fat, which is the reason it's "the only way" you lose weight. I don't give a darned what the media says, you have to look at what you're shoveling into your mouth, the balance thereof, and what heart-rate-raising exercise you're getting. That combination done correctly will help you lose weight, not sweating yourself dry.

I would suggest you (all) take a look at what you're doing and please apply some common sense. If you learn anything in yoga, it's that one must find a balance in all things. This means once again you're being confronted with that "m" word: moderation. Try it. The results are phenominal.

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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-02-20 9:46 AM (#3902 - in reply to #3897)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

I agree with Christine -- 60 days in a row is a bad idea for a beginner. I have mixed feelings about people who do the 60 days practice -- I think even Bikram says take Sundays off . . .

With all due respect (and you know I love you, Christine) I would seriously doubt that practicing at home is going to cause dehydration. I tried my hardest to get my practice room hot and managed lukewarm at best. It was enough to take off the chill, though, and I think that is important.

That back pain sounds familiar, though. I would say stop with the Bikram until you can develop a better awareness of where you're off in your alignment. My opinion is based on my personal experience with a similar problem. I teach Bikram and as hard as it is for me, I've stopped my practice until I can figure out what it is that I've been doing wrong for these past few years that is causing the pain you are describing. Christine has been very helpful in pointing me in what I feel is the right direction. I think you are on the right path in getting some personal attention. You can always go back to Bikram once you've developed the awareness you need. I know I will -- just probably not exclusively.

Even though your interest in yoga is primarily weight loss (and I do believe you can lose weight doing yoga if you have been sedentary), there is a good chance you'll find out there's more to yoga than that. I've seen it happen, it's a beautiful thing. One thing I felt Bikram communicated at training is that the spiritual will happen if you continue to practice the asanas. For some that is true, for others not so much. The physical part can definitely be the first step on the path.

Best wishes on your journey
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Posted 2004-02-20 12:35 PM (#3904 - in reply to #3902)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Thank you all for your comments. This forum is great.
I feel a little dumm now that I look back not listening to my body. I was just so into the peace of mind that this is giving me. (I'm going to very stressfull times and this is keeping me sane) I'm looking forward to going to yoga studio.

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Posted 2004-02-20 2:00 PM (#3908 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Was there some mention of a home practice?

Frankly, I think Bikram (again, I don't support it for beginning yogis -- my opinion) is a great home practice. Asana of any sort has its effects, regardless of what we in this century have decided we must use as a temperature. My Cat's Mom is correct on another point. If someone has spent the last xxx no. of years moving from chair to car to chair as their exercise? Anything is going to tone and/or help them lose weight. The latter I doubt, though, given the fact that people tend to tell themselves since they've now exercised, they can now have extra this or that.

Anyway, vero, consider something go give yourself a different focus. For example, you know probably by now that I support more form and alignment oriented yoga, particularly for beginners. However, since you're into the musculature, (sp?) why don't you throw in something like speed walking or treadmill every other day? It'll give you the aerobic element you might need, plus it gives your Bikram muscles 24 hours to heal.

If you think about regular gym work like weight lifting? The recommendation is to vary the mucle groups so one can heal/rebuild, right? If you're pushing your body to pain as you are, what is the difference between what your yoga practice is doing to your body and over-lifting? Look at it this way. Another point is that variation also helps progress.

And Bruce? Watch out. Someday I really will tell you how stupid I think all this commercialism is. I've actually been POLITE! Because I realize people only come to places like this with what the media has told them. The media only tells them what they want to hear, 'ja know?

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Posted 2004-02-20 2:28 PM (#3911 - in reply to #3908)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Hello Yoga Dancer. I think you are kind of confusing me with nanyamka (about the 60 days) Anyway, for what pertains to me "ay, ay, captain" "will do ma'am"

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Posted 2004-02-20 3:34 PM (#3913 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Oops@ I think I did.

Well, thank you for taking my rant in the spirit it was intended, now how I can come across.

See if your body is nicer to you with you being nicer to it!

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Posted 2004-02-20 3:52 PM (#3916 - in reply to #3913)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

I just finished doing yoga with your suggestions (modify). Much, much better No pain. The book said to give it your all (at least that is what I got out of it) so I was. Your way much better.

Thanks a million
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Posted 2004-02-20 4:01 PM (#3917 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Bless your soul.

The thing to remember for type A people such as you and I, is that in yoga pain means NO gain. I'm willing to bet you'll see a nice smooth progress vs. fits and starts.

It never means Not to use your muscles and muscle energy, but straining to the point you were is so unnecessary and very counterproductive. There's a reason other traditions all say "relax into a pose!" So make your all your mind, body and spirit. Not all your energy, muscles, frustration and FORCE! Yoga can be something after which you're ready to go out and take on the world, not need muscle relaxers, hot bathes and a nap. Although those sound good sometimes too!

I'm glad you found the ease in a practice, vero. That's a step on the right track!

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Posted 2004-02-20 4:10 PM (#3918 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

I am on day 40 of The 60 Day Challenge and I feel great. I will admit to being a bit tired and sore at times but usually the soreness dissipates as I continue practicing. As far as the challenge is concerned, I'm not doing it soley for the physical aspect of it but also for the mental aspect. There is something very rewarding about committing yourself mentally and physically to a goal that at first may seem overwhelming. I couldn't have imagined getting through 5 classes straight yet here I am at day 40 and there is nothing short of a catastrophe that will keep me from my goal. Obviously I won't continue doing Bikram Yoga every day once I've hit 60 days but I don't think I can go back to a life without it at least 4 or 5 days a week. I've lost 21 lbs in 40 days, at least 5% body fat, I've been told I look younger, healthier and it feels great. If you're thinking about doing the challenge just go for it. Don't listen to other people because there will always be someone trying to talk you out of it. As far as the cost is concerned, most studios have monthly unlimited packages whereby if you committ yourself to doing the challenge it's only going to cost you about $4-5/class. Good luck.
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Posted 2004-02-20 4:17 PM (#3919 - in reply to #3917)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Type A?
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Posted 2004-02-20 4:55 PM (#3922 - in reply to #3918)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Good for you Erik--sounds like you're taking a sane approach to the challenge. One day early in my practice, I was SO frustrated not being able to make progress I just picked up my mat and started to walk out--the teacher said, hey, relax --it's ONLY yoga. Made3 an impression. Sounds like your're seeing positive results BUT, as I mentioned earlier in another forum, I started finding ways to get out of work and family obligations to get to the studio--gotta keep things in balance.
Erik - 2004-02-20 3:10 PM

I am on day 40 of The 60 Day Challenge and I feel great. I will admit to being a bit tired and sore at times but usually the soreness dissipates as I continue practicing. As far as the challenge is concerned, I'm not doing it soley for the physical aspect of it but also for the mental aspect. There is something very rewarding about committing yourself mentally and physically to a goal that at first may seem overwhelming. I couldn't have imagined getting through 5 classes straight yet here I am at day 40 and there is nothing short of a catastrophe that will keep me from my goal. Obviously I won't continue doing Bikram Yoga every day once I've hit 60 days but I don't think I can go back to a life without it at least 4 or 5 days a week. I've lost 21 lbs in 40 days, at least 5% body fat, I've been told I look younger, healthier and it feels great. If you're thinking about doing the challenge just go for it. Don't listen to other people because there will always be someone trying to talk you out of it. As far as the cost is concerned, most studios have monthly unlimited packages whereby if you committ yourself to doing the challenge it's only going to cost you about $4-5/class. Good luck.
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Posted 2004-02-20 6:33 PM (#3929 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Bruce. Take the family with you. Tell work you're seeing a doctor for job related stress and anxiety. It's cheaper to them than medical leave.

What the heck. It's not quite a lie ... is it?

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Posted 2004-02-20 7:34 PM (#3931 - in reply to #3929)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

C--I've been married for 30 years--my 90 minutes at yoga is to get away from family! Hell, my kids think my name is ATM and my wife wants to drag me to craft shows--I however hold the belief way down deep that I can really still be a pirate--sailing the bounding main, plundering, saving damsels, winning the respect of the queen--I get to do that during savasna ('cept I call it siesta and does THAT ever piss my teachers off).

YogaDancer - 2004-02-20 5:33 PM

Bruce. Take the family with you. Tell work you're seeing a doctor for job related stress and anxiety. It's cheaper to them than medical leave.

What the heck. It's not quite a lie ... is it?

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Posted 2004-02-21 12:36 AM (#3933 - in reply to #3931)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Bruce, you are quite a character
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Posted 2004-02-21 7:18 AM (#3935 - in reply to #3933)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

A pirate Ronni, not a character

vero - 2004-02-20 11:36 PM

Bruce, you are quite a character
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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-02-21 10:09 AM (#3939 - in reply to #3918)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice


The 60-day challenge can be very rewarding if it is approached with the right mindset. My students who are most successful at this are those who give themselves permission to have gentle days, sit out postures when they feel they need to, and respect their edges and limits. (We have one woman who has practiced every day for an entire year!)

There are many people, however, who are simply not good candidates for the challenge. For example, brand new people or extreme type As (which this yoga does attract). To me, if someone is so type A that they insist on moving further into a posture before they've laid the foundation (i.e. insisting on kicking out in Standing Head to Knee when the teacher is pointedly telling them they are not ready to do so), they are going to risk injury doing a 60 day challenge.

I'm glad you're enjoying your practice. Over the next 20 days, I hope you'll listen to your body, practice with moderation and keep yourself hydrated.

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Posted 2004-02-21 6:28 PM (#3945 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

I went to class everyday this week and today, the 7th day, I was TOTAL exhausted--had nothing left to give and spent the floor series in savasana. I'm taking a couple of days off and recouping.
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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-02-21 10:53 PM (#3947 - in reply to #3945)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Good for you, Bruce! I think that has been one of the hardest things for me to do -- just give myself permission to sit out postures. You'll probably think this is really strange, but I actually cried the first time I did it. When you do the 9 week Bikram training, you practice 2x each time except Saturday, which is 1x and Sundays off. About 2/3 into the training, I found myself in need of sitting down. I struggled so hard with it that I actually began to hyperventilate! What a nutcase I was . . .

Enjoy your extra long "siesta"
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Posted 2004-02-22 8:06 AM (#3949 - in reply to #3947)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Understand Gwyn, it's tough to not stay with the class and instead hug that mat until the breath returns. The bows (standing and florr) are very tough for me for many reasons; foreign moves, I'm sopped and have no grip, my arms and legs are not "normal" (hard to explain but my elbow and kee joints are different. I give it my ALL in bow and am really not ready to move instantly into postures after that--siesta!

My Cats' Mom - 2004-02-21 9:53 PM

Good for you, Bruce! I think that has been one of the hardest things for me to do -- just give myself permission to sit out postures. You'll probably think this is really strange, but I actually cried the first time I did it. When you do the 9 week Bikram training, you practice 2x each time except Saturday, which is 1x and Sundays off. About 2/3 into the training, I found myself in need of sitting down. I struggled so hard with it that I actually began to hyperventilate! What a nutcase I was . . .

Enjoy your extra long "siesta"
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Posted 2004-02-22 6:38 PM (#3959 - in reply to #3935)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Anyway, Bruce. Your a trip. You "quack" me up.
Could someone please explain to me what type "A" is? I'm new to all this.
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Posted 2004-02-23 6:05 AM (#3966 - in reply to #3959)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

Hardy har har And short version of type A & B: Type A people are the ones who live to work, are always planning, are goal oriented and wanting things NOW; type B's go with the flow, don't get upset when things don't go exactly as planned. These aren't yoga terms per se rather psychological ones.
vero - 2004-02-22 5:38 PM

Anyway, Bruce. Your a trip. You "quack" me up.
Could someone please explain to me what type "A" is? I'm new to all this.
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Posted 2004-03-01 2:10 AM (#4196 - in reply to #3947)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

I just found this discussion board; lost my boyfriend to the model helicopter boards, and figured there must be a Bikram one for me... bingo!

Glad to read you cried the first time you sat out a pose (not because you cried, but because it resonated)... I cried today because I had to leave class early due to an imminent migraine on day 30 of my 30-day challenge (ok, the crying could have been because migraines always whack me out emotionally). Then I find out that half-tortoise, the pose in which I started seeing my migraine aura, is supposed to HELP migraines? Telling myself that sometimes "helping" doesn't mean "making it go away" but "making it happen faster" so I can get it over with and on with my life.

Totally laughing to read all over this post about type A folks being drawn to Bikram... that's SO me, much as I hate to admit it
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Posted 2004-03-01 5:05 AM (#4200 - in reply to #4196)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

I'm excited to see there's a model helicopter board--didn't know that!

Elizabeth - 2004-03-01 1:10 AM

I just found this discussion board; lost my boyfriend to the model helicopter boards, and figured there must be a Bikram one for me... bingo!

Glad to read you cried the first time you sat out a pose (not because you cried, but because it resonated)... I cried today because I had to leave class early due to an imminent migraine on day 30 of my 30-day challenge (ok, the crying could have been because migraines always whack me out emotionally). Then I find out that half-tortoise, the pose in which I started seeing my migraine aura, is supposed to HELP migraines? Telling myself that sometimes "helping" doesn't mean "making it go away" but "making it happen faster" so I can get it over with and on with my life.

Totally laughing to read all over this post about type A folks being drawn to Bikram... that's SO me, much as I hate to admit it
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Posted 2004-03-01 6:40 PM (#4220 - in reply to #4200)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

(changed my handle from Elizabeth)

There are actually SIX model helicopter boards, "four that I frequent, two exceptional ones," he claims. Let me know if you need a new hobby and I can hook you up
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Posted 2004-03-01 6:49 PM (#4221 - in reply to #4220)
Subject: RE: 60 day practice

My wife would KILL me if I came up with another hobby she hates: Motorcycling, sailing, guns and yoga. She has no sense of humor.

Bikes2Yoga - 2004-03-01 5:40 PM

(changed my handle from Elizabeth)

There are actually SIX model helicopter boards, "four that I frequent, two exceptional ones," he claims. Let me know if you need a new hobby and I can hook you up
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