Posted 2004-02-19 7:48 AM (#3852)
Subject: sciatica

Five years ago I had an operation to remove a part of my L4 disc in my lower spine which was causing alot of pain down my right leg. I have been practicing Bikram yoga now for almost two months and have noticed some of the symptoms coming back which is making me think about giving up the practice altogether.

If anyone here has had a similar problem then please let me know.


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Posted 2004-02-19 8:45 AM (#3859 - in reply to #3852)
Subject: RE: sciatica

Can I assume you've talked to your doctor about this mate?

discoinferno - 2004-02-19 6:48 AM

Five years ago I had an operation to remove a part of my L4 disc in my lower spine which was causing alot of pain down my right leg. I have been practicing Bikram yoga now for almost two months and have noticed some of the symptoms coming back which is making me think about giving up the practice altogether.

If anyone here has had a similar problem then please let me know.


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Posted 2004-02-19 9:03 AM (#3860 - in reply to #3859)
Subject: RE: sciatica

I've arranged an appointment for next week. I'm from the U.K and it just takes forever to get medical attention over here.
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Posted 2004-02-19 9:38 AM (#3865 - in reply to #3860)
Subject: RE: sciatica

Good luck--hope the prognosis is encouraging.

discoinferno - 2004-02-19 8:03 AM

I've arranged an appointment for next week. I'm from the U.K and it just takes forever to get medical attention over here.
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Posted 2004-02-19 9:52 AM (#3867 - in reply to #3865)
Subject: RE: sciatica

cheers mate.
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Posted 2004-02-20 2:15 PM (#3910 - in reply to #3852)
Subject: RE: sciatica

There are some posts discussing SI issues here on the Bikram board. They go hand and hand with sciatica. Read them and thik about them. I wouldn't recommend some of the Bikram (or any other yoga's) asanas for what you've got going on until you build some strength and flexibility in your spine.

What a serious operation! How awful for you.

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Posted 2004-02-20 6:22 PM (#3927 - in reply to #3852)
Subject: RE: sciatica


I had some problems in this area after the Army. I found a presure point massage lady who did wonders on me. I will have to say it was one of the most painful times in my life however the pain was worth it when I left after about 5 treatments I felt new again (8 years ago still feel good)
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Posted 2004-02-21 5:21 AM (#3934 - in reply to #3852)
Subject: RE: sciatica

The first time I experienced sciatica it was because I had a slipped disc. After the operation and help from my physio the problem had gone. I'm really scared that I haven't damaged my disc again.


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Posted 2004-06-27 2:10 PM (#7835 - in reply to #3934)
Subject: RE: sciatica

wow, this is exactly the experience i've had. except my sciatica was down the left side. i took about 4 weeks off from yoga. i would really like to go back, but i guess i'm anxious about doing so.
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Posted 2004-06-27 2:54 PM (#7836 - in reply to #3852)
Subject: RE: sciatica

I would get your doctors clearence before doing any yoga right now. If you do yoga class, bend your knees in foward bends until the pain is a dull dark pain rather then sharp. Try modifying your backbend with your hands on the lower back fingers facing down palms on the lower back. If your digestion is either slow or too fast I would have it checked out. Drink lots of water and take it easy for a least 6-7 months in any physical activity. How is your core strength?
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Posted 2004-06-27 3:05 PM (#7837 - in reply to #3852)
Subject: RE: sciatica

Hello Yogabrian,

I'd love to tell you what my core strength is like but I don't know what this means. I hate to sound stupid but could you explain?


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Posted 2004-06-27 5:53 PM (#7840 - in reply to #3852)
Subject: RE: sciatica

Sure, core strength refers to the basic strength or your core muscles. Those include abdominal muscles and lower back strength. More then likely you abs might be weak and your hips are tight. This is common with people with sciatica. Work on strengthening abs and spine. In addition to lightly stretching the hips. The process I am afraid will be very uncomfortable to say the least.
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Posted 2004-06-27 6:02 PM (#7841 - in reply to #3852)
Subject: RE: sciatica

Thanks for letting me know. Well, alot of my standing and balancing postures which I believe require core strength have improved over the past few months and I have noticed my pain decrease quite alot although it is still there.

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Posted 2004-06-27 7:59 PM (#7844 - in reply to #7841)
Subject: RE: sciatica

so you are still practicing birkam yoga?
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Posted 2004-06-27 10:04 PM (#7845 - in reply to #3852)
Subject: RE: sciatica

A couple of things to consider.
Yoga can be very good for back and sciatica issues, when done properly for the condition.
Keep in mind that the sciatic nerve is a rubberband shaped nerve at the base of your tailbone. Pulling it to the side in asymetrical poses can cause the pain you're having. It can also happen if you're one of the not-so-rare people where your sciatic nerve actually passes through your periformis muscle. Tight periformis = pressure on the nerve. Unfortunately, many doctors address this as though it were a disc issue, removing or fusing and even "drilling out" some of the lower/lumbar discs.

Talk with your doctor and ask for referrals to a physical therapist if you or s/he feels tight muscles might be ascerbating this nerve condition. Janu Sirsasana (not the Bikram version) is very good for this condition, but it must be done properly with the correct muscle action on the extended leg. Without it? Just more irritation.

Do talk to your doctor, naturally. Consider building core strength with poses that do not involve forward bending (Navasana or leg lifts, for example) but that are as symetrical as possible.

Oh - another thing not taught with Bikram (God! What is taught in Bikram?) is how to use an inner rotation or sprial on your upper thighs, then a pelvic tilt or loop on your lower torso. This takes your femur back into the hip socket and helps support the lumbar's natural curve. This action, done in every single pose, helps relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Can you get to a yoga teacher who knows about form and alignment, and perhaps a little therapeutic yoga? I think you'll learn a lot that will help your pain, plus add dimension to your Bikram practice. And perhaps a heck of a lot of biomechanical safety.

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