Idea for a Bikram Workshop
Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-03-18 3:38 PM (#4590)
Subject: Idea for a Bikram Workshop

I have been thinking of suggesting to the owner of the Bikram studio that I practice at that she put on a workshop (if that is the right terminology). Here is what I had in mind: Have 2 -3 instructors present (depending on attendance) focus on several of the more difficult asanas and after a warm-up have demonstrations by the instructors and allow students to ask questions, comment, etc., then the students would perform the particular asana - instructors could use the students as examples, video-tape students (if they wish) so they could see how they are doing in those asanas where you can't see yourself, and just have more of an open exchange. This session could last from 1 - 2 hours and they could charge maybe $20 - $30. I would restrict the session to students with some minimum amount of Bikram experience - just so there wouldn't be people there that had no clue how to do anything.

Has anyone heard of such a thing? Am I dreaming? Too avant garde for the Bikram discipline?
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Posted 2004-03-18 4:00 PM (#4594 - in reply to #4590)
Subject: RE: Idea for a Bikram Workshop

I like it kiddo! However, according to the manager at my studio, ALL has to be approved by Yogi B hisself--she may just be telling me that to get out of it thou.

Kathy Ann - 2004-03-18 2:38 PM

I have been thinking of suggesting to the owner of the Bikram studio that I practice at that she put on a workshop (if that is the right terminology). Here is what I had in mind: Have 2 -3 instructors present (depending on attendance) focus on several of the more difficult asanas and after a warm-up have demonstrations by the instructors and allow students to ask questions, comment, etc., then the students would perform the particular asana - instructors could use the students as examples, video-tape students (if they wish) so they could see how they are doing in those asanas where you can't see yourself, and just have more of an open exchange. This session could last from 1 - 2 hours and they could charge maybe $20 - $30. I would restrict the session to students with some minimum amount of Bikram experience - just so there wouldn't be people there that had no clue how to do anything.

Has anyone heard of such a thing? Am I dreaming? Too avant garde for the Bikram discipline?
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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-03-18 5:55 PM (#4607 - in reply to #4594)
Subject: RE: Idea for a Bikram Workshop

I think your teacher is being truthful, Bruce. Unfortunately.
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Posted 2004-03-18 6:23 PM (#4611 - in reply to #4607)
Subject: RE: Idea for a Bikram Workshop

I can see Guru B's point in protecting intellectual property is fine BUT clamping down on every aspect sure seems to be a shame. I love my Bikram teachers and would like to be an instructor someday But...sure seems to stifel the entreprenural spirit.

My Cats' Mom - 2004-03-18 4:55 PM

I think your teacher is being truthful, Bruce. Unfortunately.
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Posted 2004-03-19 1:32 PM (#4647 - in reply to #4590)
Subject: RE: Idea for a Bikram Workshop

Don't know much about Mr. B but for a yogi he sure seems to be a bit close-minded.

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Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-03-19 2:43 PM (#4648 - in reply to #4590)
Subject: RE: Idea for a Bikram Workshop

So, last night I talked to Nancy, the owner of the studio. She had briefly mentioned something once about a "workshop" so I asked her what she had meant by that. Her reply was pretty much like my idea above except for the video which I suggested to her and she said we could do that or what she would rather do would be to take some digital photos so she could put them on her website. She has also invited the man himself "Mr. B" and "Mrs. B" to come to our studio for a visit and teach a class or whatever they do when they visit. That would be way cool, don't you think?

She did not say one way or the other if Mr. B would have to approve a "workshop" and I didn't ask.

I know there is a lot of controversy about Bikram in Yogaland regarding his insistence on consistency, lawsuits, etc. I believe there are two aspects to the reason for consistency. The obvious one is that he has copyrighted his method and wants some control over what people are promoting under his name. But, I think a lot of it may have to do with his liability. I know we all sign a waiver when we start classes but if someone were to get injured, have a heart attack, etc. the courts would probably side with the "victim" so I think Bikram would want all classes taught in what he believes to be the best, safest manner. Whether his method is right or wrong is very subjective and mostly a matter of one person's opinion vs. another.
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Posted 2004-04-04 7:29 PM (#5119 - in reply to #4590)
Subject: RE: Idea for a Bikram Workshop

Kathy Ann,
Bikram is in no way legally liable if someone in a franchized studio hurts themself. He's contractually safe.

However, if he permits people to stray from the Plan in one way, they can legally stray in others since that sets precidence. Your teachers buy into this Plan when they sign a Franchise agreement. If they chose to do a workshop such as you discuss (which I think is a great idea) they'd have to do it off-premisis. According to their agreement, that is.

However, that said? They own the business and it's up to them to honor their agreement. There actually are studios out there that offer [gasp] classes other than Bikram, which is not contractually allowed. But the owners check the market and offer what's going to pay the bills.

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