Interesting Class Last Night
Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-04-15 5:21 PM (#5405)
Subject: Interesting Class Last Night

I usually stay to the back of the room in class, only occasionally go up in the first row. Last night we had a very small class (only 6-7 people) with the male instructor. Anyway, I decided to go up in the first row, under one of the ceiling fans (3 in the room) and next to the window. The window stays closed but they usually leave the shade open so it tends to transfer some coolness from outside. Anyway, I was amazed at how much cooler that spot was compared to other parts of the room. Too cool actually because I didn't sweat nearly as much and the class seemed too easy. Not that I did much better in the asanas than I usually do, just that it seemed easier. It made me realize that I really do enjoy the intensity and challenge of the heat. And I love to sweat profusely - that feels like such a release and purification to me.

Last week after another small class with the male instructor, another girl and I were talking to him and he said he was surprised that nobody had asked any questions since it was such a small class and people should take advantage of the opportunity. I said (somewhat jokingly) "I didn't know we were allowed to ask questions".

So, last night he encouraged us at the beginning of class to ask questions or voice complaints if we wanted since it was a small class and a couple of people (including yours truly) did!

Love those small classes!
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Posted 2004-04-15 5:37 PM (#5406 - in reply to #5405)
Subject: RE: Interesting Class Last Night

I initially dreaded those small 6Am classes with my Bikram Nazi teacher--she was NOT a morning person and I got corrected on every freaking thing. Our studio has a whole wall of glass and it is indeed much cooler there AND for me, distracting--lot's of stuff going on outside. I usually stay on the hottest most reflective side so I can see to stuggle for the best posture.

Kathy Ann - 2004-04-15 4:21 PM

I usually stay to the back of the room in class, only occasionally go up in the first row. Last night we had a very small class (only 6-7 people) with the male instructor. Anyway, I decided to go up in the first row, under one of the ceiling fans (3 in the room) and next to the window. The window stays closed but they usually leave the shade open so it tends to transfer some coolness from outside. Anyway, I was amazed at how much cooler that spot was compared to other parts of the room. Too cool actually because I didn't sweat nearly as much and the class seemed too easy. Not that I did much better in the asanas than I usually do, just that it seemed easier. It made me realize that I really do enjoy the intensity and challenge of the heat. And I love to sweat profusely - that feels like such a release and purification to me.

Last week after another small class with the male instructor, another girl and I were talking to him and he said he was surprised that nobody had asked any questions since it was such a small class and people should take advantage of the opportunity. I said (somewhat jokingly) "I didn't know we were allowed to ask questions".

So, last night he encouraged us at the beginning of class to ask questions or voice complaints if we wanted since it was a small class and a couple of people (including yours truly) did!

Love those small classes!
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Posted 2004-04-18 5:10 PM (#5490 - in reply to #5405)
Subject: RE: Interesting Class Last Night

There's no question that parts of the room at out studio get hotter than others...

In the far corners it seems there's a noticeable difference, with the center of the room being the hottest (the farthest corner is right by a door to bathrooms, and the other side is along a window, which does indeed transfer some coolness, and on particularly crowded days, that is a truly wonderful thing!).

And although the temperature is always kept the same, some days are noticeably much hotter.
When it's not quite hot enough, something seems off, like it just doesn't make you sweat enough, but when it's too hot, it's so hard to work in the postures because it takes so much energy to just not pass out!
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