Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram
Posted 2004-05-20 5:27 PM (#6633)
Subject: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

I have been doing Bikram regularly (5-6 xs per week) for about 6 weeks and I absolutely love it. My skin has never looked so good, I feel great, but I have gained 8 lbs so far! I have gone from 128 to 136, which is a lot on my 5'4" frame. I am starting to panic and am thinking of giving up this yoga. Can anyone help me?
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Posted 2004-05-20 7:48 PM (#6638 - in reply to #6633)
Subject: RE: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

Ah shake off the scales--how do your clothes fit? Don't you feel thinner, stronger, leaner, meaner, 128-136 lbs of rompin, stompin sexual excitement? Sure you do!

Seriously, the ole bod is probably just adjusting, gaining muscle mass, equalizing, and on and on. I haven't been on a scale since I started Bikram--don't care--know I'm being dedicated and working hard--my pants are loose, folks say I look great--so it goes. Enjoy!
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Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-05-20 8:14 PM (#6641 - in reply to #6633)
Subject: RE: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

Same as Bruce here. I rarely weigh myself. When I first moved here to Phoenix, I started doing a lot of hiking and put on weight due to the increased muscle mass in my legs. Since then, I pretty much rely on how my clothes fit, how I look naked, and how I feel. Forget the scales!

Other than muscle gain, and actually, I wouldn't think Bikram would cause too much of that, it results in more of a toning of the muscles, I was thinking you may be retaining water. Have you dramatically increased your water consumption? Do you sweat buckets during your Bikram classes. Are you eating more? What was your previous activity level like? There are a lot of factors to consider.
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Posted 2004-05-20 9:45 PM (#6642 - in reply to #6633)
Subject: RE: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

Thanks for your responses Bruce and Kathy Ann. I really appreciate your input. I just came from my 4:30 Bikram class and, as usual, I feel fantastic. It's unlike any other workout I've ever done.

Let's see, I think I can answer "yes" to all of Kathy Ann's questions. I have been drinking way more water than I've ever done before - about 64 oz per day (although I'm not always consistent about that) and yes, I sweat like a maniac in my class. By the tree pose I am literally dripping sweat. And yes, I am much hungrier than before. I know lots of people experience a decrease in appetite, but I am just the opposite. As for my previous activity level, I have always worked out - running especially - but I've really stopped most other forms of exercise since taking up Bikram. Also, my clothes are definitely tighter than before - that's how come I stepped on the scale and got that big shock!

I guess I'm just used to looking a certain way - I guess ll just play it by ear and, as Bruce says, enjoy!

Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it a lot.
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Posted 2004-05-20 10:13 PM (#6643 - in reply to #6633)
Subject: RE: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

To original questioner: You are feeling great due to the Sauna Effect of heat, which is not good. Of course, there is a good effect of good workout too. You do the same without heat, for better long term results. Now, gaining weight is related to your MORE INTAKE, whether it is water or solid food or liquid food. If you are drinking much more water than what you did before Bikram, it is due to need to save you from heat and increase in weight.

So, the simplest thing is Do all same exercises without any heat. And, please for god sake, inform all of us what result was, after 1 month or two.

best luck.
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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-05-21 1:22 PM (#6663 - in reply to #6643)
Subject: RE: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

I believe that a previously sedentary person can lose weight doing yoga. However, if you replace a vigorous, regular workout (i.e. running) with Bikram Yoga, you might gain weight. It simply does not burn as many calories. If your eating has increased and you went from running to just doing yoga, I'm not surprised you've gained weight.

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Posted 2004-05-21 2:52 PM (#6664 - in reply to #6663)
Subject: RE: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

Wow, that's very depressing. I think I will drop a couple of days of Bikram and replace it with running to see how that works for me. I'll let you know how I do.
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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-05-21 10:44 PM (#6677 - in reply to #6664)
Subject: RE: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

There is a practitioner at our studio who runs and does Bikram. He is in extremely good shape, very little body fat. Running can be a little hard on the joints, though Is there a reason you gave up running? I don't remember from your earlier post . . .
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baby blue
Posted 2004-05-24 3:27 PM (#6748 - in reply to #6633)
Subject: RE: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

i know that i should not post this BUT maybe i should
i stoped going i gained 13lbs in 3 weeks when i was in yoga
i THOUGHT IT WAS IT BUT wen i stoped the weight gain stoped and then i guess my boddy liked that and stated going back up.
i dont know what to do im up from 180 to 190 now and i think this is not the end
i tried the 6 meal a day thing NOTHING i did the gym NOTHING i did yoga i gained
goign to the doctor this week and then back to yoga. i can tell you for sure it made me feel great it made me shape up ALOT. but i freaked
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Posted 2004-05-24 3:49 PM (#6751 - in reply to #6748)
Subject: RE: Help!!Getting Fat on Bikram

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 338
I'm not sure I understand, but it sounds terrible. How long did this weight gain take.
How long did you try the various activities such as Bikram, the gym etc. Are you eating a lot more. What does your doctor say. Unfortunately this raises more questions than answers.
Also how old are you and how tall. I experienced a short period of weight gain ( 2 to 3
months, 6 pounds). It seemed to go up no matter what I did. I did a little yoga, a little
Curves, a little walking, and my weight kept going up. It seems to have plateaued and is going a little down now. I think if you write down what you eat, maybe it will help. I noticed I was
hitting the almonds pretty hard. It can be healthy and still be fattening.

It's a hard road. You're asking the write questions though. Peggy
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