New to Board
Posted 2004-11-15 10:26 PM (#12256)
Subject: New to Board

Hi All,
I am thinking about starting a yoga regimen to get back into shape...I had abdominal surgery about 8 months ago and didn't want to start with a typical aerobics class...Do you recommend this type of yoga for a beginner. I've never taken a yoga class...but I'm intrigued by this and have a brikham yoga studio in my area. I figured I'd start a 3 day/week and see how it goes.
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Yoga With Jill
Posted 2004-11-15 11:50 PM (#12264 - in reply to #12256)
Subject: RE: New to Board

Hi. I do not teach Bikram, but teach Yoga in other gyms. I suggest you take it one class at a time -- sign up for the initial week - and do only what you feel comfortble with -- just stay in the room -- it gets easier and better each time you try. I also suggest that you take a few Pilates classes for building up abs again, and light treadmill or eliptical training, just to build up endurace for the Bikram classes. I LOVE Bikram, but feel that like everything else, done in moderation with other classes. I do 2 - 3 classes a week of Bikram, and work out the 4 other days doing other things -- balancing it all out! Good luck and let me know how it goes. Drink a lot of water during the day. Jill
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Posted 2004-11-16 9:07 AM (#12275 - in reply to #12256)
Subject: RE: New to Board

Welcome to the boards miamigirl. Bikram was my first introduction to yoga a few months ago after neglecting my body with no physical activity and copious amounts of beer for several years. I can say it was a great wake up for my body. First few classes I couldn't make it thru the whole 90 minutes without laying down for a couple of minutes a few times just to let my body ground itself again. But within a week or two my body had buit up the endurance for a whole class. Wear something light and stretchy, but something that's not going to let your twins fall out when in weird positions. I bring 3 towels to class, 2 for in the room and 1 after for showering and don't forget water. Oh yeah, you WILL sweat so do what I didn't do the first couple of times and bring a change of clothes. And don't eat 2-3 hours before class cause you'll get all twisty and the full stomach will get in the way.

Edited by Wulfheir 2004-11-16 9:08 AM
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Posted 2004-11-16 3:39 PM (#12293 - in reply to #12256)
Subject: RE: New to Board

A lot of bikram is about holding in your gut, so I'd chat with the instructor, or your doctor to find out what's appropriate. Make sure to pay attention to your body. Good luck!

Edited by mari 2004-11-16 3:39 PM
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Posted 2004-11-16 4:30 PM (#12297 - in reply to #12275)
Subject: RE: New to Board

I agree with all the advice given here. Just remember, Bikram is pretty intense, so try to be as prepared as possible. I don't know about starting out w/ 3 classes a week. Sometimes Bikram, a very physically demanding for of yoga, can be very difficult for a first-timer. Then again, if you're from Miami, you're probably used to the heat and humidity. Go to your first class, and see if you like it. Guage from that if you can start out with 3 classes a week, and if you can't you'll eventually get used to it and will be able to build up to going more often. My recommendation is to carefully contemplate the advice already given here in this forum and take it slowly--don't be afraid to talk to your teacher and ask plenty of questions.
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Posted 2004-11-16 4:38 PM (#12298 - in reply to #12256)
Subject: RE: New to Board

Thanks everyone for your advice. I went to the studio today and spoke with an instructor. She said it was an excellent way to get into shape and help with my healing...get all the toxins out from my surgery...etc...She basically said to go at my own pace..and try to do 4 x per week to start out with. She herself was out of shape when she started 3 years ago and did 5 X for the first 6 months. She looked to be in good shape, not too slender, but muscular and fit.

Tomorrow I will go for the first time..I bought my mat and am eager to start....She also said not to get discouraged after the first class or so...because it will feel overwhelming..but that I'll feel the benefits later on in the day...

I will keep you guys posted on the progress and I'm sure I'll have questions as I go...Thanks again!
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Posted 2004-11-17 2:36 AM (#12335 - in reply to #12298)
Subject: RE: New to Board

Just a tip. If you bought a sticky mat and that's all you have, you might want to lay a large towel over it to soak up all the copious amounts of sweat so you want be slipping and sliding, a hand towel for wiping excess sweat, and possibly a wash cloth sized towel for helping you to grip certain body parts so your hands won't slip from the sweat. And for good measure, an extra regular sized towel for afterwards if you want to shower as most Bikram studios have showers--cuz who wants to walk around soaking wet from sweat the whole day? Bring some water to drink too, for in between asana breaks. Don't drink too much, or you'll end up having to go to the bathroom and by doing so, you'll be cooling down and won't be getting the full benefits of the practice.
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Posted 2004-11-17 5:48 AM (#12338 - in reply to #12298)
Subject: RE: New to Board

Quote: "She said it was an excellent way to get into shape and help with my healing...get all the toxins out from my surgery...etc.."

Yeah, to hear Bikram tell it and most of his instructors, Bikram yoga fixes and cures everything. Don't get me wrong, I've been doing Bikram for nearly 2 years now; however, I know that ain't all there is. My philosophy is challenge everything--Bikram instuctors in general hate that.
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Posted 2004-11-17 1:23 PM (#12360 - in reply to #12256)
Subject: RE: New to Board

I just came back from my first class and I had a great experience...The instructor worked with me...and helped me get into the postures...also encouraged me to just try my best...
The workout itself was intense..I was already sweating after the first exercise..Room was at about 101 degrees and then cooled down to 90 when we were doing the breathing exercises...I can honestly say it was tough but not as tough as I've been reading about on the internet...but that may just be because I was used to doing intense aerobics in my younger years and this paled in comparison...HOwever; I know this is something I can keep up with and hopefully work up to doing the postures like everyone else....
The physique the instructor had and most of the students was amazing...

Edited by sunnymiamigirl 2004-11-17 1:23 PM
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Posted 2004-11-17 3:28 PM (#12366 - in reply to #12256)
Subject: RE: New to Board

>> I can honestly say it was tough but not as tough as I've been reading about on the internet... <<

Lucky girl you! Well, there are some of us coming from cooler climates. I, for example, was brought up on a freaking iceberg and first time Bikram was a killer. I hardly made it into the room and when I was on my mat finally I never again wanted to stand up and do some asanas. It was a wonderful experience nevertheless
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Posted 2004-11-17 4:19 PM (#12374 - in reply to #12256)
Subject: RE: New to Board

Glad to hear you enjoyed your class!
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Posted 2004-11-21 2:09 PM (#12644 - in reply to #12366)
Subject: RE: New to Board

afroyogi - 2004-11-17 3:28 PM

>> I can honestly say it was tough but not as tough as I've been reading about on the internet... <<

Lucky girl you! Well, there are some of us coming from cooler climates. I, for example, was brought up on a freaking iceberg and first time Bikram was a killer. I hardly made it into the room and when I was on my mat finally I never again wanted to stand up and do some asanas. It was a wonderful experience nevertheless

I have actually lived in NYC my entire life....moved to Miami just over 3 years ago...but the heat didn't bother me at all....If anything, it felt like it opened my airways even more...the humidity was perfect....But I have a question...The class started out at 101degrees, but towards the end, it was 90....does this occur in all classes...? or does it stay at the 100 degree mark till the end??
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Posted 2004-11-21 6:20 PM (#12658 - in reply to #12644)
Subject: RE: New to Board

Seems like they let the temperature fall toward the end--even open doors, windows, etc., so final savasana is a wee bit more relaxing.
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