Posted 2005-03-15 1:39 AM (#19113)
Subject: Visions

Well, nearly everytime I practice yoga, I get 'visions'. Sometimes they are words, 'leading' me in life where I need to go, but a lot of the time it is art (Im an artist on the side). Ill get visions of painting that I should do, or something in the garden I should create. Sometimes I get so many, I have to write them down in my yoga journal.
Does anyone else get anything like this? What happens for you? I know this may be very personal, but hey, thats what yoga is, isn't it?
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Posted 2005-03-15 9:45 AM (#19140 - in reply to #19113)
Subject: RE: Visions

I've had some similar experiences. Sometimes it's a friend's eyes, sometimes it's animals, but most often it's fire, which makes me really happy. Not in a pyromaniacal (is this a word?) sense, but in a way that relates to passion and life-force. I'm in school for interior design, and a part-time photographer, so maybe that's the common link.....We tend to understand things in a visual sense, so maybe that's how the ideas come to us.
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Posted 2005-03-15 10:56 AM (#19145 - in reply to #19140)
Subject: RE: Visions

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Hey Lora...pray you don't have fire in a dream Nepalis culture this means you are going to fight with somebody. I swear, it is true. If I ever have a dream and I see fire, it happens every time for me. In fact, I used to say this is BS and it can't be, but I always found myself taken by surprise and in that fighting or conflict situation whether I was trying to avoid it or not. Oh well. I like fire too cause I'm a dragon, and everything related to the elements as to when I was born points me to fire..even my Pitta Dosha is fire, LOL!!

Anyway, welcome to this yoga forum Lady Jane. As for visions, I think we all have them in some form or fashion. After all this is where we create and get our ideas from. Now if only we can create from a place that truly benefits our world and the world we live in, being of good service...that to me is the ultimate vision.
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Posted 2005-03-15 10:58 AM (#19146 - in reply to #19140)
Subject: RE: Visions

I often see what I call dancing daisies in yoga nidra (that is, when I can get into it )

These are cut flowers with pristine white petals and egg-yolk yellow middles that float in a sinuous stream toward me against a backgound of rolling green fields and trees.

I also see mad neon patterns sometimes, a bit like those fractal screen savers you can get (see for a really amazing saver ideal for meditiation by the way - it's a bit flaky but the customisable patterns are really good).


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Posted 2005-03-15 12:06 PM (#19150 - in reply to #19113)
Subject: RE: Visions

I'm intrigured by the fire/fighting/dream connection. I was born in August as a Leo, and have a pitta dosha. I was ranting about something the other day and a co-worker turned and said "maybe you just like to argue"...It wasn't a negative thing, necessarily - just an observation that I don't tend to um, shy away from conflict. The funny thing is that the more I practice yoga, the more comfortable with conflict I am and the less likely to avoid it when necessary. It's not something I seek, but I'm definitely a LOT more comfortable in standing up for myself when my principles are called into question. But that's getting into another thread......Maybe I'll start that after I do some homework!
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Posted 2005-03-15 2:05 PM (#19153 - in reply to #19150)
Subject: RE: Visions

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
You know what Lora, I used to be in conflict about the fact that it was just my nature period to be who I am. Growing up in a society that expects you to conform a certain way to what they think you should is conflicting enough. When I learned how to come to terms with my nature and who I was and accept me for who I am, I was able to use that information to support me in positive ways - without anyone else's input, especially when it is negative and doesn't chive with my fact, I just ignore what people say. Learning the true nature of things is the most important factor, and after knowing those facts, living and just being in that place is very powerful. I feel that yoga, meditation and learning things like Ayurveda, the Tao and some of the ancient methods of survival on the earth has given me the tools to learn what I need to get above this society and the BS that goes on. If you are a young person you are well on your way to doing something totally wonderful for the older people have benefited greatly too, but if I went back 20 years ago knowing what I know now...look out world! Of course, I still blow people away with positive energy when I'm out and about in my little world, whether it be when I'm shopping, hanging out in my favorite coffee shop/mercantile here in the country with a bunch of old timey farmers (what a trip they are). It is quite interesting and refreshing to watch them take a closer look at what I say and how I act. That is even more incredible to watch a shift of energy take place just because you made a small difference. Simply by your attitude and actions - that is what I also call giving it away, making a difference. Soo, instead of being in conflict we just learn how to master ourselves in a way that is very useful and beneficial...we Pitta's have our place too!! Fire is very important:~)

Speaking of conforming....sometimes we have to follow rules and I don't consider that being the kind of conforming I'm talking about above. There are some guidelines we must follow, but at the same token, we don't harm anyone, we live from a place that is better than what society says we should do and we basically govern ourselves:~) So, having that said, we probably should move this thread over to the Philosophy and Religion area of the forum, that way we won't be out of line

Edited by Cyndi 2005-03-15 2:24 PM
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Posted 2005-03-16 2:50 PM (#19251 - in reply to #19113)
Subject: RE: Visions

Jane and Lora, I envy you! Being a bit artistic myself (photography, design, writing) I'm to much busy with my ol' body during practice though. No images and visions for me
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