Strange things happening
Posted 2005-05-07 7:16 PM (#23697)
Subject: Strange things happening

Hi again,

When I started Bikram 8 months ago I wasn't sure what to expect. I quickly got addicted to the heat, poses, and how my body felt after each class. So during the past 6 months or so my body was just changing, I was losing inches like crazy and managed to get down to a good weight. I was going to class everyday, missing a few days here and there. This is the strange part. During the last 2 months I've been feeling like I'm losing my waist line, like I'm gaining back what I have lost. My scale says the same, but I can tell in my hips, belly and waist that I'm getting bigger again. I'm frustrated with this because I worked so hard to get here. I haven't changed my eating habbits except to realize I can't eat anything I want anymore. I basically feel bloated now. Any thoughts?
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Posted 2005-05-07 8:47 PM (#23698 - in reply to #23697)
Subject: RE: Strange things happening

Sometimes your metabolism can flatten out when you do the same routine for a long time. Try changing things up for a few months! Running, biking, tae kwon do, bellydancing - whatever sounds interesting. You'll throw your body for a loop, and maybe have some fun at the same time. Not to say that you should totally stop doing Bikram (or take a break) if you don't want to - just add something new and see what happens.

Personally (and we're all different, so this might not work for you), I started doing Pilates for 45 minutes 4-5 times/week for the last 2 months, and my waistline has gotten MUCH flatter and more trim-looking.
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Posted 2005-05-07 10:55 PM (#23702 - in reply to #23698)
Subject: RE: Strange things happening

Well, now that 's warming up up here, I'll get back to my mountain biking. I will take your advice though, it totally makes sense. I may try pilates at my gym a few days a week. I also feel I may be at a bit of a pleateau right now. The good thing is I don't think my butt is getting bigger.

Edited by gainup 2005-05-07 11:01 PM
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