Posted 2005-11-07 3:48 PM (#36058)
Subject: Hello

I am interested in getting into Yoga and or meditation. I was wondering what you all would recommend as far as classes, videos, music, products. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am looking into having a more peacful and serene life.
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Posted 2005-11-07 4:54 PM (#36061 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello

Moni - 2005-11-08 9:48 PM

I am interested in getting into Yoga and or meditation.

Welcome Moni,
please note that meditation is a one of the eight limbs of yoga, so there's no and/or.
My recommendation for you is to find a class to learn the asanas (postures) and use books only to gain knowledge. A very good form of yoga for beginners is iyengar. It's a static non-flowing yoga which cares for exact alignment. What you'll learn there is useful in all the other styles as well. You can practice iyengar for your whole life but if you decide to take up anothet style at least it wasn't wasted time. To get started you don't need a lot of "products", just a mat and comfy, not too loose clothing.
Here, you're all set up, now go and enjoy the journey!

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Posted 2005-11-07 4:57 PM (#36062 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello

Helllo Moni,

my advice is to go and find a yoga class in your area and a meditation class. Nothing can substitute a good teacher. They will make sure you are safe and develop your practice as and when you are ready.

If you begin with yoga you will find that there is always an element of meditation in it.

Good luck!
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Posted 2005-11-07 5:18 PM (#36063 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello

Thank you much. I have already researched and found some places that provide Yoga classes. I guess the only way to tell which one would be good for me is to actually go and try.

Another thing is I was hoping I could do a lot of my Yoga/meditation at home. I work full time and have a family so it might be kind of a challenge to try and make it to a studio all the time. What books, video's would you recomment. I was also wanting to get some peaceful like music to listen too. As you can tell I am new to this so please bear with me.

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Posted 2005-11-07 11:23 PM (#36076 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello


good choice--looking for a more peaceful and serene life that is.
and yoga/meditation is a great tool.
Maybe just going to a studio class once a week will support you in learning yoga and meditation,
keep you inspired -for your home practice.
There is a good thread you can look for about music people reccommend for practice. Probably
in "general yoga".
good luck. let us know how it goes. and the forum is a nice resource too-

oh ps- Anusara is also a good yoga style for starting- it has very good alignment principles for a safe practice. of course I am biased -as I study Anusara and love it. any style is the right style if you have a good and knowledgeable teacher.

Edited by raku 2005-11-07 11:24 PM
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Posted 2005-11-08 12:18 PM (#36096 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello

ref music, try yoga rythms or any other compilation by Shiva Rea:


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Posted 2005-11-08 12:52 PM (#36097 - in reply to #36063)
Subject: RE: Hello

In reference to books and videos, I suggest you try some different classes first, to determine the kind or style of yoga that is good for you. Then come back to us for recommendations

Or try some books from your library or videos from Netflix or Blockbuster ... again, so that you can figure out what you like before you invest too much.
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Posted 2005-11-08 4:23 PM (#36106 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello

I am very much against videos and DVDs. Once you have attended some classes you'll be able to start a home practice with the asanas that you already know. It's not important to do as many asanas as possible, rather do a few, repeat them and do them right.
I wouldn't suggest trying out new postures by using a video. The idea to attend class once a week seems to be a good compromise, even with little time on your hands.
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Posted 2005-11-08 6:05 PM (#36109 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello

Expert Yogi

Posts: 1738
Location: right where I'm supposed to be
Hiya Welcome to the forums!!!!
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Posted 2005-11-08 11:24 PM (#36147 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello

Hi Moni,
Welcome to the forums and also to Yoga.

I also have a full time career and a family that I am very committed to. What I do is buy a bunch of passes for three months and use them as I can, sharing them with my wife who also works full time. We both try and make it to the school about once a week each. When I go to class, I try and get everything I can from the practice and remember what the teacher says. My wife does the same and we exchange notes and practice at home every single day. The kids see this and get involved too. We make it fun, not a chore. It is part of the (yoked with the) family life for us not an interference.

Well I hope that helps. Find a class that fits you As far as videos and DVDs, that is ALL we did for awhile before we found a school we liked.
Best wishes to you with having the peaceful and serene life.

Edited by Dreamerge 2005-11-08 11:26 PM
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Posted 2005-11-09 8:26 AM (#36175 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello

Sounds excellent Dream,

can I join your family?!

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Posted 2005-11-09 10:13 PM (#36257 - in reply to #36175)
Subject: RE: Hello

We would be thrilled to have an expert Yogi joining the family. Sure, why not.
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Posted 2005-11-09 11:34 PM (#36269 - in reply to #36147)
Subject: RE: Hello

Dreamerge - 2005-11-08 8:24 PM

We make it fun, not a chore. It is part of the (yoked with the) family life for us not an interference.

I love the way you phrased this. I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "I would like to have a more regular yoga practice, but my busy schedule doesn't allow for it." If more people viewed yoga the way you and your family does, Dreamerge, then fitting yoga into a "busy schedule" wouldn't be such an issue. When you stop looking at yoga as something you just "squeeze" into your life and begin seeing it as a part of your life, then it really does become truly a part of you.
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Posted 2005-11-10 10:52 PM (#36327 - in reply to #36269)
Subject: RE: Hello

Thank you Rachelle. When working as a team we can help each other with things that have been overlooked or missed. I learn from what my daughters tell me they did in the kids class. That is one of the really cool things about this forum is that we can all learn from each other's sharings. It helps encourage Yoga being part of life and not a squeeze in.
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Posted 2005-11-11 7:21 AM (#36342 - in reply to #36058)
Subject: RE: Hello

I agree that your daily yoga practice should be like brushing your teeth, something that you just do out of habit because it cleans.

You just unroll your mat at the same time everyday if possible (to get into a routine) and then start. Leave your brain out of it, all it says is "urg, can't be bothered todat" and so on. You feel excellent afterwards, and after a while you send all day looking forward to the first sun salutation!

Dream, thanks so much, I'm on my way, but I wouldn't call myself an expert, I think you're a beginner for at least the first 20 years!

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