Yoga and Cancer
Posted 2006-01-20 10:00 AM (#41505)
Subject: Yoga and Cancer

Namaste! I am hoping to work with a cancer treatment centre and introduce yoga as an aid to recovery and also as a preventative. Does anybody have any information on this topic to share?
Thanks! Monica
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Posted 2006-01-20 8:05 PM (#41562 - in reply to #41505)
Subject: RE: Yoga and Cancer

i don't off the top of my head, but i recommend trying to connect with a treatment center through the nursing staff. they tend to be very supportive of these sorts of programs.
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Posted 2006-01-20 8:54 PM (#41564 - in reply to #41505)
Subject: RE: Yoga and Cancer

Have you seen this?

Healing Yoga For People Living With Cancer

A friend of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer a month ago, and this is one of the books I bought her. It's been awhile since I've read it myself (it's always out at the library), but I'm hoping to get my hands on it again.
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Posted 2006-01-20 9:48 PM (#41566 - in reply to #41505)
Subject: RE: Yoga and Cancer

Nischala Joy Devi has a wonderful book called "The Healing Path of Yoga." She created the original yoga program for Dr. Dean Ornish's program to reverse heart disease. But, I think a lot of the theory and practices would be applicable for cancer also.
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Posted 2006-01-20 10:42 PM (#41569 - in reply to #41505)
Subject: RE: Yoga and Cancer

Original Query: Namaste! I am hoping to work with a cancer treatment centre and introduce yoga as an aid to recovery and also as a preventative. Does anybody have any information on this topic to share?
Thanks! Monica

Yoga, as a general health tool, has nothing to do with recovery from Cancer modality, neither it can be used, nor it will be successful in that direction. Real cancer can not be recovered except as a miracle in Yoga, which a Yogi will not use for treating people in general, and certainly not at the treatment center.

As a prevention, yes, Yoga is the prevention, but that includes all aspects of Yoga including diet, rest, etc. Only exercises will neither recover nor prevent anything.

What Dr. Dean Ornish did carried weight due to his previous medical degree, though the knowledge itself was already there. Due his weight, the experiment was done and proved the already existing knowledge. The health program whether through the past or through Dr. Ornish is good for preventing any disease, whether cancer or heart disease or simple skin rash. Because, there is ONLY one disease and many names.

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Posted 2006-01-20 11:05 PM (#41570 - in reply to #41505)
Subject: RE: Yoga and Cancer

I apologize for forgetting to add the following:

For cancer patients, Yoga in a meditative way is extremely beneficial in a way the body consciousness is changed to spirituality. Also, doing Yoga during cancer modality can provide relief due to mental aspects, but more benefit shall come from philosophical understanding.

Additionally, neither non Yoga treatment shall recover anyone from real cancer.

But, lastly, one has to understand that Cancer really affects only body, and mind can be kept peaceful even then. And, spirit is never affected by these. This is what needs to be taught to the patients of real cancer.

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Posted 2006-01-22 6:05 PM (#41669 - in reply to #41570)
Subject: RE: Yoga and Cancer

Thank you for your input! The yoga that I would like to introduce in our cancer treatment centre is a meditative style of yoga and very gentle. It would be an aid to conventional treatments to help a person recover their feelings of balance and inner peace and to provide techniques to deal with stress. It is in the area of learning how to cope with stress and stress prevention that I believe that yoga has great value as a preventative for cancer and and many other diseases, as well as contributing greatly to overall health.

Thanks for the suggestions, Monica
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Posted 2006-01-22 10:13 PM (#41686 - in reply to #41505)
Subject: RE: Yoga and Cancer

That is a good work. But, Yoga as a meditation should not be considered as completely preventative for any modality, it must be accompanied by good diet, proper rest, stressfree lifestyle.

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Posted 2006-01-23 6:03 PM (#41758 - in reply to #41505)
Subject: RE: Yoga and Cancer

I don't know if they're any books on Integrative Yoga, but from what I understand, it's a special type designed for nurses, therapists and those in the health profession.
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Posted 2006-02-01 3:55 AM (#42547 - in reply to #41505)
Subject: RE: Yoga and Cancer

I came across this superb magazine,on one man's committment to make this world disease free.
A lot of testimonials on curing diseases.Please check the following website.
For all this reading this reply and who knows someone who is suffering from some serious ailment,please take a look at the above website,lets do our part to save mankind from sufferings.
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