good vibe/bad vibe teaching
Posted 2006-02-23 10:00 PM (#44697)
Subject: good vibe/bad vibe teaching

I teach at 2 different places. One place receives me really well and one place is a little tougher. I have up to 40 people in the first place, but only snare in about 7 at the second. To be fair, the second place can barely hold 20 people. The thing is, I started at the second place and I was really nervous and I admitted I was new to the members. I also took the place of a beloved teacher there. Many of the vetran members at the second gym formed opinions of me when I was new, and had no problem sharing their views with others. Part of me wants to leave the gym, now that I'm feeling really good about my teaching and my path and because I have such good experiences at the other gym everytime I teach. But, I'm slowly getting new people in b/c new people join the gym, etc. I like the time, 7 PM, because it gets me out of the house at night and my husband puts the kids to bed. I know, lame reason, but still.

What do you do when you don't get a good vibe, but you know why, and think the vibe will change in time? I remember reading when I was in lurk mode about someone here who came in after a teacher whom everybody loved and it was tough. I think I know my answer (that I will stay) but would like to get input or hear similar experiences.
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Posted 2006-02-24 3:47 AM (#44715 - in reply to #44697)
Subject: RE: good vibe/bad vibe teaching

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Some people are hard acts to follow. It doesnt' mean they were any better than you, just more popular. BKS Iyengar reminds us frequently to not put much emphasis on how popular we are - just teach and the students will come. He says, "when the students come to classes, I say thank God I can teach. When they don't come, I say thank God I can practice."
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Posted 2006-02-24 7:56 AM (#44728 - in reply to #44697)
Subject: RE: good vibe/bad vibe teaching

Everyone has their own teaching styles... it may just take them a while to adjust.
remember - not everyone will like your style, you can't please them all... but go in being confident and give it your best and I bet things will turn out a bit different.

The class I took over was the owner of the studio who has her own style, and she is a wonderful teacher. Even though I took my training from her, she encouraged us to find our own style.

I say hang in there - and watch your emotions - they can easily rub off on your class too, so if you are feeling uncomfortable and uneasy, chances are the class feels it too!

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Posted 2006-02-25 11:54 PM (#44971 - in reply to #44697)
Subject: RE: good vibe/bad vibe teaching


I had almost the same situation with my first regular class. I stuck it out and a few students stuck it out with me. They are now the core of a really great group of people. The annoying people all left right away, so I don't have to worry about any negative energy.

The people in the room while I'm teaching are there because they enjoy it. I don't worry about the others.

I have bigger classes at other places, but I actually like the small classes. As long as I have the 10 or so people that I need to keep the class going, I'm happy.
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Posted 2006-02-26 8:11 AM (#44980 - in reply to #44697)
Subject: RE: good vibe/bad vibe teachin

Stick it out. It takes time. You'll build it up over time. Some studios and gyms are great because the classes are always filled and you feel like a real hotshot because you have big classes all the time. Then you go to some places where the classes are small and the students aren't as warm and friendly and you feel like you aren't doing something right.

Don't get too attached to the size of the classes. Make the students that do show up happy. Stick to your program and the students that like you will find their way to you.

Another way to think of it is that they are coming for the yoga. If you make it about the yoga and not about you, you won't take it so personally.

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Posted 2006-02-27 4:03 PM (#45141 - in reply to #44980)
Subject: RE: good vibe/bad vibe teachin

YogaGuy - 2006-02-26 8:11 AM

Another way to think of it is that they are coming for the yoga. If you make it about the yoga and not about you, you won't take it so personally.

Thanks-that is a great advice.
Thanks for all the input.
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Posted 2006-02-27 5:25 PM (#45148 - in reply to #44697)
Subject: RE: good vibe/bad vibe teaching

7 is a respectable number and it sounds like your class is growing all the time. Teaching smaller classes is a great opportunity to really see everything and everyone out there. There is so much more space in the studio that you do not have to worry about kicking the person behind you when you go into Warrior III. You could look at it as an opportunity to make a real connection to the people in your class - that can be hard to do when you have 40 people.

I have a horrible time slot at a fitness complex within an office compound 1-2 on Tuesday afternoons. I started out with 2-3 people and on some days nobody showed . This can really undermine your confidence especially when the kickbox class before me had 25 people. At first I was totally bummed out it really bothered me. But stuck it out and gave the very best that I could every time. I did finally get to a point where the people who took the class told coworkers and more and more people started to come and I have a respectable following even at 1-2 in the afternoons on Tuesdays. This class means more to me then the packed out no more room classes I teach at Gyms because these people need it so much coming from their desks to class. They all have gotten strong and love the Yoga experience.

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Posted 2006-02-27 6:21 PM (#45154 - in reply to #45148)
Subject: RE: good vibe/bad vibe teaching

"This class means more to me then the packed out no more room classes I teach at Gyms because these people need it so much coming from their desks to class."

Wow !!! Just rereading what I wrote and yikes!! I definitely did not mean it to sound so is not that they really need it more then others or are more deserving of the Yoga experience - it is just different from the iron pumping gym crowd. Please accept my apologies.
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Posted 2006-02-27 6:57 PM (#45158 - in reply to #45154)
Subject: RE: good vibe/bad vibe teaching

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Welcome carolyn - no problems. We do get attached to ur classes, don't we? I have a couple like that, too
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Posted 2006-02-28 9:46 PM (#45286 - in reply to #44697)
Subject: RE: good vibe/bad vibe teaching

Well, I must say, things are getting better all the time. I had 10 people in my class tonight and it was a great class with a good vibe.
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