Recommended number of sessions
Posted 2006-03-10 8:53 AM (#46344)
Subject: Recommended number of sessions

I am 42 and after loosing 10kg just started a week ago with pilates in a power pilates certified center .

I wonder the recommended number of sessions per week I should take, my objective being to improve my practice in a martial art (hapkido) after 10 years without practicing it. My weak points are my knees due to too weak legs.

Shall 2 sessions per week suffice, or shall I take 3 instead?

I do want to progress as fast as possible.

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Posted 2006-10-10 5:46 PM (#66809 - in reply to #46344)
Subject: RE: Recommended number of sessions

Pilates was designed to be done daily. What I tell my clients, is that the more you come in, especially at the beginning, the more your body is willing to make changes. It is the repetitive nature of pilates that begin to change the body and hold those changes in place. The more often you are reinforcing those changes, the quicker the body holds onto them. If you're not able to practice daily, I suggest 3 times a week - minimum two.

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