Blood Rush To The Head...
Posted 2006-03-21 11:36 AM (#47289)
Subject: Blood Rush To The Head...

I fear I may be doing something wrong, and I'm not sure where to start NOT doing it... I have recently begun to practice hatha with my wife and I find that it is not good for my head in that with the simplest posture (ie. child pose) I get this incredible rush of blood to the head and I feel like my brain is going to explode. (remember as kids when you would force the blood to your head to make your face turn red? Yeah, pretty much like that but without trying...)

Now, clearly this is not good for a number of reasons, however it seems to happen every time my head is in the down position relative to the rest of my body. Scale of 1 to 10 in blood rush for various body positions:
- Standing - 1
- Lyding down - 1
- Child Pose - 10
- Upward arch (sun salutation) - 8
- Shoulder Pose - 9
- general bending at the waist while standing - 7
... and so on..

I am prone to migraines which means that if I get too much blood forcing it's way into my brain, the blood vesels will expand and guess what I get? I think I am (well clearly I am) tensing a part of my body which forces blood to my brain but I cannot seem to figure it out. I relax everything I possibly can, then make mental efforts to relax everything but it doesn't seem to help.

The spinny rush is nice at times but it's SO not good for me - this I know.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to where to begin looking for answers/solutions?

Thanks in advance!

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Posted 2006-03-21 12:47 PM (#47304 - in reply to #47289)
Subject: RE: Blood Rush To The Head...

have you checked your blood pressure - it sounds like you could be suffering from low blood pressure - anytime your head goes below the waist with issues that's low blood pressure.

Do you have a problem going from say standing forward bend to mountain?
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Posted 2006-03-21 2:11 PM (#47322 - in reply to #47304)
Subject: RE: Blood Rush To The Head...

shnen - 2006-03-21 12:47 PM

have you checked your blood pressure - it sounds like you could be suffering from low blood pressure - anytime your head goes below the waist with issues that's low blood pressure.

Do you have a problem going from say standing forward bend to mountain?

Vitals are normal. I've never had high or low blood pressure and I'm in 'average' shape or fitness. I have been slacking off the past few months in terms of working out (weights and cardio), but I have always had this challenge with brain & blood.

As for going from standing forward bend to mountain, it is a slow buildup of pressure in the noggin so the longer it's held the worse it gets. Now depending on how long it is held will directly relate to the cascading 'head rush' and throbing within the head...

Whenever I have done work for extended periods with my head down it has always resulted in a migraine. Now, I have never had any real medical issues, and tests always come back without indicating anything - 'even-steven' when it comes to things medical. I figured I'd post here just in case others had experienced something similar or in case it is a clear indication that I am doing something totally wrong and its typically seen in beginners (ie. need to relax the abdomin or something)...

I can just see myself going to a doctor - 'Yeah, it hurts when I do this..' - "Then don't do it..".. *sigh*

T. ;)
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Posted 2006-03-21 2:27 PM (#47324 - in reply to #47289)
Subject: RE: Blood Rush To The Head...

I know what you mean by the 'then don't do it'.

You should have something checked with why you get migraines from having your head down for a long time - I get migraines too - but its mostly weather related.

Perhaps you just need to listen to your body - move a bit slower if you have to, and come out of the pose if you need to.

I always tell my students - if you need a rest or don't feel good, come into childs pose or mountain pose.

I find it strange that you experience this during childs pose though, have you tried childs pose with a block under your head, you can also try putting your arms beside your body as well. See if that makes any difference.

A modification of childs pose is to have a low chair or bolster in front of you and your hands go on the chair tip of the head rests on the edge- not allowing your head to come so far down. You obviously can't do that in class - but it may be something to try at home.
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Posted 2006-03-21 10:38 PM (#47391 - in reply to #47322)
Subject: RE: Blood Rush To The Head...

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Hi tully and welcome I finally found out I get migraines from a constant head down position as well. It took many years but I figured out that my horrible headaches from hiking only happened in terrain where I had to stay head down to see whare I was walking Anyway....

The usual explanation for head rushes of the sort you describe is that you have tension in your neck and/or throat, which ideally would mean that eventually you would loosen up and be able to relax enough to do the poses without that awful feeling. But since you have had this forever, it is going to take a long time for you to release those patterns! My first suggestion would be to do one pose at a time and not "flow" from pose to pose, which it sounds like you are doing. Then you have to work gradually into having your head down, which probably means finding a good sequence of poses just for you - no pre-fab sequences - which is easier than it sounds sinc ethis place is crawling with teachers Finally, you need to know that it is not actual, physical "blood rushing to the head" and that cranial blood pressure stays remarkable stable no matter what position your body is in and for how long. I know, it doesn't feel that way, but it is true. Knowing and believing that you are just feeling a weird physical quirk and not injuring yourself in any way helps a ton. So in the meantime, breathe! Relax and don't worry about it too much and if you are interested in a sequence, let us know and I am sure you will get lots of help.

Oh - and I got serious migraines when I started yoga as well, but over the years I have fewer and fewer, as well as learned more about my body and how to avoid things that trigger them. So the net result is all to the good for migraines vs. yoga
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Posted 2006-07-02 11:52 PM (#57440 - in reply to #47289)
Subject: RE: Blood Rush To The Head...

This has always been a big problem for me as I have orthostatic intolerance and inversions of any degree give me incredible dizziness and headache. I still haven't figured out how to cope with the problem, apart from avoiding the asanas that give me trouble... yet that feels incredibly limiting. It's frustrating.
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Posted 2006-07-03 8:35 PM (#57541 - in reply to #47289)
Subject: RE: Blood Rush To The Head...

i used to get nose and mouth bleeds from inversions

but they went away after much practice, SO

your diet should probably be analyzed and honestly evaluated

your breathing-all day long--should be something you watch, just watch it and report back-is it deep or shallow, or whatever

and your level of activity===are you athletic, or no, or inbetween
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Posted 2006-07-04 12:30 AM (#57563 - in reply to #47289)
Subject: RE: Blood Rush To The Head...

My husband used to get nose bleeds from head stands but I (finally) got him to start using a neti pot daily and he doesn't get them anymore. You should get your blood pressure checked though, if you haven't already.
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Posted 2006-08-13 2:21 AM (#61626 - in reply to #47289)
Subject: RE: Blood Rush To The Head...

Hello Tully,

Questions for you:

Do you have a pranayama practice?
What are the qualities of Savasana for you (that is "Corpse" pose)?
Can you tell me in some detail about your breathing.
I'd also like to know what you do for a living please.
Outline your diet and any medications you are taking please.
Does your sleep phase (lying down) also get a rating of 1?

Here's some suggestions to try.
Balasana (child's pose) place a yoga block under the forehead. We are seeking just enough height to bring a gentle curve into the back of the neck; rather than rounding it as most do in balasana.

Upward Arch assuming it's the pose I think it is, do not gaze more than a few inches in front of your toes. and slide the palms up to the shins, pressing gently to do the pose, rather than hands at the floor. A block may also be used on it's smallest face for the hands to press down in to.

Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) Are you doing this pose with props? If so, can you illustate for me which ones and in what methods they are being employed. If you are NOT using props please stop doing the pose immediately and do not do it again until you can do so with appropriate propping.

Bending at the waist while standing Uttanasana? If so try Ardha Uttanasana by facing the wall, palms hip width on the wall, walk back from the wall straightening your arms, pressing into the hands. Continue walking back until your hips are over your ankles, your spine lengthened, and your arms straight. Your gaze should be at the floor, the crown of the head pointing toward the wall at a spot righ between your palms (palms shoulder width, feet hips width). You may bend the knees in this pose.

If you can do your practice by substituting these then we've achieved a great deal.
Let me know.

tully - 2006-03-21 8:36 AM

I fear I may be doing something wrong, and I'm not sure where to start NOT doing it... I have recently begun to practice hatha with my wife and I find that it is not good for my head in that with the simplest posture (ie. child pose) I get this incredible rush of blood to the head and I feel like my brain is going to explode. (remember as kids when you would force the blood to your head to make your face turn red? Yeah, pretty much like that but without trying...)

Now, clearly this is not good for a number of reasons, however it seems to happen every time my head is in the down position relative to the rest of my body. Scale of 1 to 10 in blood rush for various body positions:
- Standing - 1
- Lyding down - 1
- Child Pose - 10
- Upward arch (sun salutation) - 8
- Shoulder Pose - 9
- general bending at the waist while standing - 7
... and so on..

I am prone to migraines which means that if I get too much blood forcing it's way into my brain, the blood vesels will expand and guess what I get? I think I am (well clearly I am) tensing a part of my body which forces blood to my brain but I cannot seem to figure it out. I relax everything I possibly can, then make mental efforts to relax everything but it doesn't seem to help.

The spinny rush is nice at times but it's SO not good for me - this I know.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to where to begin looking for answers/solutions?

Thanks in advance!


Edited by purnayoga 2006-08-13 2:26 AM
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