suprise quote
Posted 2006-03-22 9:01 AM (#47416)
Subject: suprise quote

I read this today in Yoga Journal online:
As yoga grows ever more popular (there are more students practicing hatha yoga in California than in the entire country of India today, asserts Larry Payne, coauthor of Yoga for Dummies),

I was suprised by this. Do you think that, as yoga becomes more prominent here, that it will truly evolve into something quite a bit different than how it started in India? I know Cyndi says yoga is in its infancy in the US, but I wonder if it will ever grow into a version of an Indian adult. It makes me think of other sports (or religions) that came from other countries and how we changed it. I could be wrong, but didn't our football come from their football (soccer) and the 2 sports are pretty different now? I wonder what other things Americans brought from elsewhere, changed it, and now it's quite a bit different. I guess I see some of the changes as normal and fine, especially if we recognize it for what it is and are not fooling ourselves that it's anything but western yoga.

I'm bringing this up b/c it's becoming a sore spot for me. The more I read about what some of you are doing, the more lousy I'm feeling about what I'm doing. But, I didn't used to-I enjoyed what I was doing. And, my students enjoy it. But, now I've got this little voice in my head saying I'm doing it all wrong. Then, I'll have to talk myself down and say I'm not personally raping yoga, it's nationwide, it's accepted, it's wanted, and it's been done before and will be done again. I'm providing a service that people want and if I don't do it, someone else certainly will. I just want to teach it basically the same way I learned it.

I'm going through some emotional stuff, can you tell?

I know, this is a provocative post and I will probably get totally slammed. I just wonder if anyone feels the same way.
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Posted 2006-03-22 9:32 AM (#47420 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Kym -
I enjoyed what I was doing. And, my students enjoy it. But, now I've got this little voice in my head saying I'm doing it all wrong.

I don't know...I think if you and your students are enjoying the benefits of "Americanized" yoga (however that is defined), then that's good.

My first experience with yoga was with a Bryan Kest video. I'm sure some would criticize his form of "Dude Yoga" (as I like to call it), but it was exactly what I needed (and still love). It started me on the path. How far I'll go, who knows. But I'm a happier person for it. So if that's considered "doing it all wrong," then baby, I don't wanna be right.

This is from a student's perspective though.
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Posted 2006-03-22 9:50 AM (#47421 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC

Of course, there are LOTS of us who feel this especially. I really feel the traditions are an important aspect of yoga and I do not like to see anything modernized and gone commercial. It's one thing to incorporate yoga into your life, but to alter it to suit your F'd up lifestyle is terribly wrong doing. There is a reason that Yoga has survived all these thousands of years. If it is altered like here in the west, it won't last, it will become a trend. People will get tired of it because it won't work, they will find themselves at a dead end. That would be a tragedy for the west, but perhaps it should be a lesson and perhaps it needs to happen this way. I can guarantee you that Traditional Yoga is not going anywhere, its home is in India and that is where it will stay. It doesn't matter that there are more people in the US doing Yoga than in India. Right now there is a big trend with yoga so therefore there are more people doing the practice. But, those numbers are not totally accurate, I imagine people drop out of yoga every single day, whereas in India, the practice is taken very seriously, the numbers may be lower, but the quality is much much higher.

So, yes, Yoga is still in its infancy here in the west. The numbers don't mean anything, its the quality of the practice that does mean something. Can you honestly say that diluting yoga is going to be beneficial?? There are experiences that will never be explained properly due to lack of knowledge. It worries me. Yoga is a complete system and you can't just do part of it. Who knows what will happen in the future, maybe some compassionate, enlightened being will come along and shed mercy on our poor souls. Once my guru said, "We are either going up or down", referring to yoga in the west.

There is one thing you can do as an instructor. You can teach the right way and do what you feel is right in your heart and the way your guru taught you. That's all. If you deviate from that, then you are teaching against the way your guru taught and I don't think that would be right, do you?? However you want to modify the yoga practice is all up to you, but I think its important to stay within the guidlines of the yoga traditions, I think if that were done, then our guru's would be proud and then we would keep the doors open for further advancement.
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Posted 2006-03-22 10:44 AM (#47436 - in reply to #47421)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Hi Kym - well, now you are at the point in your practice that my teacher warns people about We start yoga thinking it will change our lives for the better and we will be more fit, happier, more content or whatever. The truth is that yoga DOES change your life for the better and it often goes far, far beyond those laudable but modest goals. And the sad truth is that real change and growth is not easy, often unpleasant and frequently takes us waaaaaay out of our comfort zone. I don't think you are doing anything "wrong" at all - you are simply doing what you found to be the right thing at the time and now that you have been presented with some different possibilities, you are rethinking and re-evaluating. This is a good thing!

It sounds to me as though you are ready to do some deeper training but I think it would be a mistake to jump into something else right away. Stick around here for a bit, look at what else is available to you, try some different classes and see what pops up. A wonderful woman once said that things that irritate you can either just irritate you or you can do like the oysters do and turn a little irritating bit of grit into a pearl. Your choice

I agree with Cyndi in one way - that yoga will survive no matter what North America decides to do with it. OTOH, yoga has evolved over time in India and was close to extinction at the turn of the 20th century. The resurgence of yoga in the West has in fact been very good for yoga in India. BKS Iyengar has said that he could not get Indian students early in his career - they thought they knew everything because they could all sit in lotus and do headstands. THe fact is that everything evolves and we can't do anything to stop it. But as Cyndi says, we can practice as closely to what we are taught as we can and be sincere. We can constantly seek out strong and knowledgeable teachers and do our best to teach our own students ethically and safely. And then the Universe takes over to a certain extent and we have to be ok with that.

So you are at a big turning point! Scary? Exciting? Keep us posted
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Posted 2006-03-22 12:50 PM (#47454 - in reply to #47436)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Kabu - 2006-03-22 9:32 AM

It started me on the path. How far I'll go, who knows. But I'm a happier person for it. So if that's considered "doing it all wrong," then baby, I don't wanna be right.

That cracks me up. I must say, I usually do feel that way.

Cyndi - 2006-03-22 9:50 AM

but to alter it to suit your F'd up lifestyle is terribly wrong doing.

That's just silly. It also kept me from really absorbing the rest of your post.

tourist - 2006-03-22 10:44 AM

And the sad truth is that real change and growth is not easy, often unpleasant and frequently takes us waaaaaay out of our comfort zone. I don't think you are doing anything "wrong" at all - you are simply doing what you found to be the right thing at the time and now that you have been presented with some different possibilities, you are rethinking and re-evaluating. This is a good thing!
So you are at a big turning point! Scary? Exciting? Keep us posted

Ahmen to that! I'm definitely feeling uncomfortable! I am sometimes overwhelmed with the emotions/energy that comes from my small class. This was something I didn't anticipate and was not adequately prepared for. I've heard about it, but it was something different to experience it. And yes, this is where I need more training. Or, if I find it too disturbing, I may stick to the big gym setting where that energy doesn't reach me. Frankly, it scares me....and if I'm brutally honest, it bothers me. I know, you're probably thinking, so why teach? Well, I'm wrestling with that. I mean, I've noticed bad dreams involving emotional strife with large groups of people. I am starting to think that many people come to yoga to purge negative emotions and I'm absorbing it. Tourist, your post facilitated getting that out-thanks.
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Posted 2006-03-22 1:18 PM (#47459 - in reply to #47454)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Kym - 2006-03-22 12:50 PM

Cyndi - 2006-03-22 9:50 AM

but to alter it to suit your F'd up lifestyle is terribly wrong doing.

That's just silly. It also kept me from really absorbing the rest of your post.

Actually, its not silly at's rather disconcerting. It happens every day. In fact, it is happening now. Although, I would elaborate more, but I don't want that responsibility and I'm not ready to disclose my comments for this audience.

I'm not really comfortable when someone says to me that they feel all people do when they come to yoga is purge their negative energy and think they are absorbing it. This is where my comment about "altering yoga to suit your f'd up lifestyle" comes into play. Yoga is about absorbing it all, everything, the good the bad the ugly. This is where Yoga in the west is going to have a problem, BIG time! When I hear statements such as these, it makes me very grateful to have the guru's that I've had, because if my first encounter was with a teacher with this attitude and mentality, my days would not have been blessed and I would be stuck somewhere out in the middle of hell and left dangling on a thread.
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Posted 2006-03-22 1:18 PM (#47460 - in reply to #47454)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Well I can't speak for Cyndi, but her quote made me think of that yoga site we were chuckling at last week...the Nude Yoga one. I'm not saying the gay lifestyle is a f-ed up no...but to create a club that involves in shape men (only!) stretching nude in a very intimate way and then call it yoga...ack! Even I, Miss All Yoga Is All Good, was slightly offended at their using "yoga" in the title.

For about 30 seconds anyway. Then I got over it.
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Posted 2006-03-22 1:56 PM (#47472 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

There are probably more people in the US practicing yogasana than anywhere else, but that doesn't mean they're practicing Yoga or even classical Hatha Yoga.


I'd recommend that you go back to the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita. Perhaps it's time to focus on the other limbs for a while?
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Posted 2006-03-22 6:00 PM (#47496 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

I can say that with taking my Meditations classes I find I am becoming unhappy in my job (my career isn't yoga..... ok - well not yet!). I find myself not liking working for a huge corporation, they go against all the limbs, they work against personal growth unless it involves growth in their pocketbooks.

I take pride in trying to keep the traditions of yoga alive, not only in the class - but in life (that's the hard part)!

Like others have said - it seems your soul is telling you to go deeper
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Posted 2006-03-22 6:22 PM (#47499 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Kym – I’m laughing because I’m thinking of that infamous “What is your yoga style” thread?

“As yoga grows ever more popular (there are more students practicing hatha yoga in California than in the entire country of India today, asserts Larry Payne, coauthor of Yoga for Dummies)”

I read the same quote today so we must be on the same YJ mailing list. I’m going to wait to make comments after I see if this thread heats up or not. Sorry, it’s that d@mn devil in me!
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Posted 2006-03-22 6:33 PM (#47500 - in reply to #47499)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC

Comparing this thread to that other one is kinda borderling "mean" spirited and is not what I would call practicing ahimsa. I guess you're not doing that practice right now, hmm??

For what it's worth...I ain't going there with you guys again, you can forget it, I got burned on that one the last time. Burn me once, but you can't burn me twice....except in person I use that other word,
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Posted 2006-03-22 7:25 PM (#47503 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

My bad. Sorry Cyndi, it truly is that d@mn devil in me.
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Posted 2006-03-22 8:17 PM (#47506 - in reply to #47503)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Yes I know Jambo...everybody's got one,

My little demon, comin’on down.
My little demon’s turnin’ me around.
All of my friends keep on tellin’me
That I just ain’t the man I used to be.
I really don’t like it...ain’t nothing I can do.
I really don’t like it...I’m leaving it to you.
My little demon, making me choose.
Making me an offer I can’t refuse.
Hard as a rock,dry as a bone...
Big or little,know that I will take you home.
I really don’t like it...ain’t nothin’i can do.
I really don’t like it...I’m leaving it to you.
Why try to hide it?
Fight it...fight it!
I really don’t like it...ain’t nothin’i can do.
I really don’t like it...I’m leaving it to you.
My little demon is coming after me.
My little demon...
It’s all that I can do to keep that little demon...
To keep that little demon...
Just to keep that little demon away from you!

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Posted 2006-03-22 8:34 PM (#47509 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Cyndi - Forget the Yogic Yodeling, maybe we should get on the road with our devil music.

Edited by Jambo 2006-03-22 8:57 PM
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Posted 2006-03-22 8:36 PM (#47510 - in reply to #47500)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

I learned a lot from that thread though.

a) It wouldn't kill me to keep my big mouth shut sometimes and...

b) Up to that point, I had no idea there was such a serious concern about the Westernizing of yoga. Oh I knew it was a topic of conversation, but I didn't realize how deep the concerns ran.
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Posted 2006-03-23 8:33 AM (#47552 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 1738
Location: right where I'm supposed to be
Everything in life evolves, everything. What you did yesterday will be different from what you do today and so on for tomorrow. I was taught this through my training, not that I didn't know this already, it's common sense. It was just brought to light.

How could yoga not change, especially when our views in the west are much different than the east.

Intention (to me) is everything!!!!


Kym, you're OK. Just follow your path. You're heart will lead you where you need to go, want to go, are supposed to go (Karma)
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Posted 2006-03-23 10:13 AM (#47569 - in reply to #47421)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

I pretty much echo what cyndi wrote here:

I really feel the traditions are an important aspect of yoga and I do not like to see anything modernized and gone commercial. It's one thing to incorporate yoga into your life, but to alter it to suit your F'd up lifestyle is terribly wrong doing.

i have this problem with any wisdom tradition. it happens frequently because people aren't willing to confront themselves honestly. i guess it actually reflects back to what Ken Wilber (transpersonal psychology/philosophy) wrote about the 'pre-trans fallacy.'

the pre-trans fallacy is basicly this: much of wisdom is irrational. it's what he calls 'transrational' and that it's what transcends the rational mind. zen buddhism and uses koans to 'break' intellectuallism and identification with intellect and ego, to help practitioners reach transrational understanding. but, it's a process to get to the transrational.

first, we start with the child-like/childish prerational. this is the magical thinking process, where one sort of treats divine wisdom like it's a magical fairy. a common concept that i hear in much of modern christianity is that if you simply "pray to jesus" he'll give you whatever you want. It's like a child wishing for pink ponies. If i ask my fairy for pink ponies, she'll give them to me!

Eventually, this doesn't make sense to us. as we become more rational about something, we begin to understand that we can't just wish for things, and magicly they appear, or that magical thinking is about being blind and comfortable. and so we begin to question. this stage is really important--but it's also a stage where many people get stuck. in this stage, people begin to confront things rationally.

and finally, through various means and practices, an individual breaks through into the transrational state, where they gain true wisdom. And here, they make great statements such as the sermon on the mount or whatever.

the problem, though, is this. the person giving the sermon on the mount is transrational, but his audience is any measure of pre-rational, rational, and some probably transrational. And often, we're all three of these things at once, in different areas of our lives, different aspects of our self knowledge and spirituality. So, it'll speak on different levels, of course, but in areas where we are 'prerational'--we'll take something great like "let go and let god" and make it into a funny security blanket that doesn't push us to the work of releasing ego and suffering/desires, and allow the divine to flow through us. It becomes trite and cliche, and a way of avoiding true spiritual work that leads to a life that is "let go and let god" (which is a transrational experience/idea). this is the pre-trans fallacy: when a person takes a transrational idea, and uses it in the magical thinking, i don't have to work on this, prerational realm.

so, one of the things that i find among many people--not just americans--is that they suffer through this process. christianity--in it's various forms--has the same problems in the east. so, it's not as if easterners are somehow better at this whole spirituality thing than we are. in fact, they struggle with buddhism the way that many people here struggle with christianity. And they often embrace christianity (and islam) in a prerational state first, before they move through rational and into transrational, which is normal for spiritual development.

this is largely what is happening in the US with yoga. Yoga is accessable and to us, it's 'pure' or clean' because it's not entrenched in our history. in india, yoga may be seen as problematic, or perhaps quaint, because of it's connections with things like the caste system or certain political or social movements of the past that weren't the most charitable (compare to the spanish inquisition for example). Every religion (perhaps with the exception of jainism) has participated in religious warfare, and those in the east may be emotionally closer to that idea of causing pain/suffering that comes from "Yoga" and therefore for them, taking refuge in the clear message of peace from islam or christianity--divorced from it's european history--makes perfect sense. So, many americans are saying "to hell with oppressive christianity et al; i want something pure, like yoga.'

philosophicly, yoga (among others) is very pure. spiritually, it's pure, but humans have used it to F-up all over the place. not just here in the good old US of A. it simply happens because humans often come to it out of a need--a reaction from something else--and come to it prerationally.

add to this that most americans do not have good religious training in general, such that they don't have the skills to understand the process that's given to them through yoga, and it really becomes a lot of pre-rational stuff.

but that can be ok, to an extent. it's ok for a newbie to any religion (think born again christians) to be all kinds of weird in their ideas. they don't understand orthodoxy yet, they don't know the tradition, and they don't have a lot of experience working with the spiritual language, the descriptions, and no sense of what is being communicated through image, language, and so on. it will take time and practice for them to grow into it.

the pitfall is, of course, that an individual or group never does grow into it. they become what cyndi mentions: they alter it to suit their F'd up lifestyle. they never move into the rational--which will lead to the transrational--and they get stuck. and then, in many cases, they become missionaries of this comfortable, magical thinking, version of "yoga' or 'christianity' or 'buddhism' or whatever.

I think that the question that you are asking is very, very important. what you're doing is asking yourself whether you're part of the problem or part of the solution. Yoga, among many spiritual traditions, is inherently part of the solution. But, how individuals approach yoga, how they grow in yoga, and therefore grow in wisdom, may or may not be part of the solution. If they do use it and grow in it and with it--which requires a study of the tradition and history, and a connection to this tradition and history somehow--then it becomes incorporated into their lives, and they are earnestly and sincerely moving forward spiritually. Why not share this with others? but, if they do not use it and grow in it, but instead use it to cover up, to be something other than what they are, or to continue in their self-delusions, then this is incredibly problematic.

the problem is, the 'pre's' usually don't know that they're problematic. And so it takes a discerning heart to see if those with whom they associate are sincere or not. And beginners, don't often have that luxury.

Here's another statement that Cyndi made that i think is important:
The numbers don't mean anything, its the quality of the practice that does mean something. Can you honestly say that diluting yoga is going to be beneficial?

I agree with her here, for certain. I feel that diluting yoga is problematic. But, that doesn't mean that westerners don't have something to add to yoga. My understanding of yoga--and any wisdom tradition--is that it is continually growing in knowledge and understanding. not only it is a vast, wonderous tradition, it's also something where we are still growing and learning, and adding our wisdom to the wisdom of the past. Revelation didn't stop happening when the last Upanishad was written--spiritual experimentation with and through yoga is still going on today--and westerners can join that dialogue, why not? we are really not any less valuable or have any less connection to the divine than easterners--they just have more connection to the tradition, which is a touchstone to help us access this divine and understand it--and expand on that previous understanding. so, we do have something to offer Yoga in the world, every sincere practitioner does.

but, diluting is a problem. from a simple asana standpoint, i sometimes get frustrated with 'blended classes' meaning 'yogalates' and 'kung yo.' i get confused, just on a movement level, and that's just in one aspect, and a relatively 'unimportant' aspect of yoga anyway. i do have a problem with spiritual blending, but not necessary comparitive studies. those are fine lines there. and my biggest problem is the spiritual dilution where people put all of their stock in the asana practice, and completely abandon the larger, philosophical and spiritual tradition of yoga because they 'dont believe in organized religion' and they end up with something that is only temporarily fulfilling--the feel goods of a yoga asana practice. It saddens me.

And from a teacher standpoint, i really love what cyndi said here:

There is one thing you can do as an instructor. You can teach the right way and do what you feel is right in your heart and the way your guru taught you.

teaching the right way is largely determined by the next two elements in the statement: 1. doing what your teacher/guru taught you and 2. doing what you feel is right in your heart. I don't know how to value one over the other--sometimes heart is right, sometimes guru is right. when in doubt, follow guru. when heart is certain, even if it deviates from guru, then follow heart. guru isn't always right, and sometimes we are being lead to expand on what guru taught us, being prepared by God/universe/whatever to make a further advancement that speaks directly to the community that we're serving. this is how yoga grows sincerely and honestly.

So, all of this self reflection is good. I ask myself all the time--am idoing the right thing? am i going the right direction? i contemplate this deeply, ask my human touchstones (gurus, teachers, etc), and reflect on their advice and perspectives as well. I make mistakes and i strive to learn from them, and i sincerely believe that all-in-all, i'm part of the growth of yoga, not part of the pre-trans fallacy group.
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Posted 2006-03-23 10:29 AM (#47572 - in reply to #47569)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Wow ZB - one of your long posts that I actually had time to read all the way through and agree with pretty much 100% There are so many pre-rational people out there in the world and while they may be as sincere as they can be at the stage that they are in, it takes some time and some work to get past that and into a deeper understanding of faith. And frankly, many people are unwilling to do that work - and I include all faiths when I say that. My favourite personal story is of a prayer group I attended in high school. I was spiritually seeking back then - doing yoga and whatever I could get my little hands on, so it seemed a natural to join a Christian group in a morning prayer circle (they called themselves Jesus freaks back then - trying to sound cooler than they really were...). It was all great for the first little while - we prayed for world peace (of course!) and for friends who were sick etc. Then one day during exams someone started praying for good marks and I realised this was just not the place for me. It seemed a pretty small leap to start praying for money and worldly goods and asking Jesuss for personal favours and seemed childish and immature even to a pretty clueless 16 year old
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Posted 2006-03-23 11:25 AM (#47582 - in reply to #47569)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Wow, okay, some of us are on the same page, this is really nice for a change,

I just have this to say about Zoebirds posting. That was good, you got in my head there Zoey and I'm glad, cause I really didn't want to explain it. It's about the guru/heart thing. The guru is always right, I know its hard sometimes to believe, but they are. I've had to deal with this within myself so many times and it's a loosing battle you cannot win. They are the ones who gave this practice to us. So, therefore, they are always right. IF, we have a good, solid, stable practice and a solid foundation from our guru, there is no need for self doubt and our hearts are pure..therefore, whatever teaching style we adapt for ourselves, is not a problem. This is how we truly expand on what guru taught us and at the same time, staying within a frame or guideline of tradition as well. This is what is important if yoga is going to survive in the west. It is also imperative that yoga remains in tact with traditions so that others may find their way to the path with least effort and resistence. Another words, it has to remain pure and not tainted with a bunch of BS that is not necessary for the's a simple understanding and process. Yoga is not complicated. Sometimes I think people complicate it just to justify it or themselves.

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Posted 2006-03-23 11:51 AM (#47586 - in reply to #47582)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

i think that the guru is not always right if he's an alcoholic.

there are times when people in authority are seeing things through their own humanness or lenses. this is the area where they're working within themselves, and in that, they're no different than we are. we're all working through lenses and difficulties and maya unless we're enlightened. very few gurus are enlightened.

conversely, though, i agree that generally speaking, the guru is usually right. the guru is more practiced, more experienced, and more connected to the source (both in tradition and in spirit). and therefore, they are usually right.

i refrain to use terms such as 'always' because there is the potential for abuse, for following blindly, and for being lead into things that are dangerous because of one's own vulnerabilities. it is important to go back to the Self within, who is the ultimate guru. If the guru is right, then this will be reflected in the Self within. If the guru is not right, then the Self within will make this abundantly clear, eventually.

more often than not, the biggest mistakes that i make are when i follow my own ego instead of the guru because of my own fear, doubt, and mistrust. But i don't consider this a bad thing, because it is also the method by which i understand the ego and can overcome it. So, it is also part of the lesson of working with a guru--an important lesson.
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Posted 2006-03-23 12:03 PM (#47590 - in reply to #47586)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Hey Zoebird,

Think about it this way. If you were going to learn something, say Guitar. You seek out a guru to go learn the guitar from this particular guitar guru. There are certain aspects of playing the guitar that you must learn how to do in order for that guitar to play, right? It doesn't matter about the guru's personal life, you just want to play that guitar and you chose this person to teach it to you. That is how I view Yoga or anything I want to learn. If we can get beyond or see the higher aspect of what we are trying to learn, forget the nitty gritty, we can become the master.

As for the internal guru, my definition of that is Brahma - the unseen guru. The external guru's do have their place and if you are going to follow a guru, you need to do it completely, sincerely and give it all you got. I know its hard to not be judgemental about them, but they are human too. This is where you have to be selective and choose your guru's wisely. The choosing now days is slim to almost none, unfortunately. Yes, you are right, if the guru is not right, you will know...and that I believe is part of our life's's the best training you can have. Thank God we have the freedom to do this least for now. Take care,

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Posted 2006-03-23 12:32 PM (#47598 - in reply to #47590)
Subject: RE: suprise quote


i see what you're saying, and i agree with you, essentally. it's largely a situation about boundaries--and taking what you need from the teacher and leaving the rest. the problem that i see, though, is that it isn't easily compartmentalized in a lot of cases.

there are times when you go to a guru and there are multiple layers at play--not just the purity of what s/he is teaching such as how to play the guitar, but also there is an emotional relationship going on between the two (teacher-student relationship), and there are aspects in the person's personal life that can impact that relationship, and may also impact the student's practice (or perception of the practice). and this is where the student has to realize what is the teaching, and what is the teacher. and then follow the teaching, and not necessarily the teacher.

when playing guitar or learning asana, the emotional relationship is still there, but the personal life aspects may not impact the guitar lessons. if the purpose of the guru is to connect you to another aspect--perhaps work on spiritual issues or emotional issues and their spiritual counterparts--and that person is functioning under faulty lenses in this area, then that can have a negative impact on the student.

while the guru may be absolutely correct about how to play the guitar, s/he may not be absolutely correct about how the relationship between teacher and student should be, or how a student should behave, or what a student must do in his/her own personal life. a guru who is healthy in his/her personal life will have an appropriate autonomy and boundary, and encourage that in the student. not all gurus have this, and even though you can strive to 'disregard' or 'be on guard' about the other personal elements that may soak into the other aspects of the teaching, a student can still be drawn in and harmed.

and while i believe that that is also an aspect of learning (perhaps a higher lesser for the student, as demonstrated through this guru), i also believe that we have to understand that this occurs so that yoga doesn't become stale because of the personal problems of gurus interacting with the personal problems of students such that everyone ends up stuck in some f-ed up lifestyle.

or at least, i'm trying to get across something like this. I think the larger picture is a practice of non-attachment and appropriate psychological boundaries between guru/student.
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Posted 2006-03-23 1:09 PM (#47603 - in reply to #47598)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Right, I'm not comparing guitar and yoga in the same field, just a simple comparison. If I choose a guru, I'm going to look for the quality that I feel is appropriate for me. If I'm involved with that guru on a personal level, then that will be my choice and I will act and do whatever I am comfortable with. Some people cannot handle a personal relationship with their guru's and therefore, they keep their distances or whatever. I on the other hand like a close relationship and have had many close relationships with my guru's. They aren't what they are cracked up to be and it is not a glamourous situation, by any means. But, I'm not saying that to scare anyone off from a guru and I'm not boasting about it, its a very sacred experience and as a student, in order for me to benefit, I have to expand and open to places that I never even dreamed of. So far, I've never been hurt, only my humbled ego has gotten busted , however, by the grace of god and the guru, getting hurt could never happen - only if I let it. The hurt comes from the ego and the conflicts that arise due to a student's unwillingness to expand and be open. If that happens, I say to that particular student, they simply were not ready to receive it and that is okay. In the divine scheme of things, its all okay somehow.
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Posted 2006-03-23 3:15 PM (#47614 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

A lurker/former member here sent me a really great PM regarding this thread. I tried to reply, but for some reason, it won't send. If you're reading this, thank you so much for your message and advice. I hate to think that you won't know it's appreciated. I hope you see this. You lifted my spirits and a I taught a great class today.

Anyone know why a message would sit in the outbox with a green arrow and a Q mark on the little envelope icon?
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Posted 2006-03-23 3:50 PM (#47618 - in reply to #47614)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Kym -
A lurker/former member here sent me a really great PM regarding this thread. I tried to reply, but for some reason, it won't send. If you're reading this, thank you so much for your message and advice. I hate to think that you won't know it's appreciated. I hope you see this. You lifted my spirits and a I taught a great class today.

That's good to hear.
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Posted 2006-03-24 8:22 PM (#47696 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

>Kym - The more I read about what some of you are doing, the more lousy I'm feeling about what I'm doing.

I can understand what is making you feel so lousy about this board if you think there are any voices of authority here. This board is made up of a few core members (like 5 or 6), a few who check in occasionally (another 5 or 6) and then the newbies, asking a question a never heard from again.

Kym, I hope you realize that this broard is just a subset of the richness or reality of Yoga. What you are doing is correct. When you come here, you just hear a few people talking yoga and their options about Yoga The amount of people on this board are less then you would find in a typical big city Yoga studio, but the ones here are obviously more vocal.

Would love to see a core of about a hundred Yogi/Yoginis constantly on board shooting the Yogic sh!t. A few Yogic stars checking in every once in awhile wouldn’t be bad also. In the meantime I wouldn’t take the stuff you see here that seriously.
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Posted 2006-03-24 11:24 PM (#47701 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

You know-you hit the nail on the head Jambo. I am going to ask admin about opening a board for Western style Yoga. There are over 3500 members registered here, but only a few posting as teachers. Huh? That's not right-there is a bully factor here. I've searched for more yoga forums, but they just aren't out there. And, if that doesn't fly, then I'll just continue to post my really really stupid western style yoga questions and hope that the other people who think like me will pipe up and post/reply also. Worst case senerio, I'll get PMs, and while that helps me, it does not help others.
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Posted 2006-03-25 1:37 AM (#47713 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

is there a bully factor here? what is it? and how does it manifest. perhaps if you could point to specific references, we could understand what your concerns are and be more accomodating.

it could be, quite honestly, that of the many members here, most are inactive or lurkers, some participate infrequently, and there's a core group of common posters. Of those common posters, only a few are teachers, and so only those respond.

why people lurk is an interesting thing to think about. there are a number of boards on which i lurk, largely because i don't have much more to add to the conversation, or because i'm reading it to be informed, so that i can participate eventually, or simply because i enjoy the conversations or ideas but have no need to add to them. even here, there are some posts where i read and lurk, and others where i answer. I do not lurk or not answer because i feel bullied or that my opinions and ideas won't be considered or heard.

there are other boards out there on yoga. erich schiffman's board is really active, and you can get to it through ivillage also has a board, but few teachers post there (i think i'm the only one, currently)--and you can get to that board here: They're looking for a moderator there, so if you want to direct conversations, it would be a good place to go.

Also, it seems really interesting that you started this with a concern about 'western style teaching' harming Yoga, and then you finish with asking for a board to discuss this very issue. i would be greatly interested in hearing your thought process--how you moved from a fear of doing harm to a position of moving forward with what you do.

and also, how do we define 'western-style teaching?' i feel that i teach in a 'western style' overall, in that i teach in english, latin (for anatomical terms), and sanskrit (for clarity between styles). I teach to a wide audience of spiritual beliefs, and so i do a lot of comparative studies and bring in a variety of poetry, art, stories, and music from diverse spiritual traditions. And, i largely teach asana and pranayama for physical and energetic healing. But, i suppose that many of these things are also teaching 'eastern style' because the focus is on that core concept of Union, incorporating or discussing as many aspects and paths of finding that union as possible in an hour-long class.

i'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.
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Posted 2006-03-25 10:02 AM (#47720 - in reply to #47713)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Hi ZB - you have raised the points I was concerned with. "Bully" is an emotionally charged word (boy, have we had issues with emotionally charged words here in the past ) and so even though I think maybe I have an idea of what was meant by it, we should probably have some clarification on it. I think there is sometimes a sense of being overwhelmed when people go on a new board, ask a question and get bombarded by answers they were not expecting (Kym, this is pure guess work on my part, I am not attributing this to you but just giving an idea from past experience). Especially if the answers are very technical or deeply philosophical it can be quite off-putting. But of course, we seldom have a good idea of where the new poster is coming from in terms of background and depth of understanding so we just answer as best we can. We (at least I) also answer with the understanding that many, many lurkers are out there and also want an asnwer to the question, so I bear them in mind (Hi lurkers! ) when I reply. This board may be unique in listing the number of guests visiting an any time - I find it a bit disconcerting, too. A bit like having someone peering in the windows of my house. OTOH, it is nice to know there are others interested, for whatever reason.

I also wondered about the western yoga idea. I suppose it will be largely self-defined. I consider myself western trained as well, but my lineage is pretty direct since all of my teachers trained with BKS and most also trained with Swami Radha who was a direct student of Sivananda. So I am hoping Kym will give us an idea of what she meant so we can get a better handle on it.
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Posted 2006-03-25 5:57 PM (#47757 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

>ZB - Also, it seems really interesting that you started this with a concern about 'western style teaching' harming Yoga,

I didn’t think she was saying that at all when I read the first post.

I don’t know about the bully factor here, but see an in-tandem lock step of views. This is to be expected from such a small group that seems to have bonded together and have become on-line friends of sorts. I think Tourist made the comment that this is a board of like-minded people. That’s true and I think that there is an illusion of piling up on someone with a divergent view. That’s to be expected, because this group only knows what they know and they all tend to think the same way regarding Yoga (though I'm sure the point can be argued). That’s why I find it so amusing when one of the regulars strays from their assumed position and make a comment that ticks off the others. It simply shows some diversity in thinking which is always good in the public forum. A bigger group of regulars would certainly make it more interesting and lively here.

But I like coming here nonetheless, if only to relay some of the cockeyed views I see here to my Yoga people, including the cockeyed views that I myself make on this board. It’s always good for a laugh or a shake of the head!

Edited by Jambo 2006-03-25 6:17 PM
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Posted 2006-03-28 2:03 PM (#48036 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

I don't see a lot of lockstepped views, though common questions seem to get common answers. One thing I see over and over is the "You must have a teacher" response, which makes sense to me. I also see a lot of "You shouldn't discuss X", for some of the more esoteric stuff. This bothers me, but I think I mentioned that earlier.

As far as any other views, I think a lot of it is just like minded individuals. We do have divergent posts from time to time (I actually go out of my way to make them), and some lively discussion as a result.
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Posted 2006-03-29 5:48 AM (#48131 - in reply to #47416)
Subject: RE: suprise quote

Location: Upstate NY
From what I see in my short time here is most opinions are similiar with a varying sliding scale. Why I come to the forum is that while most opinions are similiar in nature, with ailgnment I'm prone to listen to Tourist because her practice is just that. BayGuy and Neel always have wonderful insight on the sutras. So on and so forth..........
I think only one's ego lets you walk away from here frustrated or bitter as we see in so many posts.

Where I see the main source of disention is in the "east vs west" discussions.

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