wrist injury, and hello
Posted 2006-06-05 12:08 PM (#54910)
Subject: wrist injury, and hello

Hello All, my name is Selena. I used to participate in the forums about oh...over a year ago at least. Got caught up in "life" and let my yoga practice slip. Had every intention of getting back to it in a more regular fashion after getting a few last things finished up, But...one of those things was finishing some repairs on a remodel house my husband and I were doing. Trying to make a long story short(er) I tore the ligaments in both hands pretty badly, thankfully they didn't completely tear lose, but more like shredded them basically. Unfortunately the prognosis on such an injury isn't good. Rarely is there a full recovery. This happened about 2 and a half months ago and I still have quite a bit of numbness in my hands, very little strength, and it doesn't take much to start them hurting.

I've been going through the range of emotions with it all, fired up determined that I'm not going to be a typical statistic, to swings through depression where I feel completely useless. In an attempt to keep some perspective and sanity I realize that I very much need to get back to yoga. But I also realize that currently there is no way I can do a lot of the asanas that require the use of my hands. (no weight on them at all) But I also realize that part of my continuing weakness is resulting from too much inactivity for too long. So I was wondering if anyone knew of some gentle exercises that I can perhaps do to help regain some strength and stamina in my arms?

For the record, I do realize that finding a teacher would be ideal, but I live in a very rural area of NC and know of nothing local. I'm kinda on my own with this, but determined to stop letting that be an excuse to just sit around pitying myself. Thanks for listening.
Be Well,
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Posted 2006-06-05 12:27 PM (#54913 - in reply to #54910)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

all i can offer is that you try to keep your range of motion with circles

little ones then bigger ones.

after a while you may experience some improvement.

this is the sort of rehabilitation i was taught when i broke my legs, my collar bone, blew out my knees.....

just try to keep the range of motion that you have.

strength in arms?

Circles--straighten your arms out to the side and do circles, big for 10 then small for 10.
and breathe while you do your circles
good luck
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Posted 2006-06-05 12:35 PM (#54915 - in reply to #54913)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

Oh duh! *slaps self* Ugh...I've been so caught up in what I can't do, that I've had a heck of a time thinking up what I Can do. Of course, arm circles! Don't know why it's always the obvious that escapes me. Silly me. Thanks for pointing it out!
Be Well,
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Posted 2006-06-05 2:30 PM (#54920 - in reply to #54910)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

i remember the injuries over the years always ending up in rehab with


i've had so many injuries that finally i just figured that CIRCLES is what they teach at rehab school
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Posted 2006-06-06 8:47 AM (#54975 - in reply to #54920)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

I've been reading around the site, and it sure seems that you've been through quite a few injuries yourself! Unfortunately our medical around here isn't very good. Our hospital, for example, is known as a roach motel, they check in but don't check out. My drs. idea of "physical therapy" was RICE and steriods. Oy. Did the RICE, forgo the steriods and went with natural anti-inflamatories. Fortunately I've studied in quite a few natural therapies, so I'm doing what I can on that front. I just knew there is more I need to be doing with physical therapies and emotional wellbeing. Figured getting back to participating here would be a good place to start. I've been such a hermit the last couple months, and while it would be fine if I was taking that time to do some soul searching and growing, I've allowed myself to fall into that self defeating circle with it. Given me a whole new perspective on that old saying of "idle hands are the devils playground". I'm working on it.

I did start doing the suggested circles yesterday. Amazing how much my arms ached from it! Definitely shows me I've been sedate too long.
Be Well,
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Posted 2006-06-06 1:47 PM (#55002 - in reply to #54915)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

Location: London, England
Hi Selena,
I've had a lot of success with the item on the website below-assuming your wrist is strong enough to use it. Otherwise thing like gripping a tennis ball, pull-ups (assisted), and there are a range of hand strenghtening devices available. But the best is this powerball:
Take care
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Posted 2006-06-07 9:34 AM (#55066 - in reply to #55002)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

Hi Nick. Unfortunately that link isn't working for me, and doing a search for "powerball" just brought up a bunch of lottery web sites. I'm assuming it's some sort of squeeze and release type ball? If so, I'm not sure that I could use it(yet). I've got a pair of self sharpening scissors that I've been trying to use like that. Yeah, improvising a bit. But squeezing it about 3-4 times is pretty much my limit. The ligaments through my hands and up my forearms start aching something fierce if I do any more than that.

It's really amazing to me just how much this has limited me. I never realized before all the things I did in an average day that required the use of my hands. Just something as simple as wiping a counter top puts too much pressure on my wrist unless I'm actively conscious of the motions I use. And anything that pulls on the area, even something as simple as pushing/pulling a vacuum cleaner is beyond me still.

If you know of another source that I may view the item you're mentioning, I would still like to check it out. I'm sure there has to be something better suited then scissors.
Be Well,
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Posted 2006-06-07 12:32 PM (#55094 - in reply to #55066)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

Location: London, England
Hi Selena,
Sorry, sounds like you have a way to go before you casn use one of the balls i was talking about-they are actually a gyroscope inside a ball, which you start spinning and then you can make the gyroscope spin faster by making a whisking motion with your wrist and forearm. But it doesnt sound like you would benefit from it just yet. Try finding it here:

I would recommend some exercise putty which you can probably find at physiotherapy supply websites. Putty is much more versatile than just gripping a tennis ball. Under the guidance of your physio, you could also try hanging from a bar. The bar shouldnt be too high, so that you can swing your arms above your head and bend your knees with your feet on the floor. The more you bend your knees, the more weight and strain on the hands and wrists, arms and shoulders. That way you can progress towards eventually taking your feet off the ground-might be a while yet!
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Posted 2006-06-07 1:12 PM (#55098 - in reply to #55094)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

Thanks Nick. I must say that powerball does look pretty cool! I was reading through some of the rehabilitation articles on there, and it mentioned it was similar to swinging a cord with a weight at the end. I may give that a try, just to see if I even could do it. I do know that a Gentle pull on my hands often does feel good, so maybe this might as well. Wont know till I try, and I'm willing to try just about anything if it might help.

The putty is another good idea! (aren't you just full of them!) I know the kids have playdo and clay around, maybe I'll try mushing it around a bit and see how that goes.

Ok, I'm gonna go drag out the fishing gear right now and see if I can find some small weights in there. Should be able to find something to experiment with. Thanks Again!
Be Well,
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Posted 2006-06-07 5:53 PM (#55138 - in reply to #55098)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

Location: London, England
Hi Selena,
Glad if my comments prove useful. I hate to say this, but the powerball feels nothing like swinging a rope around with weights on it. Be careful if you try that, the centrifugal force might be quite big and could end up hurting you. The powerball is like an engine that oscillates faster as you get stronger, loosely speaking.
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Posted 2006-06-09 8:18 AM (#55290 - in reply to #55138)
Subject: RE: wrist injury, and hello

I understand, I'm not rushing out to buy anything at the moment, though I will probably keep an eye out for one to try in a store just to see what it's like. But I'm glad you mention that it's not quite as described.

I did try swinging a string with a small weight on it and found that the motion wasn't that difficult for me. Though I had to make a conscious effort to use my wrist to swing it, I've gotten myself trained pretty well apparently to using my arm instead of my wrists to do many normal motions. I wasn't able to keep it up long, but it didn't take much to honestly feel like I had had a workout. Shows me exactly how weak I've become. Either way, I'm happy that I've found Something that I actually can do! And no worries, I'm pretty gun-shy now in general about anything that causes pain. If anything this has taught me a greater respect for the signals my body sends me.
Be Well,
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