Women's Health Magazine..
Posted 2006-08-29 10:24 AM (#63108)
Subject: Women's Health Magazine..

Hey everyone! Has anyone seen this month's Women's Health? Typically, it's a great magazine. The articles are good and not every model is a stick figure with clothing. However, this month, there is a section on yoga.... it seems to me, a lot of the form and descriptions are off.
This is strange for this magazine.. everything else has always been spot on. Now, I could be wrong here.. that's why I'm posting this. I guess, overall, it doesn't affect my practice.. but what about all those unwitting people out there??
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Posted 2006-08-29 10:30 AM (#63110 - in reply to #63108)
Subject: RE: Women's Health Magazine..

Expert Yogi

Posts: 1738
Location: right where I'm supposed to be
I just wrote to the editor of Fityoga on that exact topic.
I said that it is the responsibility of the media that covers yoga to show a true representation of yoga practitioners.
I don't like that many yoga mags show tall, lean, (with super low body fat percentage) Models. I teach many classes and take many too. It's rare that a model type is participating in the class. For the most part average people are taking the classes and their strength shows through their practice.
I also find it disturbing that they choose a model type for advertising and pay no attention to alignment of asana. Go figure.

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Posted 2006-08-29 11:02 AM (#63115 - in reply to #63108)
Subject: RE: Women's Health Magazine..

That's what I'm saying.. and not all of the poses look back..but, for example, in one-legged king pigeon pose, I thought both hips were supposed to stay aligned and, if possible, on the floor? In this picture, the model looks all out of whack.. and that is to someone who is not a teacher and has only been doing yoga for a couple of years.. and only a year or so outside of basic poses..
why not focus on alignment and structure of the pose rather than the muscles of the model..
And I don't know, it was an article on supplementing athletic training with yoga.. so maybe it was supposed to show the pose from a less-flexible point of view
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Posted 2006-08-29 11:11 AM (#63118 - in reply to #63108)
Subject: RE: Women's Health Magazine..

modifications and props are the way to show it though if one is 'less flexible.'

i wrote a lengthy letter to the editor of a regular health magainze (i think it was shape or something similar) about the article in the back pointing out each alignment and description error in the article (there were no less than 50). the author wrote back saying that the teacher that she talked to was level 1 certified Yoga Fit and she felt 'confident in her source.'

i told her my experience, and i told her that next time, go ahead and call me and i'll tell her what the appropriate alignment should be. they haven't called yet, but they've also pretty much avoided yoga articles from what i can tell.

so, yes, definately make a comment about it to the magazine.
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Posted 2006-08-29 12:46 PM (#63140 - in reply to #63118)
Subject: RE: Women's Health Magazine..

zoebird - 2006-08-29 11:11 AM
the author wrote back saying that the teacher that she talked to was level 1 certified Yoga Fit and she felt 'confident in her source.'


i told her my experience, and i told her that next time, go ahead and call me and i'll tell her what the appropriate alignment should be. they haven't called yet, but they've also pretty much avoided yoga articles from what i can tell.

I wouldn't hold my breath about the phone call. Honestly, I've really developed a very low expectation from the media about anything that's not sports or weather. (Not that I read the sports page) Anything that's two steps off the beaten path I expect to be given a really poor treatment because the reporters just don't have the time to develop any sort of understanding about the subject matter. I've seen this repeatedly with computer stuff, war gaming, motorcycles, and now with yoga. The mainstream media just doesn't get it. (Note, this is different with specialized media)
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Posted 2006-08-29 1:21 PM (#63143 - in reply to #63108)
Subject: RE: Women's Health Magazine..

I just passed on my back issues to a friend so I can't check it out, but didn't they (Women's Health) recently do an article on yoga poses for the famed yoga butt?

Zoebird, the other magazine probably won't call for fear that they would have to pay you a consultants fee.

Does anyone read Real Simple magazine? Someone passed the May issue on to me, and I noticed there was an article called The Yoga Cure, but as sometimes happens with hand me down mags, it was torn out. Haha, now I'm curious to what I missed out on. Oh well, I have plenty to read.
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Posted 2006-08-29 3:22 PM (#63163 - in reply to #63108)
Subject: RE: Women's Health Magazine..


but i'd do it for free. yoga journal called me and buzzed me about 'outdoor yoga' for 30 minutes. never quoted me, so no credit, but it was cool. the same writer calls me about every 6 months or so. it's kinda cool.

found me online in fact.
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Posted 2006-08-29 3:59 PM (#63179 - in reply to #63108)
Subject: RE: Women's Health Magazine..

Okay, what's so interesting about outdoor yoga that they would need to talk to you for 30 minutes. You're outside, what's the diff?
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Posted 2006-08-29 5:39 PM (#63200 - in reply to #63108)
Subject: RE: Women's Health Magazine..

well, we talked about issues such as bug repelling (without using repellant), creating a good environment (removing rocks, debris, etc from the space around the mat), and issues related to 'doing yoga in public' among other things.

there are more concerns than people think. Doing a headstand on the beach seems cool until the sand starts to move slightly and it gets in your eyes. that's no fun. solution: use a bucket and compact the sand in the area where you're going to practice. if you're doing things that will be 'face down,' place a towel under your head.

and things like 'don't do balancing poses in the waves' even though the article said "consider poses like eagle and other balancing poses in the waves.' i guess he misunderstood me. i called him back and said "a lot of people are going to be injured by that, you know? it's a hard catch when the ground isn't moving and you fall out of it. with waves coming at you--well, that'll be a nice disaster for someone's hip. but, they never retracted.
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Posted 2006-08-29 6:41 PM (#63213 - in reply to #63108)
Subject: RE: Women's Health Magazine..

This is a good thread, I'm laughing

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