arm balance vinyasas
Posted 2007-04-24 12:19 PM (#84073)
Subject: arm balance vinyasas

I've recently been able to flow from Bakasana into Chaturanga as part of my home practice..i've been trying at it for a while so it felt good to accomplish (like i was finally understand how combine bandhas and dristi)

From Parsva Bakasana tho, it feels as if i'm gonna fall on my face.  Any tips?

Also it feels very weird trying to float back from Tittibhasana, does having very long legs make this flow more challenging?

Edited by Hehet 2007-04-24 12:19 PM
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Posted 2007-04-24 12:55 PM (#84078 - in reply to #84073)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

Good job!

Hmm.. from tittibhasana you bring one leg back at a time into Bakasana and then move to Chat...

No, longer legs usually aren't a problem. First bring one knee back and then the other. Although water bottles tend to get knocked over.
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Posted 2007-04-24 1:25 PM (#84080 - in reply to #84078)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

Gotcha, thanks Eric

TampaEric - 2007-04-24 11:55 AMGood job!Hmm.. from tittibhasana you bring one leg back at a time into Bakasana and then move to Chat...No, longer legs usually aren't a problem. First bring one knee back and then the other. Although water bottles tend to get knocked over.
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Posted 2007-05-05 11:56 PM (#85309 - in reply to #84073)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

the transition betweeen parsva bakasana back to chat is through sirsasana b.
to get the jump back use your belly muscle, chin up and push your hands into tghe floor as you suck in the belly. that will help you to shift the waieght fully on the hands and your legs will be free to kick them back.
the body weight will shift forwrad, keep your chin up and you will counter balance the fear of falling.
and rememebr falling is learning, so fall a few times *smile* it's good for us. put a blanket in front just in case .
good luck.
jump into bakasana and back to chat. taht will help you build the awareness on how to keep the body off teh floor.
however, as i said in the beginning, beside bakasana most of the arms bal;ances are entered from head stand or hand stand (ashtovakrasana).
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Posted 2007-05-06 1:53 AM (#85321 - in reply to #85309)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

gabytzvi - 2007-05-06 7:56 AM

and rememebr falling is learning, so fall a few times *smile* it's good for us.

Yes, that's how we all learnt to walk
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Posted 2007-05-06 10:46 AM (#85366 - in reply to #85309)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

ooooh, this is wonderful stuff, thanks!

gabytzvi - 2007-05-05 10:56 PMthe transition betweeen parsva bakasana back to chat is through sirsasana b. to get the jump back use your belly muscle, chin up and push your hands into tghe floor as you suck in the belly. that will help you to shift the waieght fully on the hands and your legs will be free to kick them back.the body weight will shift forwrad, keep your chin up and you will counter balance the fear of falling.and rememebr falling is learning, so fall a few times *smile* it's good for us. put a blanket in front just in case .good luck.jump into bakasana and back to chat. taht will help you build the awareness on how to keep the body off teh floor.however, as i said in the beginning, beside bakasana most of the arms bal;ances are entered from head stand or hand stand (ashtovakrasana).
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Posted 2007-05-14 8:50 PM (#86275 - in reply to #84073)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

Hehet - 2007-04-25 2:19 AM

I've recently been able to flow from Bakasana into Chaturanga as part of my home practice..i've been trying at it for a while so it felt good to accomplish (like i was finally understand how combine bandhas and dristi)

Hey Yogis,
Going back to this post as I have been wanting to know about bandhas during asana.
I've only practiced Maha Bandha as a practice on it's own after asana and pranayam. I know during certain asanas the bandhas or some bandhas may be in activated, like Jalandhar in Sarvangasana. I read that banhas are not muscle contractions, it's more subtle than that. Mooladhar raises prana, Uddiyana raises prana to Vissudhi and Jalandhar bandha directs prana downwards. So prana circulates and doesn't dissipate.

So, bandas during asana? Does anyone have experience or knowledge on this?

Peace to all,
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Posted 2007-05-14 9:31 PM (#86280 - in reply to #84073)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

see the response in 'General Yoga' thread.
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Posted 2007-05-15 10:22 AM (#86309 - in reply to #84073)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

I haven't been focusing on this as much as these last two weeks, I've been working with my hips more.

What i will try tho, is the crow-to-sirsasana B vinyasa so that I can learn the side-crow variation before exiting into Chaturanga
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Posted 2007-05-15 12:44 PM (#86316 - in reply to #86309)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

Hehet - 2007-05-15 10:22 AM What i will try tho, is the crow-to-sirsasana B vinyasa so that I can learn the side-crow variation before exiting into Chaturanga

We did the second half of that vinyasa in today's class, sirsasana B to crow, then jump back to plank. Or at least that's what I did! Took me a bit to get my center of gravity down lower into my torso so my head could lift back off the ground, but yes, I was there and maintained it for a breath or so. Then the feet fly back and touch down lightly to plank (no chaturanga landings for me, sorry!).

Funny how so many people seem to always be practicing the same things as each other at the same time, ya know? Like what we're all focusing on at any given time is being directed by something greater (could it be the weather? ).

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Posted 2007-05-15 1:48 PM (#86321 - in reply to #86316)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas


I did Bakasana to sirsasansa B last night. Not sure what processed me to do it. I think I just wanted to see if I could still do it.

I did bakasana and then decided that I needed a headstand. So, I tried to control it and it worked.

It was my second practice for the day, just fooling around really. I was also doing these crazy binding things...bound side angle (around the back, not leg), bound ardha chadrasana, bound ardha mandalasana, turbodog, weird stuff

Okay, since I'm talking about last night. My ceiling is 7 foot tall right? Well, I can touch the ceiling in a handstand (it helps me balance). Well, last night I was trying really really hard to touch the ceiling in standing splits. My foot was so close to the ceiling, but I could find that extra inch...I figured that couldn't do it last night. I also tried in Dancer, it was close...So, I'll try again another time.
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Posted 2007-05-15 5:03 PM (#86334 - in reply to #86321)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

Hey Eric, now would you believe we did all sorts of binds in class last night as well? Like I said, must be something in the air or in the weather, in that everyone's practices are similarly themed lately.

Or maybe it's just that there are only so many different practices one can do?

Question: what's turbodog?

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Posted 2007-05-15 7:46 PM (#86342 - in reply to #84073)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

Found this explanation as a variation of Adho Mukha Svanasana / Down Dog:

Turbo Dog - bend your elbows and hover them two inches off the ground

From this site:
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Posted 2007-05-16 8:29 AM (#86386 - in reply to #86342)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

That's it.

It's sort of a cross between dolphin and downdog. It really strengthens the arms/shoulders. You have to draw the elbows towards each other slightly so they don't spray out to the sides.

I think it is part of Forrest Yoga. I learned it from a Forrest Yoga teacher.

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Posted 2007-05-17 1:22 PM (#86489 - in reply to #84073)
Subject: RE: arm balance vinyasas

makes sense. started noticing them appearing in our classes after Ana came through on one of her workshop tours.
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