whew.. hot hot hot
Posted 2007-07-18 2:51 PM (#91780)
Subject: whew.. hot hot hot

So much heat and humidity in the air lately. It is so beautiful. We get these incredible summer thunderstorms almost everyday at 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Then night falls and everything is cooled by the rain. (humid yes, but cool). Mornings are the best. To everyone that lives in a warm climate, you should wake up early and during the hot afternoon sit in a comfortable chair inside
During lunch I go outside and practice ashtanga primary (mostly).

i did my practice outside today. I live in Tampa, FL. It was about 88 when I started.. I think I started sweating right away. The breeze was nice and it keeps the mosquitoes down. I practice in the shade. the humidity in the air is fantastic for the breath. My breath did not change one time. Everything was even and steady. Standing poses are getting so much easier. I've been so consistant that the sequence is starting to flow with ease. For anyone who is thinking about doing ashtanga, I want to say that it has worked wonders for me. I can feel myself getting stronger. I've been eating more protein too...

So, as much as I enjoyed it today. You know how life is.. well...
I really enjoy practicing outside, however, today I got attacked by fire ants.
I was bitten so many times. The bite of a fire ant burns. It was like these tiny little burns. I must of put my yoga mat right down on top of a mound. (they are everywhere) I decided to try to ignore the ants, but by the end of the practice it was me against them...

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Posted 2007-07-18 3:22 PM (#91786 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

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Posted 2007-07-19 1:58 AM (#91832 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

the other week I practiced on the beach, I was wearing tight white leggings, thought I was protected, I didnt know mossies could bight through fabric ! I was practicing primary, they literally had a pub crawl on my butt and legs I was covered and really sore.

Love practicing in the fresh sea air though it is the best !
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Posted 2007-07-19 8:25 AM (#91844 - in reply to #91832)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Yes, the sea air is really nice. Have you heard about Ions and sea air?

I don't know much about it, but there is supposed to be a calming effect from ions...

Although I stubbed my toes this morning pretty bad, I'll probably go back out today. Not sore at all, (which is nice). That is one thing I think the heat and humidity really helps with. When I get really warm, I don't feel sore the next day.
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Posted 2007-07-19 8:36 AM (#91845 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

As I was reading down this thread, I thought that I would post about the benefits of practising by the sea because of the ions in the air... and Eric beat me to it

Last year, a Romanian friend of mine practiced down the salt mines in Romania, which she said was fantastic. The beach is probably more convenient though

I use those rock salt lamps in the house for a similar effect.

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Posted 2007-07-19 8:52 AM (#91848 - in reply to #91845)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
In the mountains we have a similar effect....minus the salt. We just have good clean country air, it's very niiiice,

Did you know that when it rains, the ions are released into the air as well? It has that cleansing effect on the environment. Same thing happens when you burn beeswax candles in your environment too...it neutralizes and cleans the air of inpurities. Which is why so many people with allergies benefit from my beeswax candles,
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Posted 2007-07-19 9:01 AM (#91851 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Hi Cyndi,

I like the website.

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Posted 2007-07-19 9:04 AM (#91852 - in reply to #91848)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Didn't know that about bees wax or rain.

That must be one reason why I enjoy those morning after a hard rain...
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Posted 2007-07-19 9:24 AM (#91856 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Lightning storms especially affect the air. Not only are they thrilling and beautiful, but they also charge the air. I love them.

It's our goal for a family vacation at the end of the summer to make it back to the ocean. We took our girls a few years ago, and we all loved it. I'm so happy to think we're going back again. I love swimming until you feel the pull of the tide hours after you leave the water. It's a wierd feeling, but I love it.
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Posted 2007-07-19 9:53 AM (#91860 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Must be great on top of a mountain

We went camping on the beach last year and my friend and I did our practice whilst the sun rose. When we finished we did our savasana in the sea, which was as still as a mill pond it was the best ! awe inspiring x Im gonna do it again in a couple of weeks cant wait
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Posted 2007-07-19 10:45 AM (#91872 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

I am going to the beach soon and experience Ionic Yoga!
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Posted 2007-07-19 3:40 PM (#91928 - in reply to #91872)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Practice was fierce and hot again today. I did intermediate up to Camel. days like this make me fall in love with the practice all over again.

I also found a public bathroom out there, so that's good. Sometimes I drink too much water before I practice...

No fire ants today, too.

What can I say? I wish you guys could join me...
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Posted 2007-07-20 5:17 AM (#91975 - in reply to #91928)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

We're having thunder storms as well.... without the heat..... without the sun......but the good news is that there's plenty of rain and the river next to my office has saturated the banks and the pavements are running streams.

In short, the first typically British summer we've had in years.

Mea culpa!

I bought an air-con unit for the bedroom last July.


Edited by Orbilia 2007-07-20 5:18 AM
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Posted 2007-07-20 2:29 PM (#92038 - in reply to #91975)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Location: London, England
Hi Fi,
I was teaching a class today which I had to stop halway through because the club was flooding! The yoga studio was still dry, but when we came out there was 6" of water on the floor. The street outside was impassable. And this was just wimbledon-hate to think what's happening elsewhere.

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Posted 2007-07-21 11:48 PM (#92147 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 475
Location: canada
ah yes..tampa and the heat...been there done that...and the daily thunderstorms..and the heat...don't miss it at all. tampa is really nice otherwise though..
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Posted 2007-07-23 5:20 AM (#92292 - in reply to #92038)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

I'm hoping not to be flooded but the Thames and Kennet are predicted to get a peak surge in Reading late Tuesday / early Wednesday


Nick - 2007-07-21 7:29 PM

Hi Fi,
I was teaching a class today which I had to stop halway through because the club was flooding! The yoga studio was still dry, but when we came out there was 6" of water on the floor. The street outside was impassable. And this was just wimbledon-hate to think what's happening elsewhere.


Edited by Orbilia 2007-07-23 5:20 AM
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Posted 2007-07-24 12:49 AM (#92398 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Hi fee,

I hope you are ok.

I was watching the BBC news this morning (from my home in the desert ). It's amazing, as half of Europe is experiencing the worst flooding since records began and the other half is experiencing severe drought and forest fires.

Of course there is no such thing as global warming...

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Posted 2007-07-24 2:20 PM (#92427 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Hy jonnie,
we were only saying that the other day - half the world is flooding - the other burning very strange, I was on the phone to my mum the other day and she said every river in sheffield has burst its banks, as she was telling me the tale, I could see the smoke from the forest fires in the mountains --

Theres just no balance on the planet anymore
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Posted 2007-07-25 12:03 AM (#92483 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Hopefully Al Gore will save us

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Posted 2007-07-25 5:11 AM (#92495 - in reply to #92398)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Thanks Johnnie - see also my Ark Wanted thread in OT.

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Posted 2007-07-26 12:33 PM (#92687 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Hey Eric,

I finally followed your example and took my practice outside today as well. It's 87 degrees here today, mostly sunny, and nice and humid -- perfect! And this was after an hour's worth of running outside, so I was definitely nice and warmed up already, inside and out .

Though I have to tell you, my mat got REALLY hot after a while. My feet were burning! I suppose I could've found a spot in the shade on my deck, but hey, being the optimizer that I am, I wanted to work on my freckles (a redhead's version of a tan) as well. Also, keeping a grip on my prayer twists was rather challenging; very slippery with all that sweating. Hey, my own version of Bikram, PLUS the factor of the burning feet on the mat! Might be the beginning of a brand new trend...

Actually, we also practiced outside yesterday, as part of a retreat for a karma project from my studio. All the mats were on the grass. At first, I didn't think that was going to work very well, but I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't a long nor involved practice, just 21 sun salutations, after which we did some Thai massage on each other. The morning had begun with a fire ceremony and chanting, followed by a silent meditation, all outside as well. Of course we were all in the shade...

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Posted 2007-07-27 10:52 AM (#92763 - in reply to #92687)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Hey Orangemat!

Very cool. Or should I say very hot.

I hope I didn't mis-speak before. I practice in the shade. I have heard of people doing the sun salutes in the sun and then bring their mats to the shade for the rest of the practice.

Anyway thanks for sharing. Sounds really nice...
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Posted 2007-07-30 1:05 PM (#93001 - in reply to #92763)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Just spent the last 5 days camping in southern England and I had hoped to be able to do my practice in the open air first thing in the morning. Sadly there was only one morning without rain. Nice morning, sun salutations facing the rising sun, horses watching me over the fence of neighbouring field, but COLD! Didn't manage to work up any heat at all!

Anyone have any suggestions of how to do ashtanga in a small tent that you can lay down in but can't stand up?
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Posted 2007-07-30 1:20 PM (#93003 - in reply to #93001)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

ian****er - 2007-07-31 9:05 PM

Anyone have any suggestions of how to do ashtanga in a small tent that you can lay down in but can't stand up?

That's an easy one Ian.

Practise a Savasana intensive

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Posted 2007-07-31 5:36 AM (#93028 - in reply to #93003)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot


I like the sound of that! Intensive savasana would be just the ticket, then gently float away on the floods...............

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Posted 2007-07-31 8:37 AM (#93037 - in reply to #93028)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Location: London, England
I need that rain-I started making a wildlife pond-it's more complicated than you think-apparently, I'm suposed to use rainwater, then go to a local pond which has been around for thousands of years, and get a few bottles of mud and water-this gets the pond off to a good start. I'm doing it for extra frog habitat, and hopefully get some newts as well. I'm going to put in loads of toad and frog hiding places, and a boulder for them to get some sun-should be froggy paradise

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Posted 2007-07-31 9:03 AM (#93039 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot


Nick you suprise me

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Posted 2007-07-31 9:14 AM (#93041 - in reply to #93039)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Location: London, England
Hi Jonnie,
Oh, I love that stuff-am going to make a little bog garden next to it. There's already frogs hiding in all the long grass and under bits of wood-but apparently they will only go back to the pond in which they spawned-hope they get on with the resident frogs . Right, now to go out and dig an extremely large hole Should be getting the pond liner on thursday, I expect a load of applause from all the frogs

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Posted 2007-07-31 9:22 AM (#93042 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Well I'm very impressed.

I saw you more of the 'paddling pool full of baby oil and a lap dancing pole' kind of guy.
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Posted 2007-07-31 9:42 AM (#93043 - in reply to #93042)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

Location: London, England
Hi Jonnie,
I wish ! Although they do have pole-dancing poles at the health club I teach at-I was going to set one up so that I could practice that 'flag' position And to scare my students That's about the closest I'm ever going to get to having anyone swing around a pole for me! Anyway, I'd much rather sit outside with a cold beer and watch the frogs do their thang Or maybe I could get the best of both worlds and set up a pole in the middle of my pond. Can just imagine saying to a new girlfriend, 'um, there's this thing I'd like you to do for me..'
Should sort the wheat from the chaff

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Posted 2007-07-31 10:34 AM (#93048 - in reply to #91780)
Subject: RE: whew.. hot hot hot

My parent's have a frog pond in their home in the Uk.

What amazed me was the noise. Those frogs are not quiet

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