Meditation as Affirmation?
Posted 2007-08-03 5:28 PM (#93426)
Subject: Meditation as Affirmation?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 399
Location: Oregon
What I've been doing sort of has its roots in an AA program. I identify as agnostic. And when I first came to that conclusion, I didn't actually put my finger on it until I became involved with a young woman who came from an alcoholic family. In supporting her and her mother, I came to know some of the jargon and the serenity prayer kind of summed up my new belief system.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Only I don't believe there's a god. I quit waiting on that to show me the way. It's up to me to accept things as they are and focus on what I can do. I had forgotten it. And now I've kind of added to it, I quit waiting for someone to join me in life. It's up to me to fill the emptiness, which I guess has been there all along.

So I created a check list with a theme of the things I've learned. It starts with the serenity prayer and 14 single line bullet points. This is how I begin my fledging meditation. Kind of like having an AA affirmations book--reminders of some of the things I've learned and need to accept.

My question to those with more experience is, well... what do you think of this approach? I don't get much beyond reading it a couple of times. Sometimes I just find stillness and silence. But it calms me at a time when I'm trying not to let emotion rule me the way it has. Comments appreciated.
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Posted 2007-08-03 11:29 PM (#93437 - in reply to #93426)
Subject: RE: Meditation as Affirmation?

Sorry. I could not understand this post. I wish to know: What is the goal? What is exactly the situation or background? What is the method? And, what is happening while forllowing the method?

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Posted 2007-08-04 3:10 AM (#93448 - in reply to #93426)
Subject: RE: Meditation as Affirmation?

Hi Dre,

the serenity prayer is very beautiful.

Technically, what you are describing is not meditation, though if this technique is working for you and you are getting the results that you want, then keep using it. That is the important thing.

I have one question to add to Neel's questions. How do you describe this God that you don't believe in?

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Posted 2007-08-04 2:06 PM (#93479 - in reply to #93426)
Subject: RE: Meditation as Affirmation?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 399
Location: Oregon
Thank you for the questions. They're making me think and define it.

What is the goal? To find calm in the face of emotions. To accept situations beyond my control. To reduce expectations and attachment. To find peace without needing another. To own my own sh!t.

What is exactly the situation or background? Divorce. A rhythmlees week on week off existence with my child. Another failed relationship, brought incredibly close, only to be left. Recently, many things have clicked in understanding why I have perhaps pressed or made things mean too much. I've owned more of my baggage than at any other time in my life. And maybe understand some of why I've looked to another for my happiness or dependence on their presence or certain actions for my happiness.

What is the method? Well, so I've written down some revelations I've had at different times in my life, some that I've forgotten, some more recent. And I read them to myself to remind me what I've learned, to accept and to let go. And focus on what I do have and what can do something about.

And, what is happening while following the method? Well, it's new. But I do seem to find some calm, and let go. If I can just remember these things when I'm going through stuff, so I don't attach too much to any one thing. Maybe then I can just live in the moment. I've actually been fairly productive lately.

>>> How do you describe this God that you don't believe in? <<<

There are many things more powerful than me. I generally don't have a problem with them. And I don't need to ascribe them to a god. They just are. I don't really want to live forever. I think goodness and evil is innate. I choose to be a decent person not for any eternal reward. The unknowable in the big picture just doesn't bother me. I don't think there's a great plan for me. We exist. That's enough for me.

What I struggle with is vagueness in other people or lack of accountability, or knowing what they want. I usually know what I want, and then reveal it. I reveal too much. Most belief systems seem to deal with the ego one way or another. And mine is no different, how do I give up my ego, if there is no god to give it to? How do I accept what I cannot understand in relationships, find peace and find what I also need?

Umm, yeah... so that's what I'm working on.
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Posted 2007-08-04 10:14 PM (#93497 - in reply to #93426)
Subject: RE: Meditation as Affirmation?

hummm. Now, I understand. This can not be explained in brief, but I shall try. There are two methods:

a) take guidance from one who you can fully trust in. just follow that guidance for a prescribed period. after sincer practice if any questions or difficulties arise, take the help of that guide.


b) form and follow your own method. take the responsibility and slowly work on any issues that come up.

BUT, do not mix a) and b).

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Posted 2007-08-04 11:39 PM (#93500 - in reply to #93426)
Subject: RE: Meditation as Affirmation?

and remember that Vedic philosophy explains that there are three laws of causation:

1. An effect can never be without a cause.

2. Effects ARE cause in different forms.

3. From the effect, when the cause is removed, nothing remains.


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