chronic sciatica
Posted 2007-08-21 2:10 AM (#94592)
Subject: chronic sciatica

Hi all,
Am new to this site and hope the questions I am asking are the right sort for this forum (I realise the advice is not medical in nature but from personal experience and this is what I am hoping for).

I was wondering if anyone had any information regarding the best yoga poses to do for chronic sciatica (6years) (and should mentioned really, really bad knees). It was probably originally caused by a slipped disc in L5. I have done Hatha Yoga on and off for years (but not recently) and would like to get back into it as it makes me feel mentally and physically more able to cope with the pain.
In addition can anyone share recommendations to help me counteract the effects of the medication I have been given (its gabapentin the anticonvulsant) - am not happy at all about taking it but the pain specialist has already done epidural steroid injections and they didn't work so I have been asked to try this for three months to slow the pain down and help me build up some strength while the pain is lessened. After three months I have told the specialist I will not take it any more as I feel permanent medication is not a realistic solution to this problem.
Was wondering if there are any specific poses or practices that anyone has found helpful for counteracting the effects of heavy medication?
Thanks in advance!
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Posted 2007-09-10 4:41 PM (#96037 - in reply to #94592)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica


Are you in Virginia? I knew a Catfish there once.

I'm a bit confused. Are you taking the meds to alleviate the pain that you are describing as sciatica?
Frankly I don't mix in much with countering meds. They are pharmeceutical in nature and there are very few things that go head to head with the meds. They effect the body in such powerful ways at such deep levels it is very difficult.

There are two types of sciatic manifestation. One is when the spine is obstructing or impeding the nerve. The other is when the piriformis is tight and placing pressure on the sciatic verve as it makes its way into the lower limbs.
The first is "true" sciatica while the second is "false" sciatica.

They are handled differently from a yoga therapeutics perspective.
For the piriformis it would be Adha Chandrasana against the wall with the standing leg externally rotated so that the toes are closer to the baseboard than the heel. This releases the piriformis and should be done with a block under the supporting hand. It can be done daily for as long as it feels good.

For the issue int he lumbar, the true sciatic, there is a deeper protocol. Some of that involves traction. Most of what I have in mind would require teaching rather than telling. Perhaps a therapeutically trained yoga teacher in your area might develop a protocol with you then you could do it on your own at home?

That is how I would advise you. I've jut spent two hours working with such a client and I can only imagine how much time it would take (and the risks it would bring) to type the same things here and expect you to "get" them.

What is your diet like, my friend?
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Posted 2007-09-10 5:49 PM (#96038 - in reply to #94592)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica

There are NO Yoga Poses that counteract effect of Medication. Even if they were, they should not be done for counteracting Medication. That shall be like first making the room purposely dirty and then cleaning it. But, I understand your positon on pain.

If you want to do Yoga for your situation, you should meet a person who can help you, as correctly suggested by Purnayoga. And, you should not try to know anything, but just do what is instructed, just like what you did with the Medical Doctor.
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Posted 2007-09-11 10:06 AM (#96071 - in reply to #94592)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica

I'm not a yoga teacher- so I won't comment on poses.. but have you considered a route like chiropractic instead of meds, shots?? I ask because I used to have awful sciatica- for years, really... and I've never been into taking meds, so I never went on a painkiller or muscle relaxant, etc- they just affect me too much. But I did start going to a fabulous chiropractor (I'd only go to one off of someone else's rec.) and after many treatments (and yoga) I've been able to alleviate all of my sciatica pain- now, I can't say the same for my right hip, but that's a different can of worms.
Just something to consider- I've found that traditional docs do not really know about chronic pain- they only know how to treat the symptoms of the pain.
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Posted 2007-09-11 10:42 AM (#96072 - in reply to #94592)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica

my web site (linked in my signature) includes an article about yoga for sciatica. so, you'll find a routine there.

as for the medications, i would have to see you personally to see what could be done to help you manage pain better, help alliveiate the underlying pain, and so on. as neel said, we can't really do anything to counteract the meds except to stop taking the meds.

but, we cacn do a lot to heal the back and heal the sciatica, so that you don't have it any more. yoga works for this.

so, i recommend working with an experienced teacher--one who has worked with your specific conditions and has experience in pain management. i've done a lot of work in this area, but i am not in VA.
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Posted 2007-09-11 11:39 AM (#96075 - in reply to #94592)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica

I thought Purna was joking. This may be effect of his changing the avatara. Catfish is in Virginia.

hey CatFish, let me send you a PM or EMail. Stay in water till then.

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Posted 2007-09-11 10:06 PM (#96096 - in reply to #94592)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica

Hi all - thanks for your replies. Actually I am in Perth, Western Australia.
As for the sciatica the spine is impeding the nerve (had mri's done) but yes I also have tight piriformis.
I agree about the medication but I am 30 years old and have had chronic sciatica for 8 years now and have tried chiros, physio, acupuncture, bowen therapy, reflexology and pretty much everything else anyone could think off so I was convinced to try them. The meds are horrid and I see the pain specialist again in two days when I will inform him that the side effects are not worth knocking the pain back two or three levels. Am beginning to realise that I may need to look inside a bit harder to try and control the pain - the medication has made me feel so awful (and mentally unlike myself) that it is simply not an option even for the short term.
Thanks for the poses I will give them a go - don't suppose anyone can recommend a really good teacher over here?
As for my diet - I don't eat red/white meat or poultry. I don't eat junk food (have never even tasted most of the fast food giants). So mostly it revolves around tofu, fish, lentils/chickpeas, stirfried, BBQ or steamed vegies, brown rice, rice noodles, pasta, grainy breads, cheeses, fruit and condiments (ie olives, sundried tomatoes etc). I drink a lot of water and green/white tea - I do drink coffee and wine (along with the odd mandatory beer !). Recently my mum (a traditional chinese medical practitioner and herbalist) has given me a spleen and kidney strengthening formula and dietary guidelines - it seems to be helping to avoid certain things and I am trying it for month before we review the progress.
Once again I am really grateful for your input - and will try staying in the water (esp. given the rain over here at the moment!).
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Posted 2007-09-12 11:53 AM (#96119 - in reply to #94592)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica

Well done.
Seems your diet is pretty sound. The only changes I'd make (if it were me, of course) is to eliminate anything with refined sugar or caffeine, which includes alcohol, coffee and black tea. I'd also set dairy aside to see what effects that might have.

If L5 is still out and that is what is pressuring the nerve (sciatic) then the protocol is to traction the spine, tidy the diet, examine the emotional issues yet to be faced, and practice a gentle pranayama which includes the use of light via breath.

I am not familiar with a teacher there in Perth. Perhaps one day they'll ask us to come and do a workshop there.
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Posted 2007-09-12 10:21 PM (#96135 - in reply to #94592)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica

Thankyou Purna,
I will be having a good look around to find someone in my area - pity you are so far away!
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Posted 2007-11-12 1:37 PM (#99379 - in reply to #96135)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica

Hi there:
Just saw your question, though it's been on for some time, and thought I'd add my 2 bits. I have had a pretty acute attack of sciatica, and its the 'real' thing alright, though I'm sure a tight piriformis has some role too (not sure though whether the tightness came before or as a result of the pinched nerve...L5). What is really shocking to me is how long it's dragged out in recovery. I'm still not a hundred %. I echo what was said about avoiding refined sugar...I feel it retards the healing of any inflammation. Yoga has helped to strengthen my back since this happened...gentle stretches, spinal twists, spinal rock, Ardhachandrasana against a wall...etc.
What also works powerfully for me is plain old walking. It is a great strengthener for the large muscles of the legs and buttocks. I did a little bit at first, stopping when the good soreness turned to pain, then SLOWLY increased it to 30 minutes or so. You don't need a teacher for this anyway, just good shoes. If you're on a treadmill, don't hold onto anything, as it will tilt your back off-balance, and will undo any good you are trying to do. Hope this helps. I have suffered from a compressed disk for a couple of decades, and this is the distilled advice of trying out all sorts of things. And one more thing, try to get hold of a good tape of Yoga Nidra (guided deep relaxation) and try to do this every single day, even if you can't get to anything else. You may fall asleep at first, but that's ok! Make sure you are completely comfortable when you are doing it,...make sure your legs and back are supported and in 'neutral'. It really helps.
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Posted 2007-11-12 7:24 PM (#99399 - in reply to #94592)
Subject: RE: chronic sciatica

Oops.. I also forgot to add that once I switched to Dansko clogs, my sciatica improved greatly- and that was LONG before a chiropractor. The clogs helped to realign everything and made all the difference in the world.

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