treating obesity by yoga .
yogendra mishra
Posted 2007-09-08 10:06 AM (#95909)
Subject: treating obesity by yoga .

Excess accumulation of fat tissues beyond the limitation of the skeletal and muscular . obesity is considered a problem because it detracts from one's physical appearance according to the standard of our culture,but also because the obease individual is at increased risk for serious health problem .the causes of obesity are comlex and not well understood.according to yogic and psychological point of view our lifestyle and reinforcement for over eating is the most important factors behind obesity. the first cause is over eating and second important cause is decreased physical activities,which means that there is an imbalance in the amount of energy we take in and the amount we expend.regardless of the causes of obesity,it appears that in many cases it can be treated effectively with behavior modification and adopting yoga in our dailly life. in behaviour modification methods self monitoring of records of the food on caloric intake ,stimulus control,i.e. controlled eating behavior,changing eating behavior and behavioral contract are important methods of controlling yoga therapy yogasanas like akarna dhanurasan[pulled bow] ,ardh matsyendrasan[half spine twist],ushtrasana[camel], bhujangasana[cobra], dhnurasan[bow], koranasan[angle], paschimottanasana[posterior stretch], mandukasana[tortose], yogasana.[yoga], uttanpadasan[foot stretch], vajrasan, pawanmuktasan , kapalbhati,anulom bilom ,and agnisar kriya,are important method to remove extra weight from the body. if you have any question pl. contact without hasitation.
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