Posted 2008-02-12 9:40 AM (#103292)
Subject: parasites

I was researching a parasite cleanse (not that I've got worms or anything ) and found this site:

It is so gross, that I just had to share it.

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Posted 2008-02-13 5:18 AM (#103365 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

Fabulous link Johnnie, thanks

I went to the sort of secondary school that believed in telling it like it is. Consequently, the biology labs were 'equipped' with no holds barred specimens, especially the teeny-weeny A-level students' lab. We had real human skeletons, a calf embryo, and various picked organs to name but a few. The one that will never leave my mind however, was a forty-foot tape worm that had been removed from a patient at the local hospital. I still gag thinking about it to this day!

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Posted 2008-02-13 8:49 AM (#103380 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

Sorry if I'm dissappointing you Jonathan, but I can't bear to look.
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Posted 2008-02-13 2:06 PM (#103410 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

Location: London, England
Hi Jonathon,
Absolutely splendid! I think I've mentiopned here before that a lecturer of mine once remarked on the presence of the abdominal rectus muscle as being proof of evolution-a segmented muscle, in a tubular shape, exactly like a worm. So it's no wonder that many people find the practice of nauli is nausea-inducing to watch. Maybe not a fact to mention to one's students, most don't like being related to earthworms

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Posted 2008-02-13 7:47 PM (#103438 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

Ahggg! Gross!

Great website. But I think I know of an even MORE disgusting link I can share with you, Jonnie (and anyone else who dares take a look):

This is not for the faint-hearted, or anyone attempting to eat lunch.

Edited by lilybart 2008-02-13 8:10 PM
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Posted 2008-02-14 2:43 AM (#103449 - in reply to #103438)
Subject: RE: parasites

Location: London, England
Hi Skye,
I don't know why, but I had to look, even though the address had 'colon cleanse' in it, so I knew it was going to be hideous. Do you think that's real? I reckon she's stuck them all togehter to make an impressive length of poo. I'm trying to think of something disgusting so that you can have a look-I'll be back

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Posted 2008-02-14 4:27 AM (#103450 - in reply to #103438)
Subject: RE: parasites

lilybart - 2008-02-14 4:47 AM

Great website. But I think I know of an even MORE disgusting link I can share with you,

Really Skye. That is the most disgusting website I have seen in a while.

I scared to imagine what Nick's twisted mind will conjure up to beat this though

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Posted 2008-02-14 5:47 AM (#103451 - in reply to #103450)
Subject: RE: parasites

Oooh, that's vile!

I have a book that's perfect for clearing the house of guests who've out-stayed their welcome.

It's a full set of full colour human autopsy photos that I picked up in a clearance sale whilst doing my degree. The preserving process does nothing for the colour of flesh so some bodily parts look quite 'off', particularly those of the male primary reproductive organs.


Edited by Orbilia 2008-02-14 5:49 AM
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Posted 2008-02-14 7:44 AM (#103452 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

Hi Fee, I would love to have some copies of those pictures. I would take them to the high school for valentines day cards!

I didn't have the courage to look at the new grossest website either. I bet Nick can't find anything worse, and is writing up his own website now. Maybe I'll look at that one.
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Posted 2008-02-14 8:06 AM (#103454 - in reply to #103452)
Subject: RE: parasites

*LOL* I'm sure there's a whole long story behind that remark?!

I'll try to remember to note down the ISBN, etc to bring into work to post here for you.

I think the most fascinating, most vile thing I've seen was a short TV series broadcast here a couple of years ago where this German (I think) anatomist who looked like Herman Munster disected several human corpses fully.

I was expecting to find the epsisode on sensory organs to be the most difficult to watch due to my 'thing' about eyes, but it tirned out to be the one on skin. In the skin epsisode, he skinned an entire corpse in one piece to show the size. Oh, baby, did that ever make me feel faint!

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Posted 2008-02-14 9:51 AM (#103465 - in reply to #103454)
Subject: RE: parasites

Location: London, England
Hi Fiona,
That was by Gunther Von Hagens, the renowned expert on plastination-see images from 'body worlds' to look at his work. I went to his exhibition in London a few years back-absolutely incredible. I want to do something similiar in the book on yoga I'm trying to write-imagine seeing the muscles come alive I'll have to start bringing chloroform and the plastination equipment with me to classes so I can spring on students who are doing a good pose, whack a big syringe into them, and plastinate them in the pose. Then I'll strip the skin off and highlight the relevant muscles. What postures can you do well?
I'm afraid I can't think of anything more disgusting than that poo site-that really is horrible, especially with the picture of the good-looking woman responsible for it at the top of the page. I guess some guys might like that kind of thing, though . I guess she sells the herbal products, but I can't imagine what else possessed her to do that-anyway, I'm not going back for another look, no way.

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Posted 2008-02-14 10:35 AM (#103469 - in reply to #103465)
Subject: RE: parasites

Thanks Nick. I knew he preserved folk as well but I couldn't dredge his name up out of my head. I couldn't believe how fast he works; it was like watching Edward Scissor-hands at play.

Well, I do nail triangle at the wall pretty well apparently but you can keep your hands off my inner groins, you perv! Besides, I don't think plasticine works :-)


Edited by Orbilia 2008-02-14 10:41 AM
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Posted 2008-02-14 11:10 AM (#103472 - in reply to #103469)
Subject: RE: parasites

Location: London, England
Hi Fiona,
Come on! Just imagine, if we get enough students we can the whole of the first series being demonstrated by a hall full of plastinated students! That would be truly creepy By the way, do you think I could ask Dr hagen to just plastinate a single part of me, say, my foot, so it was permanently hard? Just wondering what it would be like to have a stiff foot all night

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Posted 2008-02-14 12:42 PM (#103480 - in reply to #103465)
Subject: RE: parasites

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Well, I hate to tell ya'll this, but I am anyway. Most of the problem with parasites is the lack of understanding about them. A good example is with the honeybees. This is in a nutshell, it's very simple but yet complicated to some people.

We have this thing called Colony Collapse Disorder CCD that's been going around the media and the world. Most of us beekeepers have kept very quiet about this because we know what is going on but no one will listen to us, it's a waste of energy to talk about it. However, the other day I was talking with a local beekeeper who is actually making progress and is gathering the "scientific" evidence about the bees. See, most beekeepers use these horrible chemicals and natural chemicals in their hives to kill the varroa and tracheal mite that attach themselves to bees and get into the brood and colony. The problems are that bees actually can live in harmony with the mites, they have for thousands of years in the wild, and humans just don't quite understand how this works based on their "limited" thinking about "yucky" or "unpleasant" things. The natural processes of bees dying and good genetics living on and surviving is crucial to the understanding how the colony works and its over-all survival rate. The kill and destroy methods are never going to work, even within the human body. Better to find a way to live in harmony with parasites, rather than destroy them and the immune system. Fish can't live in too clean of water.

Edited by Cyndi 2008-02-14 12:46 PM
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Posted 2008-02-14 12:47 PM (#103481 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

that logically makes a lot of sense cyndi, good post.
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Posted 2008-02-15 6:19 AM (#103518 - in reply to #103454)
Subject: RE: parasites

As promised, the details of the anatomy book are :

A Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy
3rd Edition (probably further editions by now)

R.M.H. McMinn (a professor at the Royal College of Surgeons, London)
R.T. Hutchings
J. Pegington

Wolfe Publishing

ISBN : 0-7234-1915-9

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Posted 2008-02-15 6:25 AM (#103519 - in reply to #103472)
Subject: RE: parasites

I don't know Nick, but you can get moulting kits that achieve the same end - want some help trying one? *lol*


Edited by Orbilia 2008-02-15 6:27 AM
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Posted 2008-02-15 7:52 AM (#103523 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

Thanks Fee, they had a safe sex is fun sex talk at the high school the other day. During lunch hour no less. I guess they had some lovely pictures of infected areas, I thought to carry through with the theme for Valentine's, but I guess I'll have to plan ahead for next year.

Hey Nick, good luck getting shoes on that foot.
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Posted 2008-02-15 8:31 AM (#103527 - in reply to #103523)
Subject: RE: parasites

Glad to see that your school is one of the sensible ones :-)

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Posted 2008-02-16 2:18 AM (#103562 - in reply to #103519)
Subject: RE: parasites

Location: London, England
Hi Fiona,
That reminds me, did I tell you my brother knows Cynthia Plastercaster, who immortalized rock star's appendages? You can see a few here:

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Posted 2008-02-16 7:58 AM (#103568 - in reply to #103527)
Subject: RE: parasites

Orbilia - 2008-02-15 8:31 AM

Glad to see that your school is one of the sensible ones :-)


Haha, actually I thought it might be more sensible to call it-
While I agree that safe sex can be fun sex, You young people are probably too neurotic about your bodies to fully enjoy it considering the pressure of the modern media you all believe in so much, so maybe what you should really do is find out who you are first before you have sex, but since you probably won't this is how to wear a condom. Wait but first look at these infected genitals before you have at it, and then try to enjoy yourself.
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Posted 2008-02-16 10:03 PM (#103600 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

Oh dear, I felt a bit guilty after I posted that colon cleanse link... because it's truly wretched.

Sometimes my sense of humor is a little too close to that of a 14 year old boy.

hee hee
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Posted 2008-02-16 10:09 PM (#103601 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

But you do have to wonder about people who keep sticks next to their toilets for the hoisting of poo.

The next time I see a chopstick in someone's bathroom I'll know what's going on.

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Posted 2008-02-18 5:31 AM (#103640 - in reply to #103562)
Subject: RE: parasites

Hi Nick. No, you didn't. I've seen a couple of interviews with her. She's one chilled out lady :-)

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Posted 2008-02-18 5:34 AM (#103641 - in reply to #103601)
Subject: RE: parasites

*ROTFLMAO* I can see the poll now.... "What do you keep in your bathroom?....".


lilybart - 2008-02-17 3:09 AM

But you do have to wonder about people who keep sticks next to their toilets for the hoisting of poo.

The next time I see a chopstick in someone's bathroom I'll know what's going on.

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Posted 2008-02-19 11:51 AM (#103711 - in reply to #103292)
Subject: RE: parasites

I read a book over the weekend and it seems that pumpkin seeks and papaya seeds both help to eliminate worms from the body.
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