Returning to pure Ashtanga
Posted 2008-03-20 6:13 AM (#105275)
Subject: Returning to pure Ashtanga

Anyone else, like me, returning to pure Ashtanga after a flirtation with some of the fancy spin off's. I learned the primary series then wanted to try some of the more "exciting" advance postures from things like The Rocket, Power Yoga etc. Made some videos with my new cameraphone and put them on youtube so i could see how it was all looking.

However when i started looking at them, the fancy moves just looked a bit scrappy, untidy, undisciplined. Recently watched John Scott's video again and was in awe of what he does with the Primary series. The strength, control, discipline and grace on display on this the first series put everything else in the shade. Started reading Gregor Maele's book Ashtanga Yoga too. He goes into such detail on every Asana it made me want to go back to the beginning and start again. So now I'm back on Primary, but each morning focusing on one posture and trying to get it dead on and just focusing on the breath.

Haven't seen Lino Miele's DVD but in the context of this post and a return to the essence would anyone recommend it?
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Posted 2008-03-20 7:52 AM (#105276 - in reply to #105275)
Subject: RE: Returning to pure Ashtanga

Yes, I can relate to this post.

I fooled around with rocket, power yoga, short forms etc and now I do a more pure ashtanga practice.

Sometimes I do the full vinyasa method and stop around Marchi A. I also think that practicing in the morning is the best. So, i'm working towards 6 day (morning) practice. I try to get my practice in before work and it is challenging to do everyday!
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Posted 2008-03-31 10:58 PM (#105711 - in reply to #105275)
Subject: RE: Returning to pure Ashtanga

Yup. My introduction to ashtanga wasn't even really ashtanga (though I didn't know any better - the studio called itself ashtanga, and I took their word for it). I'm now doing it the old-fashioned way (mysore classes), and it's been a big step backwards in some ways, but my practice has improved enormously in other ways. I think I'm getting a better balance now, and I have a real sense of peace and contentment with my practice that I've never had before. Very pleasant. I hated the primary series 10 years ago, now it's like my bread and butter.

Have you seen Richard Freeman's video? He's another incredibly graceful practitioner; makes everything look so effortless! I haven't seen Lino Miele's DVD, so no idea what that one's like. Let us know if you get a look at it.

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