Yoga for BP
Posted 2008-06-17 2:57 AM (#108451)
Subject: Yoga for BP

Hi all,

I am BP patient.I am taking some medicines for that.Very soon I will come back to normal.Studies have shown that most of the asanas are not recommended for BP patients.

My question is as soon as I am normal, shall I start doing yoga or how long should I wait.



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Posted 2008-06-17 8:33 AM (#108454 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: RE: Yoga for BP

viswatr - 2008-06-17 2:57 AM

Hi all,

I am BP patient.I am taking some medicines for that.Very soon I will come back to normal.
===> This is totally FALSE. One NEVER comes to normal due taking medications. You only feel normal as a reaction to Medicine. Actually, you go away from normal. And, this is exactly what is shown by Scientific Studies, without a single exception.

Studies have shown that most of the asanas are not recommended for BP patients.

===> This is totally FALSE. Actually, studies have shown that many asanas are recommended especially for a BP Patient. For example, Shavasana. More should be learnt from a teacher directly and not via internet.

My question is as soon as I am normal, shall I start doing yoga or how long should I wait.

===> You should not wait at all if you wish to take up Yoga Practice. Yoga Practice does help BP without any doubt. But, Yoga Practice is NOT meant for BP. Therefore, it has nothing to do with BP in principles. Therefore, if you wish to take Yoga Practice, you should start before becoming normal. And, if you wish to do Yoga Practice for BP, you should start before becoming normal annd should learn it properly and only do proper Yoga Practice, and not any Yoga Practice.

===> I wish you best luck.



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Posted 2008-06-17 2:46 PM (#108471 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: RE: Yoga for BP

Shall we presume you have HIGH blood pressure?

Yoga is one way to deal with blood pressure issues, in conjunction with other changes, thus the term holistic. Meds are allopathic and they force the control upon you, as Neel so appropriately states. Though this does not mean "don't take your meds".

Inversions in asana have some varied effects relative to bp. The last I heard, blood pressure was shown to be higher in the poses in question but lower after the student comes down. I have not followed up on this in terms of research.

If you choose to deal with BP via yoga and a holistic approach, your teacher may suggest that you ween off the meds at some point. However I cannot think of a reason to keep yourself from yoga now if it is yoga you seek. As long as you are working with a highly trained teacher, of course.
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Posted 2009-04-07 8:41 AM (#115238 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: RE: Yoga for BP

Will regular practice of anulom vilom,kapalbhati make a difference for a primary hypertension patient.if so how mant minutes per day is recommended and how many times.
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Posted 2009-04-07 4:18 PM (#115244 - in reply to #115238)
Subject: RE: Yoga for BP

Regular Practice of AV and KB does NOT always help Hypertension. It is not same for all people. One has to learn it properly and see how that is helping. There is NO fixed time per day that can be recommended. That also varies with each person. This can best be learnt personally from an experienced teacher.

anirudh - 2009-04-07 8:41 AM

Will regular practice of anulom vilom,kapalbhati make a difference for a primary hypertension patient.if so how mant minutes per day is recommended and how many times.
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Posted 2009-04-09 12:58 AM (#115267 - in reply to #115244)
Subject: Re: Yoga for BP

Kapalabhati is not advised for hypertension.

Edited by purnayoga 2009-04-09 1:00 AM
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Posted 2010-11-20 4:16 AM (#126163 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: Re: Yoga for BP


Posts: 17

There are three basic principles in the practice of yoga that works all around for the benefit of the individual. In addition to lowering bad cholesterol, yoga is also known to treat migraines and help in the reduction of mental stress and tension. Regular practice of Kapalbhati Pranayama is the best form of Pranayama for bringing down cholesterol. Kapalbhati Pranayama aids in increasing the level of oxygen in the blood and improves the efficiency of the oxygen in the body.
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Posted 2010-11-29 8:11 AM (#126267 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: RE: Yoga for BP


Posts: 5

If you are a style of Hatha Yoga to treat hypertension is the best. Yoga is the many natural ways to lower blood pressure, because of its physical and mental balance.
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Posted 2011-02-24 10:49 PM (#202817 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: RE: Yoga for BP


Posts: 5

People who suffer from hypertension problems usually use yoga for blood pressure exercises, to keep the condition in check. It is true that Yoga is the best medicine for high and Low blood presser. Yoga is a great way of controlling the levels of cholesterol in the body.
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scott james
Posted 2011-05-16 7:52 AM (#208384 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: RE: Yoga for BP


Posts: 10

During any exercise the strain on muscles increases, the requirement for blood and oxygen increases but in Yoga the requirement goes down as there are no strains and every muscle is relaxed, the requirement for blood and oxygen goes down. Yoga helps in stabilizing blood pressure.
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Posted 2011-05-17 3:00 AM (#208391 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: RE: Yoga for BP


Posts: 5

Do regular practice Anulom, kapalbhati make a difference for primary hypertension patient,if so how many minutes per day is recommended and how often.
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Posted 2011-05-31 2:53 AM (#208503 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: RE: Yoga for BP


Posts: 5

For deal with your body blood pressure, yoga has a technique to keep your BP normal. It is Asanas and Pranayama these are help you for making normal BP. The basic meditations help achieve these results, it includes Omkar Meditation, Omkar chanting, Prana Meditation. Especially for High BP patients.
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Posted 2011-06-20 3:29 AM (#208734 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: Re: Yoga for BP


Posts: 5

Hypertension happens if the pressure in your systam gets top abundant arch to risks in your system. It is as well frequently accepted as top blood pressure, which refers to the bulk of burden in your arteries.In adjustment to administer hypertension, affairs management, one of which is Yoga Lifestyle, helps treat and anticipate hypertension through apperception and physique activities.
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Posted 2011-07-04 3:00 PM (#208844 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: Re: Yoga for BP

The two types of high blood pressure are as follows:

* Primary Hypertension – also known as essential hypertension; commonly caused by stress and injury, primary hypertension has no specific symptom. Other causes comprise emotional disturbance, heredity, race, climatic condition, Obesity, smoking and alcohol intake.

* Secondary Hypertension – may lead to kidney infection, malfunctioning of the Endocrine Glands and arterial problems like arteriosclerosis.
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Posted 2014-11-03 10:50 PM (#211749 - in reply to #108451)
Subject: Re: Yoga for BP


Posts: 210
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Yoga can be good at any body condition since it was good for holistic healing having yoga even with BP is also good.
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