sweaty ashtangi
Posted 2008-09-21 1:35 PM (#110979)
Subject: sweaty ashtangi

Had a shock today. Went to my first Mysore session and the Shala was incredibly hot. Never sweat so much in my life. Literaly had pools of sweat on my mat. I'm sure there are several post somewhere about this but I was wanting an Ashtanga slant and besides new products come out i guess. I've thought about taking my rug next week but then they can be a bit much to wash every time, especially moving into autumn. Been reading about yoga towels skidless etc. but not sure how they are for ashtanga as half the time my toes tend to brush along the top of the mat in my jump backs. What have people found to be the best option. At home I just use a towel beside my manduka but then my room at home isn't as hot as the shala. Sorry if i've put you off your dinner.
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Posted 2008-09-21 10:58 PM (#110985 - in reply to #110979)
Subject: RE: sweaty ashtangi

I sweat a lot too; it's a family thing, and that combined with ashtanga makes for a slippery mat at times. It's a bit embarrassing - I think I'm the only woman in the class with the profuse sweating. I used to just take a towel along to class and wipe down every now and then. Now I have a yogitoes skidless towel and use that. The yogitoes also doubles as a rug for dropbacks (my feel have shot out form under me a couple of times thanks to the uber-slipperiness by the time I get to backbending. I use it bumpy side up for maximum traction. I don't use it for any seated poses, because it messes up the vinyasas - jumping through is fine, but my feet catch when I'm jumping back (though, as I'm starting to pull my feet a little higher maybe that will change).

We're coming into summer here, so sweatville, here I come! Ilose about 1-1.5 kilos every mysoere class - scary, huh? And I'm not that big to begin with!



PS - your blog is hilarious. Your post about the manduka being the secret to second series really cracked me up!
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Posted 2008-09-23 1:20 PM (#111010 - in reply to #110979)
Subject: RE: sweaty ashtangi

You should practice in a warm room everytime.

I use open windows and a space heater. I have a thermastat on the wall that stays between 80 - 85 F when I practice. And yes, I sweat big time.

I use cotton mat and hang it up every practice. Wash it every other day or so to keep it from smelling...

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Posted 2008-09-26 1:36 PM (#111072 - in reply to #110979)
Subject: RE: sweaty ashtangi

Thanks, don't feel SO bad now. Have started cranking up the heat too at home. Bought a yogitoes but had to get it from the US so will take awhile to get here. Did buy a cheap microfiber towel though on ebay that seems to work well. Really soft so if you brush it on the way through it doesn't take the skin off. Glad you like the blog, starting to have fun with it. Oh and the kino DVD arrived. Workshops starts off interesting and i think it's helping.
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Posted 2008-09-27 7:18 AM (#111082 - in reply to #110979)
Subject: RE: sweaty ashtangi

Rexall -- I tend to describe myself as "quite fluid" as opposed to someone who sweats a lot. It just is what it is.
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Posted 2008-09-29 9:04 AM (#111103 - in reply to #111072)
Subject: RE: sweaty ashtangi

Yes, that fire in the practice is such a big part of the practice for me. On the official web site it say, "profuse sweating." That's me.

About Kino's, I like the way she says that she did not start out this way and that she used to watch the men in class doing amazing things and now she is able to do so many of the same things now. She's lived it and it helps me relate to her teaching.
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