A Holy pilgrimage to Mt. Kailash and Lake Mansarovar
Posted 2010-07-24 10:31 AM (#124278)
Subject: A Holy pilgrimage to Mt. Kailash and Lake Mansarovar

Dear Friends,

I am happy to inform you that like previous year, Swami Maheshananda Saraswati (Ex-Lecturer, Bihar School of Yoga, India) is once again, leading an international group to the abode of Lord Shiva- Mount Kailash, and the sacred Lake Mansarovar.

The pilgrimage is expected to happen around the month of May next Year. But as far as I know, it's gonna happen within April-June.

You can register for receiving newsletters regarding this holy pilgrimage, and securing a place for yourself in this yatra. Please visit here for registering or learning more about the pilgrimage.

It is always a dream for every spiritual individual, to have a visit to Mt.Kailash.... I am also looking forward to participate this year. Hope to see you there too
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