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   Yoga -> Bikram YogaMessage format
Posted 2006-06-10 11:15 PM (#55442)
Subject: Salabhasana

Ok...right leg up = fine; left leg up = fine; both legs up....sure, about 2 inches! LOL!
Any "secrets" one can share with me??? Perplexed!

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Posted 2006-06-10 11:52 PM (#55443 - in reply to #55442)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

are you talking about half or full locust?
a good secret to this pose is to shift the focus from lifting the legs up to lenghthening through the lower back and legs.
back in my bikram yoga days i would get mad air in salabhasana, but i wasn't getting a very good backbend.
try inner rotating your hips and tucking your tailbone between your legs. you might not get a great deal higher, but notice the difference between the two ways of doing the posture.
and if thats working out pretty good for you, try to bring your sternum towards your pubic bone. that will help to bring the backbend into your upper back.
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Posted 2006-06-12 5:32 PM (#55607 - in reply to #55442)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

How are you doing at getting your arms under your body? I ask because for my first several months when I couldn't get my arms under I was getting my legs up fine, but now that I can, I can only get them about 2 inches also. My teacher says that's perfectly fine -- the ability to lift the legs will come back and that now I'm getting the full benefit of the posture because the arms under is the first part of the posture and without that the leg lift isn't so beneficial. Sure hurts like bloody heck.
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Posted 2006-06-12 10:52 PM (#55629 - in reply to #55443)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Ooooo, that is a good point! Yes, I focus more on getting the lift. Lengthening through the lower back, having that be my focus, makes perfect sense!

Thank you!

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Posted 2006-06-12 10:58 PM (#55630 - in reply to #55607)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

johnb838 - 2006-06-12 2:32 PM

How are you doing at getting your arms under your body? I ask because for my first several months when I couldn't get my arms under I was getting my legs up fine, but now that I can, I can only get them about 2 inches also. My teacher says that's perfectly fine -- the ability to lift the legs will come back and that now I'm getting the full benefit of the posture because the arms under is the first part of the posture and without that the leg lift isn't so beneficial. Sure hurts like bloody heck.

Yes, I am able to get my arms under just fine. Hmmm, and what your instructor says is very interesting...and hopeful! Maybe I have a chance yet, eh!? I have read/heard that one feels much of the bearing down in the chest area, even creeping into the shoulder area...that that is where the body is really pressing down into the ground...and the legs get greater air. When I am in the pose, with my face smashing into the ground, I just don't get beyond feeling the tension more so in my forarms.

Hmmmm, the journey and exploration continues! Wooohooo!


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Posted 2006-06-13 7:50 AM (#55658 - in reply to #55442)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Like any other backbend secret is nothing but breathing
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Posted 2006-06-13 10:32 PM (#55747 - in reply to #55442)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

i'm not sure if this is the way or the right way.

in my opinion, i think it's easier when you interlock your fingers to form a fist and place between the thighs..though some claim that placing your palms right below your thighs (palms facing downwards) may be easier.  according to sivananda's book, inhale and exhale before you raise your feet.  I used to just inhale and raise.  but when i did what the book said, voila...i could hold much higher and it's definitely easier to raise.  But the hands have got to stay on the ground firm as a anchor.

please correct me if i'm wrong

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Posted 2006-06-14 9:25 AM (#55783 - in reply to #55747)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Peky and Sam,

There are so many aspects to this posture. In fact, this is really considered a very advanced one at that. So, having that said, if you can get your legs 2" off the floor, with proper alignment, which means - absolutely straight legs, forhead and sacrum pressed to the floor, both arms underneath you face down - fingers spread apart (little fingers could be touching) in a perfect Tadasana, then I'd say you were doing well. If not, lower your legs to 1" until you can.

Edited by Cyndi 2006-06-14 9:26 AM
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Posted 2006-06-14 10:16 AM (#55792 - in reply to #55783)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Cyndi - I don't know much about Bikram but I am thinking you mean forehead and "pubic bone" pressed into the floor, not "sacrum."? I have a feeling that if I could get my forehead and sacrum on the floor at the same time, they would be scouting me to be on the cover of YJ for sure
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Posted 2006-06-14 10:35 AM (#55798 - in reply to #55792)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
You know, I'm not that technical when it comes anatomy names...but the sacrum area is on the back side of the pubic area if I remember correctly, it is at the bottom of the spine and you are engaging the sacrum in this posture, so that could be a yes, I think? In Bikram, it is the forehead pressed to the floor. Some other types of yoga, they press the chin - although, that is a rule to be broken. In Bikram, the chin is pressed to the floor in the first part of the asana, then the forehead.
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Posted 2006-06-14 10:40 AM (#55802 - in reply to #55442)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

hmm..not sure if i'm getting the right idea.  chest and naval should be pressing down on the floor.  but when both feet are raised, basically the thighs are off the ground too rite?  So...if one can raise higher, wouldnt the pubic region be off the ground too?  As for the chin or forehead, i get confused too.  Cos apparently we need to stretch the neck out to stimulate the thyroid glands...rite? :-S
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Posted 2006-06-14 10:40 AM (#55804 - in reply to #55798)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Ah -ok - I see where you are going with that Yes, the sacrum does need to be loooong and moving toward the floor. Odds are pretty good it won't touch the floor, as my twisted mind was thinking, though
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Posted 2006-06-14 11:00 AM (#55806 - in reply to #55804)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC

You know, the reason I said in the beginning about the sacrum pressing the floor, is because.....from my own experience and seeing others...most newbies and even us oldies sometimes (mostly from habit) have this idea of tilting the sacrum and pelvis in an upward tilt, which will automatically raise the legs up, but not correctly. Usually, the legs are bent, crooked and spread apart. Think about it. When you look at this posture, done correctly, it looks like, especially to the average person, that you should be tilting the pelvis and sacrum in an upward position. This is where the danger lies in this posture, because it is not correct and why people including myself at times, struggle in this posture....therefore, not getting the benefits of it...and there are lots of benefits for this posture, as long as you are doing it correctly. Does that make sense?
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Posted 2006-06-14 11:09 AM (#55808 - in reply to #55802)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC

You really should have a trained instructor work with you in this posture, I'm serious and I do mean trained, not Bikram necessarily trained, but possibly if they know what they are talking about. Having that said...

Yes, the thighs are off the ground, but that does not necessarily mean your pelvis is going to come off the floor, if you are doing this asana correctly. If you do get your pelvis off the floor, and your legs are only coming up 2", you are doing it wrong. This is a sign of forcing your body to do something it is not ready for and you should back off the posture because it can cause damage to your lower back region. The chin is pressed to the floor during the first half of this asana, when you raise one leg up at a time. The forehead is pressed when you raise both legs up. I have done this posture before with my chin when raising both legs up, but technically that is not the way you are suppose to do it, but it is okay. The goal is to press the forehead to the floor when raising both legs up.
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Posted 2006-06-14 11:52 AM (#55819 - in reply to #55442)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana


Try first squeezing your butt a little to get the leg up, you should start to feel your lower back contract. Once you feel the low back activate, compress the muscles between your shoulder blades up towards your head until the weight of your body gets up and over your elblows and onto your chest and face. Also try pressing down with your fingers and arms.

Hope this helps.
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Posted 2006-06-14 12:11 PM (#55828 - in reply to #55819)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
With all due respect, try not to engage the lower back so much that you overwork it instead.....this is a common error for this posture.
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Posted 2006-06-14 1:18 PM (#55835 - in reply to #55442)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

I disagree Cyndi.

You need the entire back active to properly support the spine from the weight of the legs. Putting spine in a loaded postition without proper support from the back and abdomen is a reciepe for injury. As the point of the whole cobra series (cobra-floor bow) is to strengthen and integrate the muscles of the back, I would say that my feedback in right on the money.

But don't take my word for it, here is an quote from Bikram's Book about this pose.

"The ideal way for those legs to go up is for the muscles of the LOWER BACK and ABDOMEN to PICK them up."

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Posted 2006-06-14 3:29 PM (#55836 - in reply to #55835)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Yes, but in the beginning, overworking the lower back, is another recipe for injury - especially if you are not used to it and are not familiar with the proper alignment for Salabhasana/Poornasalabhasana which we all know is not addressed properly in the Bikram method. I know, I've been there and it happened to me.

This is an extremely advanced asana that is not being properly taught in all, if not most, Bikram studios. I believe this conversation has been brought up before on this board. I'm not saying you are wrong Brian, I agree with you, but on the other hand, I think a cautionary approach to the lower back, the pelvis and sacrum, needs to be properly addressed per the individual. It is very difficult to know what is really going on from an internet conversation. I was speaking in general terms because I really do not know the original's poster's level of expertise, but from what I could gather, it was a beginner level without an instructor. Correct me if I am wrong.

Anyway, if you have a weak lower back and abdomen (usually the 2 go hand in hand), I can guarantee you that you will injure yourself if you follow the advice of forcing your legs to go up by OVERWORKING your lower back and abdomen, just because you are in competition with yourself to get your legs higher than 2 inches and/or because some crazy UN-trained Bikram Instructor is yelling at you to do so. This posture takes time and if you can't raise your legs without bending your knees, without straightening your legs, and keeping them in line with your pelvic girdle (I think this is how you say that) - another words, the legs should not spread apart, then all I'm saying is to back off the posture because you are not ready for it and you are setting yourself up for an injury that is very painful, not to mention the bad habit you are coding into your body associated with this asana. It is also a sign that your muscles in your lower back and abdomen are not strong enough for this posture - which is where the average person is at because this is not an easy posture to do.

So, the way to correct this would be to be patient with yourself. Practice with correct alignment (which will be a challenge if you're in a Bikram studio) and know that if you do ALL of the postures CORRECTLY, especially the floor postures, including cobra beforehand, you will eventually gain the necessary strength and then perhaps eventually you will be able to raise your legs 3 - 4 inches off the ground and feel better about yourself because you did it correctly without the injury.

Have a good day,

Edited by Cyndi 2006-06-14 3:31 PM
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Posted 2006-06-14 10:33 PM (#55851 - in reply to #55819)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

WOW! There sure is much to think about in this pose! When one looks at a picture, it appears easy enough....however....

Thank you all for your feedback. Very interesting....and very encouraging. Hearing that two inches off the floor is GREAT, if one is utilizing PROPER ALIGNMENT.....and isn't alignment one of the biggest points of doing yoga! Perfect!


I have to get out to one your classes Brian!
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Posted 2006-06-14 10:40 PM (#55852 - in reply to #55836)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Thankfully, I am practicing in a class....but, unfortunately, I can't scream out to the instructor, mid class, "Hey, get over here and give me some tips"! LOL. Sometimes I wish they would deviate just a bit from the script to give some individualized tips. I can ask them after class, but it would be great if they could give me feedback while in action. Think what I will do tomorrow, is ask the instructor if she could look over at me during class while practicing this pose, and if unable or willing to share any feedback at that time, perhaps she would have something to share after class.

In the meantime, what I am reading right here is good stuff!

Thank you, Cyndi and EVERYONE!

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Posted 2006-06-26 2:10 PM (#56834 - in reply to #55852)
Subject: RE: Salabhasana

Yes! Any time I have asked one of my instructors to keep an eye on me during a posture they have remembered, and seemed to be happy to be asked.

I'm doing a lot better with this posture lately -- my arms don't hurt nearly so much to be all the way under me, and I'm getting up a little higher. I was discussing this with a teacher the other day and she said it helps her to point the toe and contract every possible muscle in the legs. It really seems to work, and that is pretty much the only concious effort I put into it.

I liked the suggestion of contracting the shoulder muscles, and I'm going to try that tonight. Because that must be what they mean when they say roll the weight forward into your upper back, I just wasn't sure how to do that.
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