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Recent car accident
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Posted 2005-09-22 5:42 PM (#32704)
Subject: Recent car accident

Hi everyone,

I was in a car accident two days ago. I and the lady who hit me are ok. She was a little scared. It turns out she's a nurse and was running late. I had to calm her down and remind her that things were just fine, lol. The strange thing is when the accident happened, a little white dog jumped out of the car in front of me. I had to run around this intersection to get her. That was weird! As soon as I caught her I realized it was probably a dumb thing to do. The expression of her mom's face when I brought back her little girl was worth it though.

I think I banged my right knee into the console during the accident. I went to my Bikram class yesterday and I was in a lot of pain. I can still walk just fine. I feel pain when I strengthen out my right leg. Any tips on what I should do? Are there any postures I should not do? Should I even be going to class right now? Ugh, I certainly hope I can continue going to class because I'm in the middle of a 30 day challenge.

Any tips/suggestions are welcome.
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Posted 2005-09-22 6:09 PM (#32707 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident


Sorry to hear about your accident.

Be careful with your knee. I've been dealing with a knee thing for a few months now. Here's some advice, but bear in mind, I'm not a doctor and I haven't seen one about my knee:

1) Ice and ibuprofen are good to control the swelling
2) Tiger balm and/or miracle ice are good for the pain
3) Don't push through pain. Be especially careful during standing half lotus and the vajrasana based postures. I know, that's half the series.
4) Try to isolate where the pain/tenderness is. Inside of the leg or outside? The knee cap itself or behind the knee?
5) A soft knee brace (sold at most stores) provides nice support without inhibiting your practice.

It could be anything from a mild sprain (aka small meniscus or tendon tear) to a complete blow-out (hopefully not!)

Some people opt to go to the osteopath right away, get an MRI, and get arthoscopic surgery, if necessary. Some people prefer to take a cautious path and lay off the knee and hope that it heals by itself. It depends on what's really wrong and how bad the damage is.

Since you can isolate the incident that caused the damage, you might want to opt to see a doctor. There might be insurance implications, as well.

Now, I should take my own advice. Best of luck.

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Posted 2005-09-22 9:40 PM (#32725 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Gil, Gil what are we going to do with you??

Sorry you had an accident, I'm glad to hear that you are not seriously hurt. Take it easy on yourself, that 30 day challenge ain't going no where, so don't cause yourself another injury or worse, further injury on the injury. Have you told your instructors?? Will they get upset if you modify some of the postures?? I hope it all works out for you and TAKE IT EASY!! The good news is that when you heal your body, doing Bikram will help make you stronger and help you heal..if it's done properly. I sincerely hope you have support in that aspect. Take care,

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anya sharvani
Posted 2005-09-22 11:24 PM (#32738 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

rest. ice.(20 min on, 20 min off, for until it feels better.)  compression .elevation.advil. all the stuff Mitch and Cyndi said.

Personally, i would lay off the poses that hurt, and aviod car accidents.

Edited by anya sharvani 2005-09-22 11:26 PM
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Posted 2005-09-23 11:03 AM (#32776 - in reply to #32738)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Gil - I am so sorry to hear that you had a crash! BTDT and it is not nice in so many ways.

However, if you'll permit me to become a bit motherly and new age-y for a moment, there is no such thing as an accident. These things happen for a reason. While I very much admire your enthusiasm and courage and I really think you are inspiring with the work you have been doing, I have been concerned about the possibility that you are working so intensely that you were heading for a "crash" of one sort or another. And while I think it is incredibly sweet, selfless and kind that you rescued the dog (was it a dog?) at the scene of the crash, it is REALLY important for you to learn to take care of yourself, especially during a crisis. (no, you dog lovers, I am not suggesting that he shouldn't have rescued the pup, just saying it is symbolic of him putting himself in harm's way without considering first whether or not he was up to the task. Like diving in to "rescue" someone drowning without stopping to consider whether or not he knows how to swim...)

It would be a good idea to spend some time thinking about this crash, why it happened and how this will impact your whole life - beyond the mat as well as on it. Have you considered what your life will look like after you reach your weight and fitness goals? Have you thought what you will be doing when you are back to eating real food and not meal replacements? What about if you CAN'T do Bikram for a week/month/year?

OK, end of lecture Hope your knee is better soon!
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Posted 2005-09-23 11:17 AM (#32777 - in reply to #32707)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Hi Mitch, thanks a lot! I went to go buy some ibuprofen. The pain was initially (if you were looking straight at my knee), to the top right of the knee cap. That pain has essentially disappeared. I am now only tight behind my right knee. I think (I pray) that I only bruised my knee. I feel much better today. I was still able to take my east coast swing dance lesson last night right after my yoga class!

I also bought some tiger balm. That stuff sure feels weird. During my class yesterday, I made sure not to push through the pain like you said. I took it very slow and very easy. I did have to modify some poses and decided not to do some like the balancing stick. I no longer fully lock my knee either based on many of the posts I've read here. I think not locking my knee has made my leg muscles stronger and given me a much more stable foundation to balance on.

Thanks again,

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Posted 2005-09-23 11:47 AM (#32778 - in reply to #32777)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
I was reading a story not too long ago in an International Yoga magazine, old issue. Anyway, this girl had been in like 2 major car accidents coming home after doing Bikram yoga. This happened in California. She survived both accidents with injuries, but she survived 2 serious accidents.

I thought it was interesting because when I first started doing Bikram, I had some similar things happen to me, accidental. Once I fell off a chair and hurt myself for a couple of days, which really took me by surprise because I am not accident proned...and once around that same time, I had a flat tire on my way home, luckily I made it home. That Suburban was huge and I was like, oh crap, how am I going to do this by myself. Anyway, rather than rushing to change the tire, I took all day to change that tire. I would do a little bit, then sit and drink a cup of chai, then do some more and drink chai. I ran into so many obstacles that day and I refused to give it any negative energy. I ended up cutting my finger very badly while I was trying to open the package of wrenches that I had to end up buying to get the job done. It hurt like hell.

The moral of my story or at least my reflection on those events, were just me working through some serious karma. I believe that Yoga does this and sure, it was very intense, but I looked at it this way, It could of been worse - alot worse. I could of had some really bad karma with that vehicle, but instead it was a flat tire instead of my possible DEATH. To me that is a miracle and is the benefits of me doing prayer and communion with God.

On another note, I also contribute some of my accident - 25% of it, to the fact that Bikram also makes you feel like your walking on the moon, light as air. When your trying to walk on the earth, well...stuff can happen. You have to learn how to balance yourself while feeling good and light as air. It's really all about balance too!!

So, Gil, you keep that positive attitude fresh and you keep on going with the positive outlook you have, don't stop. Saving that dog was a good thing..at least you didn't have to endure what the little girl in Florida had to do with giving up her life for that turtle. This is just part of the terrain and the journey. Take care,


Edited by Cyndi 2005-09-23 12:17 PM
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Posted 2005-09-23 12:19 PM (#32781 - in reply to #32776)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

tourist - 2005-09-23 8:03 AM

Gil - I am so sorry to hear that you had a crash! BTDT and it is not nice in so many ways.

However, if you'll permit me to become a bit motherly and new age-y for a moment, there is no such thing as an accident. These things happen for a reason. While I very much admire your enthusiasm and courage and I really think you are inspiring with the work you have been doing, I have been concerned about the possibility that you are working so intensely that you were heading for a "crash" of one sort or another. And while I think it is incredibly sweet, selfless and kind that you rescued the dog (was it a dog?) at the scene of the crash, it is REALLY important for you to learn to take care of yourself, especially during a crisis. (no, you dog lovers, I am not suggesting that he shouldn't have rescued the pup, just saying it is symbolic of him putting himself in harm's way without considering first whether or not he was up to the task. Like diving in to "rescue" someone drowning without stopping to consider whether or not he knows how to swim...)

It would be a good idea to spend some time thinking about this crash, why it happened and how this will impact your whole life - beyond the mat as well as on it. Have you considered what your life will look like after you reach your weight and fitness goals? Have you thought what you will be doing when you are back to eating real food and not meal replacements? What about if you CAN'T do Bikram for a week/month/year?

OK, end of lecture Hope your knee is better soon!

Hi Glenda,

I was just about to go do my cardio... although your post was interesting enough to answer right now. I expect and welcome these 'crashes'. They give me an incredible opportunity to grow very quickly. I was definitely on a roll, and it was just a matter of time. There's this quote I picked up somewhere, "Nothing has any meaning except for the meaning I give it." I live by that philosophy because it makes me responsible to give empowering meanings to what happens in my life.

This process allows my internal world to influence my external world. It used to be the other way around for me. I used to only feel happy, loved, if I had an external reason to do so. There are four emotional states (energies) I spin inside and outside my body on a consistent basis... love, joy, compassion, and gratitude. My life really sucked when I needed my external world to meet certain rules/conditions before I allowed myself to feel certain things as important as love.

This reminds me of another quote, "Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi. That and... "There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and
lifting people up." - John Andrew Holmes are the two quotes that give a good summary of the direction I'm going in my life at the moment.

Now you have me thinking...

We currently have a guest teacher named Connie here teaching at our home (bikram studio). After class I was sitting down massaging my knee. BTW, this woman is absolutely beautiful in a way that a physical body by itself couldn't show. There was this older gentleman walk through the door and greet another instructor at the counter. The instructor asked him how his class was so I assumed it was his first time. I talked to him and it turned out he was a Yogi! He was also Connie's boyfriend! He told me his name was John like the toilet. It took me about 15 seconds to understand what he meant, lol. It's so funny because when I introduce myself I use a similar approach. I say my name is Gil, like a fish gill (then I do a hand movement on the side of my neck). We then had an awesome conversation. He's 72 with the internal joy/beauty of a child and the heart of a father. He said a few things I really remember...

"People look for God in all the wrong places, when they could be looking at other people's faces."
"Attitude and gratitude is for this dude. (pointed at himself)"
"The mind becomes silent when there's laughter."
"Laughter is what God's after."

This man was amazing. I couldn't believe he was 72 and jumping around like that. This is why Yoga is going to be a part of my life forever. As I was driving home I started to cry. I was so thrilled to have met someone else that had their inward game so highly evolved where they could now focus outward and simply enjoy this amazing gift called life with the people around them. I spent maybe 20 minutes talking to him. I don't know if I'll ever meet him again. Those 20 minutes will most definitely last a lifetime.

I never stopped to notice that maybe he was what brought balance to this recent accident. Napolean Hill said, "Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache, carries with it the Seed of an equivalent or greater Benefit." Wow, it's really interesting how life works out.

Hehe, you remember the meal replacements huh? I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do without them. I might have to learn to cook! Yes, I've considered what my life will look like after I reach my fitness goals. I started to live it before it happened. I immediately bought a new wardrobe, learned to enjoy exercise, learning to dance, etc. I was taught that the quickest way to manifest a thought into reality is to create it internally first. Considering we have about 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day, and 98% of those thoughts are exactly the same as the day before... it only made sense to change my daily 'routine' to something similar to what I would have in the future 'after' meeting my fitness goals. It ties in with the concept of people being creatures of habit. I had to recreate my identity. Being consistent with our identity is one of the greatest human motivators. I also organized my values/virtues and created new beliefs. Hehe.. I can go on forever here...

If I CAN'T do Bikram...? I think I'll explore that question when I have to. I do have plans to check out other Yoga styles in the near future.

Oh.. I almost forgot.. about the dog. I do realize I could have made a mistake going after that dog. I didn't stop to think that I could have created a worse scenerio. I'm still looking for a balance here. I used to be logical and linear about everything. A close friend of mine really pushed me to start from my heart first. My life has been a lot better when I come from there than my mind. I have done nothing I've regretted. I know to some people a dog is a dog. To that woman, that dog was part of her family, like a child. It was obvious from the terrified look on her face. I didn't want to make a judgement solely based on my model of the world.

I will spend some time meditating on it. If anyone has any advice on helping achieve a good balance between heart/mind/spirit... it's more than welcomed!

Thanks Glenda... now I will go sweat.
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Posted 2005-09-23 12:55 PM (#32787 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Hi Gil,

Sorry about the accident ... you WILL be ok

I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet & I didn't see you mention any doctor: Even though this is an injury you would normally start out self-treating, you should probably see an MD asap if either you or the person who hit you has insurance. If anything turns out to be really wrong, you need to have the paper trail to show it was a result of the accident and that's much easier if you go sooner.

And hey ... thanks for saving the dog!!

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Posted 2005-09-23 6:51 PM (#32809 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Gil, thank you for starting this thread.  I was in a pretty major accident last Saturday, and I'm still trying to mentally sort the whole thing out.  My car is currently right on the edge of being totalled, which is pretty hard for a car that's one year old.  Luckily I was completely unhurt in the accident, something I attribute to the relaxed state that my current practice has brought me too.  (First thing the claims adjuster asked me is "Are you are right?", he just couldn't believe I didn't have a scratch on my head).  However, I just couldn't bring myself to start a thread like this.

Oddly enough the first accident I was in was with my best friend from high school.  Probably if I hadn't had the accident we wouldn't have been friends, which would have left both our lives much much poorer. 
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Posted 2005-09-23 7:24 PM (#32813 - in reply to #32809)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Gil - thanks so much for your reply. I wouldn't have made those comments to just anyone. I knew you probably were doing some work around those issues already. Just wanted to make sure. Big car accidents (and small ones like flat &*%$ tires) can be real awakening times. I think mine, although it was 10 or so years after it that I got back to yoga, was a catalyst for change for me also. I am so glad you are feeling better and REALLY glad to hear you are swing dancing! I don't East Coast yet but looooove West Coast with the blues - yummy. We are standard dancers at heart - waltz, quickstep and slow fox are our favourites. But I find "cross training" with dance is awesome. Have fun!

Andy - sorry to hear about your crash as well! You really need to organize things better though, and total the old car right after the warranty expires.... Take care.
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Posted 2005-09-24 9:53 AM (#32844 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident-XRAY

Here I go again advocating that you see your provider! Even slow speed car collisions can do a fair amount of damage.
Knees that hurt because of this need to be looked at anad x-rayed! You could have anything from a mild contusion to a patella fracteur. And yes you can walk around with a fractured knee.
I just took care of a gent who was in a MVC , hurt his knee on the dash , had mild swelling, a bit of a bruise and he turned out to have a high tib fib fracteur.

With concern,
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Posted 2005-09-26 1:09 PM (#32971 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident


i'm so sorry to hear about your accident. I'm glad that you're ok though.

I would definately talk to your teacher before or after class to talk about what specifically hurts and where and when it hurts and in which poses so that you can talk about modifications and adjustments or skipping postures if needed.

and, it seems to me that yoga would be helpful, unless you have a major injury that might also need physical therapy.
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Posted 2005-10-04 8:10 PM (#33682 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Hi Gil!! I know, I could have IM'd you. I thought I'd address a "problem" of yours I'm concerned about on here so others could benefit.
You have told me, and others, about these "meal replacements" you're taking. That is a good short term diet aid or to be used to replace maybe one meal a day. However, these are not intended to replace food altogether. Sooner or later you are going to hit a wall with your metabolism and you'll have difficulty losing weight even with meal replacements. What will you do then? Just eat celery and drink water? I'm concerned about you.
You have told me in the past you hardly have to work. You are obviously financially comfortable. Why don't you make an appointment with a nutritionist? Sooner or later you will have to learn how to purchase and prepare real food. This is an investment in your future and your health. You can start making healthy food choices that you will enjoy more than a meal replacement drink. I think you could really benefit from some nutritional counseling. The way you're "dieting" is borderline eating disorder.
You can't take care of anyone else until you take care of yourself. Tourist was very right about that. See? You're bringing out the mother instinct in all of us here.
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Posted 2005-10-05 1:00 PM (#33736 - in reply to #33682)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Miabella704 - 2005-10-04 5:10 PM

Hi Gil!! I know, I could have IM'd you. I thought I'd address a "problem" of yours I'm concerned about on here so others could benefit.
You have told me, and others, about these "meal replacements" you're taking. That is a good short term diet aid or to be used to replace maybe one meal a day. However, these are not intended to replace food altogether. Sooner or later you are going to hit a wall with your metabolism and you'll have difficulty losing weight even with meal replacements. What will you do then? Just eat celery and drink water? I'm concerned about you.
You have told me in the past you hardly have to work. You are obviously financially comfortable. Why don't you make an appointment with a nutritionist? Sooner or later you will have to learn how to purchase and prepare real food. This is an investment in your future and your health. You can start making healthy food choices that you will enjoy more than a meal replacement drink. I think you could really benefit from some nutritional counseling. The way you're "dieting" is borderline eating disorder.
You can't take care of anyone else until you take care of yourself. Tourist was very right about that. See? You're bringing out the mother instinct in all of us here.

Hehe, well thank you for your concern. I think I'm doing okay. I have met many nutritionists and had personal trainers come to my house to kick my ass out of my bed (literally, I gave them a key) and work me out. I don't do that anymore because I have since learned that change has to happen in the inside first. Here's a simple breakdown of how I eat...

8:00 a.m. wake up. drink 1 liter of water, 1 serving udo's oil, 1 multivitamin
8:00-8:30 day preparation. o.p.a. planning
8:30-9:30 cardio (10 min warm up, 40 min around 140-150 bpm, 10 min cool down/stretching).
9:30 meal replacement, piece of fruit (usually an apple, orange, or kiwi) or oats
12:00 salad with some protein source like brocolli, a glass of soy or rice milk
3:00-4:30 bikram yoga class
4:30 glass of some fruit juice
5:00 meal replacement with some raw almonds
8:00 some beans, bread, soup + udo's oil
10:00 or 11:00 I'll have some snack.. maybe some fruit or celery with a little almond butter, banans, etc.
2:00 sleep

I'll eat like that maybe 5-6 days in a row then I'll have a day with many calories (about 3,000). The day after that calorie surplus I'll do some anaerobic type exercise like HITT (high intensity interval training). It keeps my metabolism up. I know there are added benefits of eating more 'real' food because my digestive system burns up more calories digesting the food. I'd rather use the energy saved from digesting all those foods and use it out on the dance floor. I take about 4-5 private dance lessons a week and go out dancing from 10-7 a.m. on the weekends.

The way I'm eating now is meant to give me a small calorie deficit. After all, my goal here is to burn the fat. I will adjust as I go and I will most certainly adjust if my body starts to adapt to any pattern of eating and/or exercise. I will get into weight training in about another month or two. I will obviously eat differently when I get into maintenance mode.
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Posted 2005-10-05 1:11 PM (#33739 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident


Reading your daily schedule has left me hungry and tired.

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Posted 2005-10-05 1:18 PM (#33742 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Me too! Obviously you have done a lot of research and worked with a lot of pros, and you know your body very well by now. MY body would collapse after a few days of that! Whatever you're doing, it certainly must give you plenty of energy.

Dancing from 10-7am? Geez dude! I remember being able to stay out late like that - back when I needed a fake ID to get into clubs! Now I'm lucky if I can stay awake until the end of Law & Order.
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Posted 2005-10-05 2:20 PM (#33745 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Brings back memories for me too! Well, now a days if my husband and I have a late night with friends....it takes a bit to recover. I am not sure I would be able to do it every weekend. Hey Gil, I just noticed the new picture...where was it taken? The setting is just beautiful...made me want to escape the city and go on vacation!

Edited by tinyone 2005-10-05 2:20 PM
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Posted 2005-10-05 7:21 PM (#33780 - in reply to #33736)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Gil - great to hear from you again! What is the latest as far as statistics go? How many pounds? I so wish we could dance that long. Some of the really old folks stay at dances longer than we do.... maybe when we retire we can aim for that
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Posted 2005-10-05 7:30 PM (#33781 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Ok, I'm jealous because you don't have a job. There, I admit it.

By the way, you'll see great results with the weight training. It increases your overall metabolism. I still want to cook you a real meal, though.

Edited by Miabella704 2005-10-05 7:35 PM
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Posted 2005-10-05 9:32 PM (#33789 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

Slightly of topic, but my friend's husband's 94 year old great-grandmother out-danced all us 20 somethings at their wedding. We're talking a booty-shaking, swing dancing, no holds barred granny. It was awesome. She didn't remember it the next day though....

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Posted 2005-10-05 9:38 PM (#33790 - in reply to #33745)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

tinyone - 2005-10-05 11:20 AM

Brings back memories for me too! Well, now a days if my husband and I have a late night with friends....it takes a bit to recover. I am not sure I would be able to do it every weekend. Hey Gil, I just noticed the new picture...where was it taken? The setting is just beautiful...made me want to escape the city and go on vacation!

Hi tinyone. The picture was taken in my back yard. Living in Vegas (desert), I just had to be by the water. I used to get some exercise on the lake on a little row boat I had. The problem was that I have a few neighbors that like to walk around their house naked. It was just too 'weird' for me. Oh well!
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Posted 2005-10-05 9:41 PM (#33791 - in reply to #33742)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

jeansyoga - 2005-10-05 10:18 AM
Obviously you have done a lot of research and worked with a lot of pros, and you know your body very well by now. MY body would collapse after a few days of that! Whatever you're doing, it certainly must give you plenty of energy.

Yeah, I have been doing a lot of research and have had a lot of help from many people. I've gone through many ways of eating. I learned that it's easy to lose weight. It's a bit more challenging to lose weight AND stay highly energetic. That's been my goal. It took a while for my body to adjust to my current daily routine. It didn't like it at first. Heck, my body didn't like Bikram at first! It took about a week or two to start getting in the groove!
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Posted 2005-10-05 10:23 PM (#33794 - in reply to #33780)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

tourist - 2005-10-05 4:21 PM

Gil - great to hear from you again! What is the latest as far as statistics go? How many pounds? I so wish we could dance that long. Some of the really old folks stay at dances longer than we do.... maybe when we retire we can aim for that

Thanks! I'm 286 as of today. I started at 352 on May 3rd of this year. The progress has been slow and steady.

I've been conditioning my body to handle being out that long this past month. I didn't know how to dance about 4 weeks ago. I went out on the dance floor with some buddies and started dancing by myself. I started to copy some of the people and just went crazy by unleashing those cool energies. As soon as I did I noticed that the people around me began to smile really big! I was hooked! We were all high fiving each other and having a great time. Considering I can whip up love and compassion pretty quickly (they're amongst my highest virtues), I knew I would be a deadly force if I actually had some moves. Maybe the smiles came from my pee wee herman dance. I bet that looked pretty funny. I've been a musician for many years so I have the whole rhythm thing down.

I remember you mentioned you did the west coast swing. I saw that for the first time a few days ago. I asked my teacher about it. It looks really neat, and lots of fun! I just finished learning a few steps in the cha cha. I'm starting salsa next week. I'll jump into west coast swing right after that.

Every weekend I've been out has been progressively more exciting. Hehe... I'm just so happy I have yoga to help my body recover from all the cardio and dancing.
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Posted 2005-10-06 12:17 AM (#33799 - in reply to #32704)
Subject: RE: Recent car accident

If you had a camera on you and just started snapping pics it might have gotten weird enough for them that they just might have stopped. That is so funny! Picturing the look on your face when you saw them walking, um, naked would have been hilarious.
You are too cute!
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