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Overcrowded Class Rant
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Geo Girl
Posted 2005-01-09 9:06 PM (#14579)
Subject: Overcrowded Class Rant

I'm interested in reading what other people think about studios that can be overcrowded to the point of discomfort. The studio where I practice is usually o.k. for space, but lately it is not. Should studios have a max limit?? Like wouldn't the fire marshall care??!!!

The last two classes I attended were packed! 40+ people. Maybe it's new folks exercising their New Year's resolutions, or the usual folks practicing more. I dunno. But, I do know that I don't like having someone's feet or butt in my face; people stepping on my mat; placing my arm in someone's pool of sweat during Full Locust; or the distraction of the sound of cattle leaving the room and the door slamming during final Savasana. I mean, shouldn't the door be closed when the class starts? Shouldn't there be a cutoff time? Imagine more people pouring into the room during the second set of Pranayama breathing, scoping out space, students having to rearrange their mats to make room, etc.

Is it wrong for me to think that there should be some standard at Birkam studios regarding individual space?? Am I being too picky? My practice is important to me and I find it very hard to be focused and detached enough to overlook all the above stated gripes. Moreover, let's face it, Bikram classes ain't cheap. I hate to reduce it to money, but I think students should be able to expect some kind of standard.

Vindication: A visiting student asked me tonight, "Is it always this crowded?"

Maybe I should just go to a different studio when my membership is up. Can students effect change?
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Posted 2005-01-09 9:30 PM (#14581 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 418
Location: New York
Geo Girl-

I feel your pain! I loathe overcrowded classes and the extreme heat makes a Bikram class the worst. This is the time of year that I simply don't go to classes at certain times, or I make sure I am there way early to get my favorite corner spot. I personally think that studios should have a maximum limit, but I don't own a studio. (And maybe I'd feel differently if I did.) I know the owners of the studio where I work don't ever want to turn anyone away, especially because there are times that are lean and the flush times make them a little easier to bear.

I think there should be a cutoff time as well, and many studios are strict about not allowing latecomers or locking the door after class has begun. It really depends upon the tone that the individual studio wants to set. I used to lock the door and be more strict about latecomers in my class, but none of the other instructors were so I had to join them since I couldn't beat them.

The cattle herd leaving the room and slamming the door behind them is something that can be addressed only by the members of the herd themselves. I always stress to leave quietly/ shut the door quietly and the same jacka**es always slam the door behind them. It's probably time to drag out the tired old yoga etiquette speech, even though some of the biggest offenders are people who have been around for awhile.

I just re-read your second paragraph and had a flashback to teacher training. Someone's feet or butt was ALWAYS in my face and it never failed that when we had to straddle the mat for Triangle that an old man's nasty nail fungus plagued foot ended up on my mat. Pieces of other people's hair constantly stuck on my sweaty body. And the stench . . . It's a miracle that I didn't choose to spend the rest of my life in a plastic bubble after that nine weeks.
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Bay Guy
Posted 2005-01-09 9:35 PM (#14582 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Expert Yogi

Posts: 2479
Location: A Blue State
Yo! Bikram studios are always packed in January. All those New Years Res people
(who won't make it to March) sign up then, and the owners are just too happy to
pack 'em in and collect the dough. I practiced at a place that could hold 20 comfortably,
but in January we'd hit 40+ again and again. The main problem was that all those
extra people would suck up the oxygen and give off extra heat so that the place would
become stifling. The fact that you were cheek-by-jowl didn't help either.

This place didn't have any fire code information posted, didn't have fire alarms,
and didn't have emergency exits marked, either. I always thought the dead-ended
men's changing room would be a death trap in a fire. I came very close to calling the
Fire Marshall myself.

I understand that it's not easy to get rich running a yoga studio, but letting greed lead
you to putting people's lives at risk?? Reminds me of the big fire they had in Rhode Island
a couple of years ago...about 100 dead at a night club that was only worried about the
bottom line.
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Posted 2005-01-09 10:31 PM (#14584 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

As an interior design student who just finished a building codes class, I understand your concerns all too well. Yes, there are capacity limits, means of egress issues, etc. And as a yoga student I understand all too well the frustration with over-crowded classes. Bay Guy is right - give it a month and it'll cool down (ooh, sorry for the word-play). When I was a gym-rat I would just skip the entire month of January waiting for all the people who have decided that THIS is the year they're going to get in shape, etc., to give up and go back to their Whattaburgers so I wouldn't have to wait 20-30 minutes just to get on a treadmill. My yoga classes are fairly small anyway right now, but even still, there are more students than usual...Don't worry - they'll be gone soon, though! I've been in classes where students have been turned away - and while I appreciated it on one level for all the reasons you stated - I would hate to be the one to to the turning away or the one turned away - especially for evening classes when people are trying to get there after work.

Bay Guy - we studied the fire in Rhode Island, and it actually had less to do with the number of people in the building (though it was over capacity) than the actual design. The entrance was more like a funnel, they had a set of doors that opened in towards the club rather than out, 1 exit woudl be unknown to anyone who didn't work there (it was right off the kitchen i think), and another was right behind the speaker - very very close to where the fire actually started. If my statistics are right, if the doors at the front had opened out rather than in, nearly half the people that died could have gotten out....Scary scary stuff - and now I can't go into any building without looking for exits and code violations. My friends and I spent 20 minutes of a nice dinner at a really nice restaurant discussing whether the stairs were ADA compliant or not. It's usualy the very small things like the way the door swings that makes a huge huge difference...
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Posted 2005-01-09 10:47 PM (#14586 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Just fart when people are coming in. You will have plenty of space. Or do big stretches before class starts to make space. Or do some chanting. The farting thing worked great in training. It was secret at first till people figured out it was me and made a point to give me space. It was great. The best was when I first started and sweated in streams. So when I moved my arms and someone was too close it got ugly. The worst one was when I splayed the teacher on the pedistal. She was ticked off. From then on she made a point to tell me to back off in class, which was the total oppisite than she taught. But I think the most ethical way is to be in a deep place of silence. People for some reason have a hard time being around this. Once their was a packed class and when I came back to the room from silence I had four foot radius of space around me. It was weird and the teacher commented. It did not work all the time. Maybe I just smelled. Or bring two sticky mats like your saving a space for a friend and when they don't show roll it up right before class starts. Or have a friend from class come over and hold space around you. As a teacher I organize the room so everyone is comfortable before class starts. If your studio is not doing this, try and tell them some how. Really their is a way to do it so their is plenty of space. I bet people in Europe do not have this issue. I find them very spacially unaware. I am from NY and NYers are ridged about their space. The worst is when I am snowboarding and a European comes up behind me on the lift line and skies onto my board. They have no clue. Thats my rant.
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Posted 2005-01-10 2:24 AM (#14596 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 338
Ok, heres another perspective, I have been irritated by the large size of classes, but I think it
means there is more chance of the studio surviving financially. I also enjoy knowing there are
potential bikramites being born around me.

I use it as an excuse to rest during full lotus ( I really don't like that posture), how immature of me. ... oh well.

Part of my attitude comes from my first Bikram studio closing.
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Geo Girl
Posted 2005-01-10 12:26 PM (#14611 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

I know. I know. All of what y'all have said is true. I guess two days back to back of the icky stuff and space invaders got to me. If I were the one being turned away from a class that I busted my arse to get there for, I would be SO disappointed. And I agree that the New Year Resolutioners will slowly fade away. Luckily, the studio I go to dosen't have an issue with membership -- at least it doesn't appear to. All the more reason for them to implement some standards: locking the door when class starts, restating final Savasana etiquette, maybe marking out some mat placement on the floor where people should line up their mats (it is a very irregular shaped room) ... things I can drop in the suggestion box.

Thanks for helping me get some perspective.
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Posted 2005-01-10 3:06 PM (#14617 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

I'm practicing Iyengar at a gym and am quite happy when classes are full. No, not because I like it that way but full classes make sure that the management doesn't cancel the yoga classes.
For the etiquette I must say that even in agym it's possible to keep up some standard. One of my teachers is very strict, he tells latecomers that it's too late and they have to leave. And in case someone is leaving early he shouts very loudly "Thank you ... and never come back here!" You see, people have to be reminded of these things, even if it's very boring for the teacher to reapeat the same speach in every class. That one teacher of mine begins every class with telling us that the warming-up as well as the final savasana are integral parts of the class and not to be missed. It works, people who are leaving early are never seen again
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Posted 2005-01-10 3:21 PM (#14620 - in reply to #14617)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

30 years in the military has me not objecting at all if I'm turned away for being late--which would never happen in the first place. However, if & when I want to leave, it will be done regardless of what any teacher--who I pay, decides. Hey, I leave quietly and discretely. I am respectful and would expect a teacher to be the same.
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Posted 2005-01-10 4:46 PM (#14633 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Then you are an exception, Bruce! I've seen fellow students (adults, mind you) throw temper tantrums - one even sat down on the studio floor and refused to leave. I was waiting for her to just lay down and wail and pound on the floor. She was being turned away partly because the class was packed tighter than I'd ever seen a class. I almost got up and offered her my spot in class, as she appeared to need it more than I did at the moment, but then got a grip and realized she probably does this everywhere when she doesn't get her way and needed to grow the @#$@#% up. Too many years working in customer service, I guess!
Same with leaving early - I've seen students do it quietly and without bothering anyone, and I've seen students do it with no regard to the rest of us. As sad as it sounds, I think teachers have to look out for the majority in this case and assume that people WON'T leave discreetly...
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Posted 2005-01-10 7:01 PM (#14639 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 338
I have never seen anyone leave noisely, and I think the teacher chastising someone for leaving early is more disruptive than someone leaving early. I have such a nice Bikram studio. These
obnoxious behaviors are unheard of.
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Posted 2005-01-10 8:41 PM (#14644 - in reply to #14639)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

I've been in some very very crowded classes and been the solo student to show up.

Like Bruce, I am anally on time. In fact, I am so routinely early to one class in particular that I just started setting the room up for my teacher - gives her service, solves my boredom

People coming late bothers me only if they have to stand around and think/talk about where to put their mat - just F-ing find a place and sit the hell down! If someone is willing to pay the $ and still come 20 mins early are rude and run the risk of injury from not belng all that warmed up. (IMO)

People who arrive early and need 20 preclass minutes of peace and quiet so they can get centered bother me.

People who leave during Savasana!? Arseholes! either leave before or just wait it out... it's too rude (unless there's an emergency) to disturb someone else's rest.

Just IMO
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Posted 2005-01-10 9:21 PM (#14650 - in reply to #14644)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Well, I think were a very picky lot--we all want what we want when we want how we want--wow...ok gang...here we go, "Ooooommmmmmm, Ooooommmmmmm...."
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Posted 2005-01-10 11:28 PM (#14655 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

I don't mind the New Years crowd too much at my studio. What REALLY annoys me, is the amount of people taking showers now in the morning, due to the large class sizes! I have my mornings planned to the T, getting to work just in time, after a lovely AM Bikram class. Now there is a line at the shower and these newbies do not have the courtesy to "keep it quick". Most of these folks aren't going to work either (unless they can wear sweatpants and tank tops to work ). So in this case, I could do without the res-folk.

P.S. Our instructors ALWAYS go over the 90 mins, so I am one of the people that sneak out during the last savasana (gotta race to the shower), but I am reaaaallll quiet about it. What's the deal with going later than 90 minutes, it really is rude!

Phew, feel better now, thanks for listening.
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Bay Guy
Posted 2005-01-11 10:00 AM (#14673 - in reply to #14655)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Expert Yogi

Posts: 2479
Location: A Blue State

Showers can be a hell of a nuisance, especially when you get a few people
who just want to stand in them and unwind. They never seem to be kept clean
either. I'm really happy to be practicing yoga that doesn't require an after class
shower. Saves time, saves annoyance.
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Posted 2005-01-11 12:41 PM (#14684 - in reply to #14673)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

I agree, BG! I am very glad that I don't work so I don't have to worry too much about the post class "sniff" factor... dropping DD off at school, looking like I'm in my PJs, however.... that's another story!
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Posted 2005-01-11 1:17 PM (#14688 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Well, speaking as a studio owner, I would not complain one bit about a nice full class. Of course, my place is small (only 1000 sqft total) and for a reason. I started teaching yoga in the Gyms. I still teach a couple of classes in one of them for now and the classes regularly in the beginning of the year number 40-50 per class. The crowards a fun the first week or so but after that it sucks for the teacher too. That many people it is hard to give 100% attention to new people and difficult to work with my intermediate students. Part of the reason I opened a small place was to insure smaller class sizes and give a lot of person attention. But as I said big classes mean money for the studio and there are bills to pay.

BTW: Bayguy check you private messages, I sent you something that may interest you.
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Posted 2005-01-11 1:28 PM (#14691 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

How late is too late to go to class? I'd like two responses, please.

How late is too late ettiquite-wise?

How late is too late in order to get some benefit out of the class? Like 20 mins?

(I'm always early b/c I have one spot I like to be in so I'm not rude, just curious )
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Posted 2005-01-11 1:31 PM (#14692 - in reply to #14691)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

At Bruce's ashram and microbrewery, how late in both questions will be after class starts--please have a seat and order a beer cause you ain't coming in.
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Posted 2005-01-11 2:08 PM (#14697 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Rock on, Bruce!!!

I'm pretty anal about being on time to yoga (work and school, well, most of the time, but yoga always). If there is even a possibility of getting there late I just won't go. Relying on public transit does give me a certain sympathy for those running late...Case in point - I tried to a community class at the same studio two weeks in a row - one week I left an hour early, got a bus right away, and ended up being 45 minutes early. The next week I didn't make it to class because I was waiting on the bus. I suppose I could have walked in 5 minutes late, but becuase they rotate teachers they could have been still getting settled or they could have been in the middle of a meditation. It's just rude to interrupt, period.
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Bay Guy
Posted 2005-01-11 2:40 PM (#14698 - in reply to #14697)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Expert Yogi

Posts: 2479
Location: A Blue State

I am compulsively early, not just to yoga, but to my whole life.

I love to get to yoga early and start stretching, or maybe work a
few arm balances or backbends that I know won't be in the class.
Most places really don't mind this, but one of my teachers stopped
me --- must've thought that I was showing off, 'though I was never
quite sure why

I don't like it when people come tramping in late, for yoga or for
anything else. It's not considerate of the group assembled, IMHO.
Leaving yoga early? As long as it's done quietly, I have no objection.
I do wonder about people who habitually skip the savasana. What's
up with that?
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Posted 2005-01-11 2:45 PM (#14699 - in reply to #14698)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Brother Bay Guy, while I don't leave during savasana, I will confess I get nothing out of it--I'm a bad yogi-in-training I guess. I've examined it, thought about it, and read & listened to others...but nope, nothing.
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Posted 2005-01-11 3:53 PM (#14700 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

BG, we only have a bath tub at home so I just love love love to spend quite long times in the club's showers. Do it as often as I can, sometimes before AND after class. I even sometimes go there just to use the shower not workout or anything else - just showaaah! When the weather is fine I sometimes use the garden hose to take a quick cold shower but that's no comparison to the real thing, isn't it?
For the late thing, well, being a very punctual guy (uptight german) the "african time" has catched up with me though. I'm notorious for being late now. But I never leave early, indeed I love savasana. Today I almost fell asleep

Edited by afroyogi 2005-01-11 4:00 PM
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Geo Girl
Posted 2005-01-11 4:04 PM (#14701 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

I think that too late is after the teacher enters the room and begins class. Definitely if you're into the second set of Pranayama. It is only when there are too many people and stragglers have to vie for space that is distracts me. Otherwise, I can stay focused. I'm an habitual early bird too. I enjoy warming up and stretching before class. So, I think it's just plain rude that people come in late. But hey, the world if full of rude people.

I don't mind people leaving early, especially if they are new and the heat, or whatever, is just too overwhelming. There have been times I have felt so nauseous I thought I should leave. But, I lay day and BREATHE. Or, if they need to grab a shower -- I attend one of those one-shower studios.

And I don't care what other people do for final Savasana. It's their loss if they don't take it. Savasana is what you make of it and sometimes I don't take the time for the full benefit. What I do care about is that people respect those who stay in the room. It's not that hard to be QUIET. But, back to paragraph one: rude people. The same ones that stand in the shower when they KNOW there's a line and there's a sign posted that says BE QUICK.

What to do??!!! I am definitely going to be dropping some notes in the suggestion box.
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Posted 2005-01-11 4:14 PM (#14702 - in reply to #14579)
Subject: RE: Overcrowded Class Rant

Personally I am fairly laid back about it. I give 5-10 min depending on class size for tardy people. I would rather have people doing Yoga and be a little late then not have them there at all. Generally if people are not in class by the first set of the half moon series it is too late for my class. Most people are respectful and are quiet entering my classes. The few that are not get a scolding from me which is rare. I believe that you attract the kind of people that you as a person tend to be. I think I might be the expection to the rule.
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