The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the basis of Raja Yoga, is a complete manual for the study and practice of Yoga. This new deluxe printing of the timeless treasure is a book you will read and refer to constantly as you tread the spiritual path.
This book, Anatomy of Movement, by Blandine Calais-Germain, presents a dynamic, integrated approach to the study of the physical structures of the musculo-skeletal.
This companion volume to Anatomy of Movement describes and illustrates a comprehensive series of exercises involving the most common movements of the body.
The Atlas of the Human Body, by Takeo Takahashi, gives clear and thorough explanations of each of the major organs and systems of the human body. This book meets the needs of the medical practitioner as well as layperson.
A revolutionary new method of yoga for overall fitness that teaches "if it hurts, it's wrong'".In this book by Vanda Scaravelli, the reader is introduced to a gentle way to achieve health an
The Bible of Modern Yoga with philosophy and practice by the world's foremost teacher B.K.S. Iyengar. Mr.Iyengar offers instruction, hints and cautions, philosophy of yoga, and techniques of pranayama and asana.