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Yoga Journal Step-by-Step Session 3 with Natasha Rizopoulos

Yoga Journal Step-by-Step Session 3 with Natasha Rizopoulos
Price:  $14.99

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Develop focus and energy through a sequence of inversions and arm balances.

Although these poses can be challenging, Natasha will show you how to attain positions that you might not think are possible - and she will show you how to do so safely. When you are upside down, you'll not only receive the health benefits of reversing the flow of gravity, you'll see the world in a whole new way.

Third in the Yoga Step-by-Step series. Continue on the road to improvement with this yoga energy DVD.

Gain the knowledge and confidence to go further in your home practice. Natasha Rizopoulos offers instruction for all levels, and yoga beginners can gain much from this DVD. Combine with the other DVDs in the series for a comprehensive collection.
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 • Develop focus and energy through a sequence of inversions and arm balances
 • Natasha will show you how to safely attain positions that you might not think are possible
 • Offers instruction for all levels, including modified poses for beginners
 • Includes 35-minute active instructional session, plus 20-minute flowing workout
 • Combine with the other DVDs in the series for a comprehensive collection

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