Subtitle Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment by spiritual teacher Adyashanti in a 6 CD set. |
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How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path. Audio Book now on CD with 8 CDs (9 hours, 30 minutes) . Experience woven together from meditators, monks, lamas, rabbis, and other spiritual practitioners about what practices help create enlightenment. |
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A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind, a 5 CD Set with sitting sessions. Inspiration and instruction from beloved Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron. |
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Explore the Infinite Potential that Lies Within This Very Moment in 2 CD set |
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Adyashanti says, "Because true awakening will not fit into the world as you imagine it or the self you imagine yourself to be." New hardcover book by Adyashanti. |
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Pema Chodron's Teachings on The Way of the Bodhisattva. Audio CD set of 7. |
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At the heart of all Buddhist wisdom lies one astonishing truth: that a way out of suffering and into a more deeply fulfilling life is not a myth, but a reality available to you. Audio book. |
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There is a sayin in Zen, "when the realization is deep, your whole being is dancing." Book by spiritual teacher Adyashanti. |
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Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Wherever You Go, There You Are, and Myla Kabat-Zinn, have collaborated on Everyday Blessings, a book that approaches parenting from a gentle and serene place. |
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Join bestselling author Jon Kabat-Zinn to develop and deepen your personal mindfulness practice, and to taste the universal aspects of stillness, clarity, wisdom, compassion, and well-being that Guided Mindfulness Meditation offers. |
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On Insight Meditation, you will learn as it was taught by the Buddha himself and then passed "candle to candle" for over 2,500 years. CD program with 24 CDs. |
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This is how to become fully "mindful" in your life - aware of your inseparability with all things and fully conscious that your actions in the moment create the patterns in your life. Audio Book. |
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Meditation instrutor David Fontana guides you in getting started, providing information on different traditions and the basics. |
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Sri Swami Satchidananda presents the full text to the Bhagavad Gita accompanied by his clear and thoughtful commentaries of this seminal work. Illuminating for those who are new to this work and those who have studied it over the years alike. |
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An international bestseller; based on material from A Course in Miracles, the lessons contained in this little book will teach you to let go of fear and remember that our very essence is love. By Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD |
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Executive meditation coach Mark Thornton writes about a revolution - finding your deepest heart in everyday moments. (CD format) |
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Pema Chodron guides you through simple-yet-effective practices that show you how to recognize and nurture these moments of delight. CD set audio book. |
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A collection of instructions and answers to questions regarding the Hindu philosophy. Arranged by topic. |
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In this book, be transported by a mystic poet who inspires us in modern times, though he wrote his works in the thirteenth century. |
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