Book by Dr.Chopra with meditation, breathwork, yoga sutras, sun salutations, asanas, Sanskrit and more. |
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In this book, Gurmukh offers meditative and breathwork techniques that create equanimity. |
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This book is subtitled 'A Lifelong Guide to Wellness' by Linda Sparrowe, Patricia Walden, Judith Hanson Lasater. Great photos and instruction in dealing with women's health issues. |
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This book, 'Yoga For Pregnancy' provides the reader with a gentle guide to both prenatal and postnatal yoga exercises. |
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Exercises which develop deep awareness, grounding yourself, and experiencing the transformative powers of yoga. Paperback Book |
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Classic by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, the originator of the Ashtanga Yoga style of hatha yoga. Guide to living, yoga ethics, and the Sun Salutations with asanas (poses). |
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This book by , Geeta S. Iyengar, the distinguished student and daughter of Mr. BKS Iyengar has brought the ancient practice of yoga to a new height and focus for women. |
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Yee's book shares his encouraging attitude and his obvious love for the practice of yoga. |
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A comprehensive, practical guide to the essential elements of yoga. |
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In this book, Georg Feuerstein performs a truly yogic feat by combining commentary with translated Sanskrit teachings, history with theory, the spiritual with the practical. |
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A psychotherapist and Kripalu scholar-in-residence, Stephen Cope provides us a lively and irreverent account of what yoga means and how it may be applied to our most human dilemmas. This book is a true classic! |
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The author T.V. Desikachar espouses viniyoga, which adapts yoga to the body. |
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