Transform your body and your life! Experience a complete yoga workout that you will always love to do! |
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To gain the mental and physical benefits of yoga, Susan Tuttle presents a pair of carefully designed workouts––one seated and one standing––that are perfect for beginners or people with restricted ability to move. |
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This comprehensive two-disc DVD set will give you the surest foundation for starting your yoga practice. |
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Balancing Poses For Focus & EnergyFrom the editors of Yoga Journal, each complete session in the Yoga Step-by Step video series will help you develop and grow your own home practice. Featuring acclaimed yoga teacher Natasha Rizopoulos. |
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Yoga Journal's Complete Home Practice CompanionMade for both beginning and intermediate students this DVD includes 3 short yoga sequences tailor made to fit into your daily life |
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Heal yourself-and the world-through yoga.Filmed live at the fifth annual Yoga Journal San Francisco Conference, this unrehearsed 90-minute class captures the charisma and soul of one of yoga’s great instructors. |
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Extremely popular 2 DVD set with Rodney Yee and Patricia Walden. |
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These techniques for strengthening abs will inspire you as sit-ups never have! DVD program. |
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Anusara-inspired yoga instructor Susan Winter Ward guides you through a gentle class that is adaptable to every level of fitness and flexibility. |
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Excellent, down-to-earth instruction with Susan Winter Ward in chair-based exercises to stretch. Great for older people, mobility impaired, and desk ridden people! |
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This video in DVD helps you to build your core strength through simple exercises, giving you a complete mind and body workout. |
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Flowing yoga sequences with Shiva Rea which you can follow along with regardless of your level of yoga expertise. DVD. |
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Shiva Rea leads you through great vinyasa practices. A wonderful setting, a great teacher and fabulous routines. |
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This program is not about losing weight but is a yoga video made especially for larger people. How refreshing! DVD format. |
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An easy to follow, simple to do, beginning yoga program taught by Patricia Walden. |
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From Yoga Journal, America's premier yoga magazine, comes the most complete and easy-to-use beginner DVD. |
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Beginners and advanced beginners are offered a structure to follow and are guided step by step. We love this video program in DVD. |
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Move through a dynamic sequence of yoga postures with forward bends, backbends, and standing poses connected by movement and breath. |
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You will never get bored with this yoga DVD with J.J. Gormley! This new and revolutionary yoga DVD contains over 45 yoga routines for the beginner, intermediate and advanced yoga student. |
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A wonderful 2 DVD set with well-known yoga luminaries presenting the philosophical foundation, history, meaning and contemporary practice of yoga. |
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