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yoga poses articles

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    Ardha Matsyendrasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    In Sanskrit, ardha means half. Matsyendra was a legendary sage in yoga called the King of the ...
    Halasana: Plow Pose
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Translation:  In Sanskrit, "Hala" means "Plow".  This posture is called "Halasana" because in the final position the body resembles the Indian plow. ...
    Balasana:: Child's Pose
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Translation: Sanskrit, the spiritual language of India from which yoga derives its nomenclature, translates the word “bala” to “child.” Asana, of course, means pose or posture. Thus Balasana means Child’s Pose in ...
    Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Translation: Pashima in the Sanskrit word means “west.” The word uttana translates to “intense stretch.” The yogis in early times supposedly would bow down to the sun rising in the east. ...
    Paripurna Navasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Translation: In Sanskrit, Paripurna means full or complete. Nava refers to boat.  Nava is also the Sanscrit root of the English word “navy”. Asana, of course, means pose.  Paripurna Navasana is the “full boat pose”.  The posture resembles a boat with oars, thus it is named. ...
    Supta Padangusthasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Translation: The Sanskrit word Supta means reclining. The word pada translates to foot, and angusta means big toe. Asana means pose. This is the "Reclining Big-Toe ...
    Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana: a Restorative Seated Forward Bend
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Translation: Trianga means three limbs or ...
    Sukhasana: Seated Meditation Pose
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Sukhasana is the basic cross-legged sitting posture which is excellent for meditation, pranayama (yogic breathing practice) and for the start of a yoga class. ...
    Gomukhasana: The Cow Face Pose
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Go means cow in Sanskrit. Mukha is “face” and asana is “pose”. Thus, Gomukhasana is also called Cow Face Pose. Some say that the crossed legs look like lips, and the elbows are the “ears” of the cow. You must have imagination to see this cow face. ...
    Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Translation: The pose is the Revolved Side Angle ...

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