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meditation articles

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    Keeping Life in Balance with Yoga
    YogiSource.com Staff
    You may have gone back to work or school, and are getting into a new routine. Many find this time of year challenging with transition and with the many activities to which they are drawn. We come from a society that is achievement oriented, and we don't value time when we aren't doing. Yoga is a tool toward being, introspection and stillness. Learning to just be is a critical skill for survival in the 21st century. Yoga cultivates awarenessso one can be present in the moment and in the body. This practice extends to being present at other times in life, and towards finding meditative awareness doing everyday ...
    Relax with Yoga Nidra
    Parveen Chopra
    Introducing the unique tantric meditation technique of Yoga Nidra, popularized by Swami Satyananda Saraswati of the Bihar School of ...
    Metta Sutta
    Traditional Buddhist
    This is what should be done
     By one who is skilled in goodness,
     And who knows the path of peace:
     Let them be able and upright,
     Straightforward and gentle in ...
    Loving Kindness Meditation
    Ven. Ayya Khema
     Please put your attention on the breath for a few moments. Look into your heart and find your own capacity to love. Imagine it to be a beautiful flower that you are allowing to grow. ...
    Vipassana Meditation
    Vipassana is the oldest of Buddhist meditation practices. The method comes directly from the Sitipatthana Sutta, a discourse attributed to Buddha himself. Vipassana is a direct and gradual cultivation of mindfulness or ...
    So you want to try meditation?
    Yoga.com Staff
    The basic idea generally associated with why people meditate is that during our day we are constantly subjected to sensory input and our minds are always active in the process of thinking. We read the newspaper, study books, write reports, engage in conversation, solve problems, etc etc. Typically, as we do these normal activities we engage in a constant mental commentary, sort of an inner "The Drama of Me." Usually people aren't fully aware of all the mental thought activity that we are constantly engaged ...
    The Effects of Meditation
    Rob Nairn
    The effect of meditation, in the beginning, will be the gradual understanding of what is meant by tranquility, what is meant by the mind becoming tranquil. It is not something contrived or imposed or imported from outside. It is arising of what is already within us. As the mind becomes tranquil, many things begin to become ...
    How to Do Mindfulness Meditation
    Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
    Mindfulness is essential to spiritual practice, for no matter what spiritual tradition we follow, we must have a mind that is able to stay in the present moment if our understanding and experience is to deepen. In mindfulness, or shamatha, meditation, we are trying to achieve a mind that is stable and calm. What we begin to discover is that this calmness or harmony is a natural aspect of the ...

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