Invocation Chant to Patanjali
This invocation is a prayer honoring and expressing respect to Patanjali, the Indian sage and author of The Yoga Sutras. It is often chanted in yoga classes taught in the style of yoga master BKS Iyengar.
Balancing Discipline & Contentment : Tapas and Santosha
Amey Fearon Mathews
“Discipline is remembering what you really want.” ~ Doug Keller
“There is contentment and tranquility when the flame of the spirit does not waver in the wind of desire.” ~ BKS ...
The Yoga of Relationship: See Yourself in Others Yoga Sutra 1.33
Amey Fearon Mathews
“In daily life we see people around who are happier than we are, people who are less happy. Some may be doing praiseworthy things and others causing problems. ...
Transforming Aggression: Yoga and World Peace
Dennis McGuire
When the topic of world peace comes up, the first thing that comes to mind is the violence and aggression of war. But violence and aggression are rooted within the psychology of people, and peace will grow only as human hearts and consciousness evolve. ...
The Peace Pilgrim
Charles MacInerney
Yoga is built upon a foundation of moral disciplines called Yamas and Niyamas. These precepts are common to most cultures: do not steal, do not harm, do not hoard, speak the truth, etc. Asteya (truthfulness) and Ahimsa (non-violence) are important aspects of any spiritual life, and readily embraced. ...
Cultivating Seva: Selfless Service as Devotion Staff
Seva is the spiritual practice of selfless service. Seva, a Sanskrit word, springs from two forms of yoga, Karma Yoga which is yoga of action and Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of worship inspired by divine love. Seva is one of the simplest and yet most profound and life changing ways that we can put our spiritual knowledge into ...
Yamas and Niyamas
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Yoga is more than just a physical discipline. It is a way of life—a rich philosophical path. And the yamas (restraints) and niyamas (observances) are ten good common-sense guidelines for leading a healthier, happier life for bringing spiritual awareness into a social context. ...
The Small Side of Ahimsa
Janiss Garza
A discussion of Yoga's ethics usually begins with Ahimsa, the Yama of non-violence. Although there are nine other Yamas (disciplines) and Niyamas (observances), non-violence seems to sum up all of Yoga's philosophy - and the spirit of India, its country of origin - particularly well. After all, aren't most yogis vegetarians who refuse to harm animals, and wasn't the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi a beacon of non-violence for the twentieth ...
The Threads of Union: An Introduction to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Part V
Raghavan Iyer
Patanjali initiated his teaching concerning praxis by calling attention to the three chief elements in the discipline of yoga: tapas, austerity, self-restraint and eventually self-mastery; svadhyaya, self-study, self-examination, including calm contemplation of purusha, the Supreme Self; and ishvarapranidhana, self-surrender to the Lord, the omnipresent divine spirit within the secret ...
The Threads of Union: An Introduction to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Part IV
Raghavan Iyer
The classic text of Patanjali opens with the simplest statement: "atha yoganushasanam', "Now begins instruction in yoga. " The typical reader today might well expect this terse announcement to be followed by a full explanation of the term yoga and its diverse meanings, perhaps a polemical digression on different schools of thought and some methodological guidance concerning the best way to use the text. None of this ...