The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Chapter 1 - On Contemplations
©Yoga People, LLC 2017
- Now, instruction in Union.
- Union is restraining the thought-streams natural to the mind.
- Then the seer dwells in his own nature.
- Otherwise he is of the same form as the thought-streams.
- The thought-streams are five-fold, painful and not painful.
- Right knowledge, wrong knowledge, fancy, sleep and memory.
- Right knowledge is inference, tradition and genuine cognition.
- Wrong knowledge is false, illusory, erroneous beliefs or notions.
- Fancy is following after word-knowledge empty of substance.
- Deep sleep is the modification of the mind which has for its substratum nothingness.
- Memory is not allowing mental impressions to escape.
- These thought-streams are controlled by practice and non-attachment.
- Practice is the effort to secure steadiness.
- This practice becomes well-grounded when continued with reverent devotion and without interruption over a long period of time.
- Desirelessness towards the seen and the unseen gives the consciousness of mastery.
- This is signified by an indifference to the three attributes, due to knowledge of the Indweller.
- Cognitive meditation is accompanied by reasoning, discrimination, bliss and the sense of 'I am.'
- There is another meditation which is attained by the practice of alert mental suspension until only subtle impressions remain.
- For those beings who are formless and for those beings who are merged in unitive consciousness, the world is the cause.
- For others, clarity is preceded by faith, energy, memory and equalminded contemplation.
- Equalminded contemplation is nearest to those whose desire is most ardent.
- There is further distinction on account of the mild, moderate or intense means employed.
- Or by surrender to God.
- God is a particular yet universal indweller, untouched by afflictions, actions, impressions and their results.
- In God, the seed of omniscience is unsurpassed.
- Not being conditioned by time, God is the teacher of even the ancients.
- God's voice is Om.
- The repetition of Om should be made with an understanding of its meaning.
- From that is gained introspection and also the disappearance of obstacles.
- Disease, inertia, doubt, lack of enthusiasm, laziness, sensuality, mind-wandering, missing the point, instability- these distractions of the mind are the obstacles.
- Pain, despair, nervousness, and disordered inspiration and expiration are co-existent with these obstacles.
- For the prevention of the obstacles, one truth should be practiced constantly.
- By cultivating friendliness towards happiness and compassion towards misery, gladness towards virtue and indifference towards vice, the mind becomes pure.
- Optionally, mental equanimity may be gained by the even expulsion and retention of energy.
- Or activity of the higher senses causes mental steadiness.
- Or the state of sorrowless Light.
- Or the mind taking as an object of concentration those who are freed of compulsion.
- Or depending on the knowledge of dreams and sleep.
- Or by meditation as desired.
- The mastery of one in Union extends from the finest atomic particle to the greatest infinity.
- When the agitations of the mind are under control, the mind becomes like a transparent crystal and has the power of becoming whatever form is presented: knower, act of knowing, or what is known.
- The argumentative condition is the confused mixing of the word, its right meaning, and knowledge.
- When the memory is purified and the mind shines forth as the object alone, it is called non-argumentative.
- In this way the meditative and the ultra-meditative having the subtle for their objects are also described.
- The province of the subtle terminates with pure matter that has no pattern or distinguishing mark.
- These constitute seeded contemplations.
- On attaining the purity of the ultra-meditative state there is the pure flow of spiritual consciousness.
- Therein is the faculty of supreme wisdom.
- The wisdom obtained in the higher states of consciousness is different from that obtained by inference and testimony as it refers to particulars.
- The habitual pattern of thought stands in the way of other impressions.
- With the suppression of even that through the suspension of all modifications of the mind, contemplation without seed is attained.