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The Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus) seated pose

Yoga.com Staff
©Yoga People, LLC 2017

Yoga Pose

Ardha Padmasana is the Half Lotus

Sit on a blanket and bend a leg close to your body and set it down with your knee on the blanket. Pick up your other leg and place it on the top of the first. Listen carefully to your body and try another time if there is knee discomfort. Reverse positions and try the Half Lotus on the other side.

Unlike other yoga poses, doing this pose over and over again in repetition helps open the hips.

  • Go from side to side.
  • Hands can go to prayer position on the chest. Also, Baddha Konasana helps open up the hips for the pose. Some persons use a bolster or folded blankets under the top knee to support it if it doesn't reach to the underneath knee yet.
  • Bring the first foot to the opposite hip, on top of the opposite leg.
  • Bring heel toward body, and knee down.
  • Carefully lift up the other foot and place it over the opposite knee, toward the hip. Bringing the first knee down helps you get the foot up there near your hip.

Putting a block or bolster under your buttock sit bones can make the posture more comfortable for some. Careful not to push the ankle too far-don't do this pose if the ankle is too twisted and uncomfortable, just stop and don't go there yet. Work on your half-lotus pose.