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bending yoga poses articles

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    Prasarita Padottanasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Pronunciation: pra-SA-rita pa-dot-ANAS-ana

    Prasarita Padottanasana means Wide-Legged Standing Forward ...

    Bhujangasana: The Cobra Pose
    YogiSource.com Staff
    n Sanskrit, bhujanga means snake or serpent thus the Cobra Pose. Asana translates to pose or posture and also ...
    Hooray for Hips!
    Piera Bonventre
    Hips are a huge factor in Yoga practice.  They involve a lot of different movements and actions. So read on and get hip on hips!  ...
    Dwi Pada Dandasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    This is a super pose for opening the heart and making the spine fluid and not a beginning pose yet not too ...
    Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: Supported Bridge Pose
    YogiSource.com Staff
    This posture is a relatively simple, but still exhilarating, ...
    Supported Pigeon Pose: Salamba Kapotasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    This is a hip opening pose that is an antidote for tight ...
    Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Eka Pada Dandasana is a strong backbend.  In the pose the head is nestled in the hands as in Sirsasana (the headstand), and the torso is gracefully arched into the air.  One foot remains on the floor while the other leg is raised and extended with the foot pointing towards the ...
    Ubhaya Padangusthasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Translation: In Sanskrit, Ubhaya means both. Pada is foot, angustha is the big toe. Asana means pose. Thus Ubhaya Padangusthasana is translated to Both Big Toe Pose. It is a seated posture in which both toes are held while balancing on the ...
    Ardha Matsyendrasana
    YogiSource.com Staff
    In Sanskrit, ardha means half. Matsyendra was a legendary sage in yoga called the King of the ...
    Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana: a Restorative Seated Forward Bend
    YogiSource.com Staff
    Translation: Trianga means three limbs or ...

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